Foofie wrote:And if you remember WWI history, France wanted such large reparations from Germany it set the stage for the Weimar Republic inflation which was fertile soil for the Nazis to gain power. Now there too a country wanted to profit from their war effort.
Once again, you are peddling horseshit which bears no relationship to historical reality. In fact, you are peddling the propaganda of a myth dear to the heart of the Nazis, the "Versailles Diktat" myth. In fact, after 1871, the Germans imposed reparations of 700,000,000 gold francs on the French, who not only paid it off to the surprise of Europe (the Germans had thought to cripple them economically for generations), but paid it off in under three years by knuckling down and "biting the bullet."
So, it was an easy line of bullshit for gutter politicians to peddle that the French were out for revenge with the reparations, and the "Versailles Diktat" myth, and the accompanying "Stab in the Back Myth" (to the effect that the German Army was never defeated--which is pure BS--but had been betrayed by politicians; that was used to discredit Weimar, which actually did a very good job of effectively governing Germany) were both essential to the propaganda of the Brown Shirts, the NSDAP and DNP (the German National Party, basically the conservatives).
You're peddling Nazi propaganda, even if you don't know it or intend it. In the first place, the NSDAP and Hitler never had an original idea in their pathetic lives--every effective economic measure in the 1920s and -30s was a product of the Weimar government; even the cosmetic propaganda crapola like soup kitchens and public "make-work" projects which originally drew favorable attention to the NSDAP was first put into effect by the Brown Shirts. As with the economic policy of Weimar, the NSDAP coopted such programs and claimed the credit for themselves.
The Germans never paid their reparations. They paid less than 20%, and that was only the "in kind" payments of ships, rolling stock, manufacturing equipment and stocks of industrial materials, which the Allies largely got because they seized them after the war, rather than having had them willingly handed over by the Germans. Much of the High Seas Fleet was scuttled by the crews to avoid turning warships over to the Allies as reparations. The reparation schedule was arrived at by all of the Allies representatives (literally thousands of them) working in concert, and was not a revenge act by France. Not only did Germany not pay its reparations, but Austria and Hungary were forgiven their reparations debts because of economic hardship--only Bulgaria paid it's reparations, and only did so by accepting economic beggary for 20 years.
I understand that you are largely ignorant of history, and that what you spout off is the type of historical myth which is the equivalent of the news "sound bite." I would think by now, though, for as long as you've been posting here, that you would have learned to check out your facts before you spout off. Apparently not, though, as you continue to post drivel such as that.