ebrown_p wrote:If a stranger hands me $5 and then leaves never to be seen again... I have a hard time seeing how this hurts anyone.
I repeat....it's setting the stage for the child to think it's acceptable to accept money from a stranger, perhaps when the parents aren't around, and perhaps when the stranger wants to give more than money.
When it comes to a childs safety, I am in no way ashamed to say I will error on the side of caution every single time.
In fact, you're saying that you feel some here are over-reacting is the same thing a "bad" guy might say to a parent, or to a child, or to a, let's say woman who is alone somewhere.
(please don't take this that I'm meaning that about you ebrown, this is just an example..'k?)
I've been in situations, and I'm sure other woman have (and men perhaps) where I've been approached in some way by a stranger, or even someone I know, and been offered "help" or conversation when, if you were to look at the particular situation, it was not a good time to offer this random kindness.
There have been times when I've been uncomfortable enough with the situation (i.e., the man not responding to normal hints) where I've had to say basically, "Leave me alone"
What happens then is....(a) they leave you alone (perhaps they mean bad intent and see you're not an easy target...if they meant no bad intent, they either finally realized they were overstepping their bounds, or maybe had their feelings slightly hurt, and complied.
(a) is really what you are hoping for. Sometimes (b) happens. That is that they either mildly, or sometimes quite forcefull say "I was JUST trying to be nice!"
When they say this, my gut tells me odds are they are not nice at all. A "nice" person, while confused by being confused by being told to leave someone alone, won't continue his efforts.
when (b) happens, they are trying to engage you in conversation....at this point the woman may think..."oh, I don't want to be mean...I'll just talk to him" which is what the man is hoping for.
If the woman chooses to ignore him (but keeping her eyes peeled) or reinforces her stance....the vast majority of the time, comes the parting shot. This consists of a muttered, or loudly said "Bitch" or something indicating how cold you are.
That's either to make a last ditch effort to try to make the woman show she isn't a bitch....or to put a doubt in her mind as to the appropriateness of her cruelity to this perfectly nice guy.
see..."bad men" don't stop when the child looks unsure of what to do, or when the the woman is fearful she isn't being nice.
If I had a child, I wouldn't mind at all if they came across to a stranger as overly cautious. I would love it if I observed them clearly saying "NO!"
Molesters don't give up, and children need to learn their strength from you. They must know they are doing the right thing, even when someone is trying to make them think they are wrong.
Does this make this a sad world? I have no idea. But if it keeps a child from getting raped, that's fine.
Your child won't become bitter, they will become smart and confident in their decisions.