boomerang wrote:I'm interested in this "oh it's David" bit. Two people on this thread have said "oh, it's David" to explain why people might think think this whole money drop thing is weird.
Chai and I are the only ones who have really thought the whole incident was weird so I assume the "oh it's David" thing is directed at us.
There have been a couple of threads over many years where David and I have had a dust-up. Big deal. I've had dust-ups with nearly every person who posts on A2K.
So, no, it's not because David posted it.
You want to know what I think is really weird boom?........sure you do......yes, don't lie, you do.....
I think it's weird how someone, meaning you and I can say what our reaction would be, or make a statement like "I'd never engage a child in conversation in a public place, unless I talked to the parents first" (and no, that's probably not my exact words, but close enough) and all of a sudden it's presented like I would completely ignore a child, making no eye contact or a passing smile, unless I had some kind of written consent from the mother or father.
I mean, talk about extremes

I for one never said I would never glance at a child in a public place and give a little smile, or a hi...a quick hi then looking back to your dinner companion or whatever you are doing does not constitute "talking" to a child.....sheesh almighty.
If a little kid wandered up to me and asked me a question, I didn't think I had to spell it out that I'd have to say something, but my answer would be said while I glanced at the kid, and then met the parents eyes to complete my thoughts, along then with saying something like "Don't you think....?" or "How about you?"....or "Your child seems interested in (fill in the blank)" Using freaking common sense an adult should be easily able to figure out how to very quickly draw a supervising adult into the situation so it doesn't look like you're solely interested in this child." and...uh....the kid is a kid....and I don't think is going to analyze the fact that when I answered him, I spent more of my time looking at his mom than him....duh...
frankly, someone who can't figure out to glance at the child, then the adult, glance at the child, the adult, etc until there's a signal from the adult it's ok to look more at the someone totally lacking in common sense.