Yes, I hate you people too.
And I'm a hundred percent Puerto Rican!!
You disgusting, wife beating shirt, hairy chest showing, fake gold wearing black Mazda Miata, Italian flag on the rear view mirror, Sicilian grand mother moor (nigger) ******* guinea.- which is no wonder all you fucks have that nigger rap blasting out of your cars-.
You arrogant sister ******* people, are loud obnoxious self righteous fools. With your juvenile greasy hair all blown out like desperate fagots at a fag bar, you've turn your hideous women which either resemble Sasquatches or loud mouth **** smelling trolls into hermaphrodite with more cock then you piles of ****! when you are walking around with that unsubstantiated walk of accomplishment realize every other person you pass is laughing at you, the world can sense a loser at sight. Do society a favor, stop ******* your sisters and reproducing your ******* little rats.
Yeah iwillwin -bullshit- I'm with you too - I hate you and you're fucken race to. BURN IN HELL RETARDED GUINEA!