dagmaraka wrote:sozobe wrote:I figured out one word change that would make me agree with most of what squinney said and some of what David said -- changing "trust" to "dependence." (I think they're substantially different, though.)
that's precisely the impression i got, i think we were not talking about the same thing all along.
i've had a migraine for the last 3 days. i think it may have been caused by this thread, as that's when i started posting here.

never had one in my entire life. they're vicious. yuck.
Sorry, Dag. I've only had one in my life, and yeah, migrains... I have no idea how anyone lives with them on a regular basis.
Yes, dependence can somewhat be substituted for what I was saying. I changed my thinking on Trust when Bear and I first separated 8 years ago. I had always thought that in a time of need I'd have all these people that I could trust to be there financially (in a real pinch only), emotionally, physically (to help move or just be a shoulder), etc. I have gobs of extended family that I know well enough to not feel guilty about asking for help. I hadn't, but I always trusted that if in dire need they'd surely be there for me.
They weren't there and in some instances those I absolutely knew would be there actually didn't even have time to talk.
Looking back, it was good. I learned a lot and it helped build my own esteem and confidence by being forced to venture alone. I don't begrudge their actions after I came to grips with it.
1. Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing.
a. The condition and resulting obligation of having confidence placed in one:
b. One in which confidence is placed.
5. Reliance on something in the future; hope.
1. To have or place reliance; depend: Trust in the Lord. Trust to destiny.
2. To be confident; hope.
1. To have or place confidence in; depend on.
2. To expect with assurance; assume: I trust that you will be on time.
3. To believe: I trust what you say.
4 a. was what I was saying about placing an obligation on someone.
Okay, I hope we've cleared this up. Please trust that I do not want to be responsible for giving dear Dag another headache.