Wed 1 Aug, 2007 11:57 am
I don't understand why anyone over the age of about fifteen would still get a kick out of fart jokes.
Farting itself, at certain times, can be funny. Like for instance, farting in bed and pulling the covers over your boyfriend or girlfriend's head is definitely funny. But even that isn't funny after you do it for the hundredth time.
But jokes and comments about farts? Come on, we've heard them all a million times! How can people still laugh? Is it a chemical imbalance that makes seemingly intelligent people chuckle at such stupidity? Or maybe jokes about farts ARE funny, and I'm the weirdo.
Can anyone explain this phenomenon to me? I just don't get it.
I'm giggling just reading this thread.
Fart jokes are funny.
You should admit that you are upset about another thread where you wanted to talk about sex, but then Chai started talking about farts.
look, kicky wasn't getting any work done up at the reception desk.
I don't pay him just to sit around looking pretty.
uh.....well, yeah, I do in fact.....
I have no idea. But why does a2k have a fart button at the top every time I open it? I used to think dlowan was making some strange, impenetrable Aussie joke about it until it started showing up on my screen recently.
No, seriously. I really don't get it. It must be kind of like how Chai doesn't get why people like music so much.
So nobody can explain this to me? Why?! It's just ridiculous!
I am also serious. Fart jokes ARE funny!
No, really, they aren't. I believe people have been conditioned to think that, but it's really not true.
ok, here's why...
because farts are something we're not supposed to think is funny, because they are really immature.
it might start out as a nervous laughter if we hear one, but then...I don't know, it just grows.
Have you ever laughed nervously when someone tells you bad news? You're not supposed to laugh, but, your body just gives this little giggle, while you're thinking/saying "oh, that's terrible"
Like...picture the Queen of England, she's not supposed to fart, so if someone makes a joke about it, it's so unexpected, you laugh.
I don't find them funny. For example.
While two flies are sitting on a pile of crap, one farts and the other says "Do you MIND? I'm TRYING to eat!
Just not funny.
Actually, that's hilarious. But in my opinion, that is a joke about fly etiquette, not farts, per say.
Kicky are you calling me stupid?
I'd kick the sh*t out of a boyfriend who would make me smell his farts under the covers 100 times...
superjuly wrote:I'd kick the sh*t out of a boyfriend who would make me smell his farts under the covers 100 times...
So, 99 times is your limit?
plantress wrote:Kicky are you calling me stupid?
No, I'm just trying to understand you and your fellow fart-joke lovers.
well...and there's that funny sound they make....