Democrat / Clinton fundraising scandals continue

Reply Mon 3 Sep, 2007 10:02 pm

"Mr. Hsu had raised more than $1 million from investors to import latex gloves from Asia and resell them for a profit, according to Ronald Smetana, the deputy California attorney general who handled the case."

"In recent years, he moved to New York, and told acquaintances he was working in the fashion industry. While he did run apparel companies at various times, some of the firms listed as his employer on campaign-contribution records are hard to track."

"Mr. Hsu has maintained a very low profile within New York's apparel industry. Representatives of one of the country's main import groups, the U.S. Association of Importers of Textiles and Apparel, said they had never heard of Mr. Hsu. Firms that track shipments to significant U.S. importers also found no record that companies listed by Mr. Hsu had imported goods into the U.S. over the past year.

And now, many acquaintances in New York say they aren't sure what he did for a living."

"Mr. Hsu's reputation in New York was far different from the one he left behind in California. In 2004, he began circulating among Democratic donors at fundraisers, and became a huge "bundler" -- somebody who collects myriad checks from networks of friends, family and business acquaintances for political campaigns."

And from this article showing a photo of Hillary and one of her favorite fundraisers, Mr. Hsu:

Until three years ago, Mr. Hsu never made a campaign contribution to a presidential candidate, according to federal election records. Now, though, several people involved in raising money for White House candidates say Mr. Hsu is a major player.

Many "HillRaisers" -- people who rustle up at least $100,000 for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign -- are dwarfed beside Mr. Hsu (pronounced "Shu"). Several people involved in Democratic presidential fund-raising say Mr. Hsu, an apparel executive, has raised well over $1 million for the New York senator's presidential campaign, making him one of the top 20 Democratic fund-raisers in the country. The Clinton campaign doesn't disclose such details and declined to comment for this story.

So for a guy that only got into politics to donate funds 3 years ago, we already know this is a shrewd and crooked operator, just what is in it for him? I doubt he loves Hillary that much, so just what is it he is getting or has gotten? And what did Hillary know and when did she know it?
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Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 02:35 am
Now this:

Is the other Hsu about to drop?

Hillary's donor linked to China missile trader


"A shady Chinese megadonor to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign has close ties to an aerospace mogul accused of placing his business interests before national security by sharing missile secrets with Beijing during the Clinton administration."

"Last November, Schwartz and Hsu chaired a New School banquet at the Mandarin Oriental in New York which featured Sen. Clinton as keynote speaker. Clinton steered a $1 million federal grant to the college."

Why am I not surprised? This guy just became interested in politics and started donating big time 3 years ago, I read in one place, hmmm.... what is it that makes him so interested in Hillary so suddenly?

Oh and this from the article:

"The source of Hsu's income at this point is unknown," a congressional investigator told WND. "It begs the question, where did he get the resources to contribute so much money?"

May I guess the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army? Just a guess at this point but a pretty good one by connecting the preliminary dots.
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Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 06:55 am
See okie ask about Romney and then ignore the answer but instead continue to try to smear a democrat.
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Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 09:44 am
I did ask about Romney, and what I can determine from that is not alot. Many people seeking favors are equal opportunity seeking favors kind of people, but apparently Romney cut him loose when he became aware of something unethical. The difference between Romney and the Clintons is that Romney has not yet shown himself to be a crook, but you can't say the same for the Clintons. It is therefore highly adviseable to view anything they do with a very dim view.

In the Clinton's case, they don't distance themselves from those people, but instead continue to seek money from sources that are obviously highly questionable. Bill cultivated such sources, and there appears to be quid quo pro. I don't think Hsu is going to continue donating and raising huge sums of money without receiving something he desires in return. What he desires exactly is not yet known, but we already know he is a crook. Connect the dots, Parados. Thats what we are always advised to do following 911. Treason is not very much further down the road they are traveling, Parados. Instead, you call it a smear. I am not the Clintons, that are doing the smearing of themselves, Mr. Parados.

From the way Hillary talks, the people she is most animated about fighting is her enemies, the right wingers, not terrorists, not Chinese foreign money guys. She apparently loves those guys.

By the way, have you ever answered my question. The way you defend these people, do you work for them?
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Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 10:12 am
And there you have it folks.. Okie's partisanship glowing like a nuclear melt down.

Since you are only telling the truth here okie, inform us of when the Clinton's were convicted for a crime.

Treason? Gee, maybe they have said something bad about apple pie too.

The DOTS are here for everyone to connect. You accuse dems of treason and crimes with no substance but when you are shown a similar instance with the GOP you pass it off as nothing.

You make absolute statements like this..
okie wrote:

Nobody donates hundreds of thousands or more without the powers that be knowing who and what its all about.
Yet when shown a criminal that oversaw donations to Romney and Guliani you act as if they have no responsibility. What is your standard? Are only the Democratic candidates required to know everything about everyone that donates to them?

No, I don't work for them. Do you work for the Swift Boat organization or some other RW group that is designed to attack Dems without facts?
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Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 10:28 am
Treason? I said "treason is not much further down the road." I don't believe it is.

Perhaps you need to read this again, Parados. Read it slowly.


"Even U.S. corporate executives did their bidding. Most alarmingly, Schwartz persuaded the Clinton administration to give his Loral Space and Communications subsidiary a waiver to use inexpensive Chinese rockets to launch U.S. satellites into space.

Loral at the same time helped Beijing - over the objections of the U.S. intelligence community - improve its commercial space launchers. That in turn, helped make its nuclear-tipped missiles more reliable as ICBMs, several of which are aimed at U.S. cities."

Parados, now tell me it isn't treasonous to sell technology to Communist China military entities for campaign donations in an American presidential election. The Clintons turn everything decent on its head, and for the life of me, I am continually amazed at how their defenders apparently must worship them, as they can do nothing wrong no matter how apparently criminal and out of whack it is. If you don't work for them, you might as well, Parados.

The key to this whole mess is quid pro quo. History has shown there was with Bill. This current scandal is still being investigated in regard to that. I think there is, but we just need to know more and connect the dots.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 11:53 am
Madame President....Madame President.... it rolls right off the tongue so easily..... Laughing
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Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 10:03 pm
It makes some of us literally choke and gag.
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Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 10:37 pm

ICHELLE OBAMA HAS THE INFORMATION -- if her husband is too timid, will she go after Hillary?
dfu ^ | Aug 30, 2007 | dfu

Posted on 09/01/2007 9:09:52 PM PDT by doug from upland

NOTE: this is a repost from a few days ago. I apologize and should have known better than to post her email address. That is why it was pulled


The campaigns of John Edwards and Barack Obama are in possession of info they could be using to go after Hillary. Last week, I located the home fax of Joe Trippi and sent him info that I thought might be valuable to him for John Edwards.

Now that the Norman Hsu story has broken, it would be a perfect time to use it against her.

In the Obama camp on the national level, they have not let me speak to anyone in authority, although I've sent the campaign substantial information that might be of help to him.

We have watched as Mrs. Obama and Mrs. Edwards have fired off some shots at Hillary, while their husbands hide behind their skirts.

It was about time to go to someone who might have the courage to take on Hillary. Michelle Obama. I discovered the hospital at which she works, but could not find any email for her. Using the format for how the medical center does email, I took a chance and sent an email. It has not bounced back to me.

Okay, Michelle, you are the one with the pants in the family. Go get Hillary!

----- Original Message -----
From: DOUGLAS ***********
To: michelle.obama@************
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 7:10 AM
Subject: Hillary under oath

Mrs. Obama, an extremely important case is coming to Los Angeles very soon involving Hillary Clinton that may become helpful to your husband's campaign.

Hillary is going to be under oath in Paul v Clinton, and a California Appellate Court will rule in September if she will be brought back into the case as a defandant with her husband. The case involves the collapse of a public company, Stan Lee Media, and the illegal solicitation by Hillary of a $1.6 million hard money donation.

Here is the whistleblower website and film trailer for our documentary: http://www.ejfa.org

All the documents are here: http://hillcap.org

The smoking gun video: http://youtube.com/watch?v=qcbg72tK_ks

Clinton role in the collapse of Stan Lee Media: http://youtube.com/watch?v=LUWlxc7h5AI

I hope this is helpful.

...Doug (phone redacted)
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Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 10:54 pm
gungasnake, I am hoping this country would finally get rid of the Clintonistas. I wish they would go back to Arkansas and get a real job for a change, like cleaning up brush, maybe Bush could teach them how, ha ha. I know there is no chance they would ever do any actual work. They are worse than a disease. Are there any normal Democrats out there anymore?
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Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 03:33 am
okie wrote:
gungasnake, I am hoping this country would finally get rid of the Clintonistas. I wish they would go back to Arkansas and get a real job for a change, like cleaning up brush, maybe Bush could teach them how, ha ha. I know there is no chance they would ever do any actual work. They are worse than a disease. Are there any normal Democrats out there anymore?

Of the plausible dem candidates, Hillary is the only one with the organization and infrastructure to simply kill people who get in her way. That compensates for a lot of deficiencies in other areas.
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Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 07:43 am
parados wrote:
And there you have it folks.. Okie's partisanship glowing like a nuclear melt down.

Says the person wearing the official DNC underoos.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 08:37 am
okie wrote:
It makes some of us literally choke and gag.

good....thin the herd....
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Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2007 09:22 pm
So Mr. Hsu is on the run. Big surprise. Question, why would they even let the guy go with bail money, what did they expect, and what did they want him to do? Where is he by now, in China? He apparently never turned in his passport, big surprise. Did the authorities screw this up on purpose?

Now, Hillary says:
"I wish Mr. Hsu well in dealing with the problems he's confronting," Clinton told reporters.
Oh really? Does Hillary also wish other criminals "well" too? Why should she wish him well? Maybe she can pay his legal bills, or call him and give him advice, or maybe the judge was already given advice?

And this new information, at least to me:
"Another New York family of three that runs a plastics packaging plant in Pennsylvania and is tied to Hsu donated more than $200,000 in the last three years, the Times states."
Just how many of these people are involved, and how much money is involved? This could take a while to unravel, in Mr. Hsu's absence of course.

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Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2007 09:26 pm
Also this news, which reminds us of the past:

"Kathleen Willey: Clintons stole my manuscript House burglary over weekend targeted copy of book days after details leaked to press

Kathleen Willey, the woman who says Bill Clinton groped her in the Oval Office, claims she was the target of an unusual house burglary over the weekend that nabbed a manuscript for her upcoming book, which promises explosive revelations that could damage Sen. Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

Willey told WND little else was taken from her rural Virginia home as she slept alone upstairs - electronics and jewelry were left behind - and she believes the Clintons were behind it."


When will this ever end?
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Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 07:33 am
okie wrote:
Treason? I said "treason is not much further down the road." I don't believe it is.

Perhaps you need to read this again, Parados. Read it slowly.

I read it the first time.. it STILL says "worldnetdaily"


"Even U.S. corporate executives did their bidding. Most alarmingly, Schwartz persuaded the Clinton administration to give his Loral Space and Communications subsidiary a waiver to use inexpensive Chinese rockets to launch U.S. satellites into space.

Loral at the same time helped Beijing - over the objections of the U.S. intelligence community - improve its commercial space launchers. That in turn, helped make its nuclear-tipped missiles more reliable as ICBMs, several of which are aimed at U.S. cities."

Parados, now tell me it isn't treasonous to sell technology to Communist China military entities for campaign donations in an American presidential election.
Let me know when you have some actual evidence of this. Loral didn't help Beijing over the objections of the US intelligence committee since the US government was NOT aware of the help Loral was giving to China. The help wasn't even in the form of any technology. It was a memo that detailed what went wrong on the launch. It always amazes me how you can't find current information but continue to repeat allegations that have PROVEN to be untrue.

The Clintons turn everything decent on its head, and for the life of me, I am continually amazed at how their defenders apparently must worship them, as they can do nothing wrong no matter how apparently criminal and out of whack it is. If you don't work for them, you might as well, Parados.
The one turning everything on its head is you and worldnetdaily okie. I suggest you find the investigation report by Justice and by Congress. There you will find the facts from the investigation that go far beyond the speculation found at Newsmax, Fox, and Worldnetdaily.

The Cox report can be found here..
Chapter 6 is the relevant one on Loral. Loral gave China a copy of the report detailing the problems without informing the US government. This disproves worldnetdaily's wild ass speculation that it was done over the objections of the US intelligence community.

The key to this whole mess is quid pro quo. History has shown there was with Bill. This current scandal is still being investigated in regard to that. I think there is, but we just need to know more and connect the dots.
History has shown no such thing. History has shown that the lies told about Bill will continue to be repeated by those that are so wrapped up in their own hatred they won't see the facts. I suggest you find the instances where the GOP congressional investigation found where Clinton violated the law in any way. Get back to us when you can find those facts. Until then your innuendo from WND is nothing but smear tactic with not supporting facts.
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Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 07:35 am
okie wrote:
Also this news, which reminds us of the past:

"Kathleen Willey: Clintons stole my manuscript House burglary over weekend targeted copy of book days after details leaked to press

Kathleen Willey, the woman who says Bill Clinton groped her in the Oval Office, claims she was the target of an unusual house burglary over the weekend that nabbed a manuscript for her upcoming book, which promises explosive revelations that could damage Sen. Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

Willey told WND little else was taken from her rural Virginia home as she slept alone upstairs - electronics and jewelry were left behind - and she believes the Clintons were behind it."


When will this ever end?

I am guessing the RW will never stop their innuendo and lies.
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Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 09:35 am
Parados, there is enough evidence of the China connection. I think this has been pretty well established, not in a court of law, but plenty of evidence. Do you think those Chinese connections were donating large sums of money for the fun of it?

Were the connections to the Riady family a figment of everyone's imagination as well, Parados?

In regard to Kathleen Willey, I have some questions about the "burglary" of her book materials as well. Didn't she have another copy or backup disk? Was she missing her publication deadline? Is she looking for publicity for her upcoming book? But Clintons mafia, or whatever it is, making a breakin would not surprise me either because it is not out of character for that bunch.
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Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 09:57 am
Norman Hsu is found. The saga continues. Hillary wishes him the best of course.

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Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 10:41 am
okie wrote:
Parados, there is enough evidence of the China connection. I think this has been pretty well established, not in a court of law, but plenty of evidence. Do you think those Chinese connections were donating large sums of money for the fun of it?
Really? Where is that evidence and how has it been established? WND is NOT a source that establishes anything. It is a biased site that gets facts wrong constantly. I gave you a link to the full investigation that pretty well established what you posted by WND is bogus.


Were the connections to the Riady family a figment of everyone's imagination as well, Parados?
Care to show me where the court found that Clinton sold tech to China in the Riady case? Care to show me where the court found that Clinton knew that Riady was reimbursing those that donated? Here is the DoJ press release on his pleading guilty. Nothing there about any crimes by Clinton. If a fund raiser commits crimes does that make the candidate guilty? Or is Clinton the only one that you apply this to?



In regard to Kathleen Willey, I have some questions about the "burglary" of her book materials as well. Didn't she have another copy or backup disk? Was she missing her publication deadline? Is she looking for publicity for her upcoming book? But Clintons mafia, or whatever it is, making a breakin would not surprise me either because it is not out of character for that bunch.
Some questions? But you were more than happy to throw it in here without raising those questions. Rolling Eyes
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