Quote:In 2007, $70 is a very fair price, a bargain actually, to have anyone show up to do service at your house.
You can't expect anyone to come out to your house in a vehicle stocked with parts and all the tools they need and to donate their time and knowledge AND pay to get there and then back, for nothing.
True, and I wouldn't mind if I actually got something out of it. If you look at one of my earlier posts, this guy came out and looked at it, didn't know what was wrong, and didn't do anything at all. But that was no charge.
Quote:That costs them a fair amount of money if you think about it. Insurance, wear'n tear on the vehicle, the time it takes on'n on. There's worker's comp etc. if they have employees. If they are self employed, they pay both the employer and employee parts of Soc. Security; or most of both parts. They must have commercial auto insurance on the vehicle. Etc. etc.. If you were them, would you do it for nothing? If not, would you do it only at your cost or cost plus some income (profit after taxes)? In the cost, would you include the cost of a replacement vehicle a few years into the future?
All service providers I have dealt with only charge AFTER repair is completed (A/C and alarm system). Some did include a troubleshooting fee (A/C broke last year), but the charge was only about $20+tax. But, they actually knew what was broken, how to fix it, and how much it would cost to fix. The repair man for the water softener doesn't. If he said, "Brass valve broken, so... repair, parts, labor, and troubleshooting... $300". Fine. But, I'm in a position where he's coming back to take another look and charging me $70 to probably tell me nothing and do nothing. I'm not made of money and definitely not going to give it away for nothing.
This guy works for a company and is not self-employed. It's a pretty large company. They are setting up an entire filtration system for a very large corporation in the area, so he was telling me.
And this water softener came with the house when we purchased it.