Can't Eat; Won't/Don't Eat

Reply Mon 16 Jul, 2007 07:39 pm
Don't worry girlfriend. There's a sausage out here with your name on it. I promise you.
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Reply Mon 16 Jul, 2007 08:24 pm
I don't care for sausage either. I'll eat it, but not if there was something else.

Actually, meat of any kind isn't my favorite. I'm no vegetarian, and once in a while I'll crave a steak or hamburger, but beef, chicken, pork, it's kinda an afterthought for me in a meal.
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Reply Mon 16 Jul, 2007 09:53 pm
dagmaraka wrote:
how sad to go through life without a sausage!

Dag, If I like and can't have it, it's semisad. If I don't like, it's not even remotely sad not to have it.

Beth, I don't know what kartoffel auflauf is. Not missing it. I don't have weekend breakfasts. All my breakfasts are the same. Life? I've managed to get this far without. I'll survive.

If I sound a tad annoyed, it's because you're reminding me of my mother (not a good thing, usually). If I didn't like something she liked, there was something wrong with me. Evil or Very Mad

eoe, There might still be hope that I'll find the sausage with my name on it. You never know.

In the mean time, ess, ess, and enjoy.
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Reply Mon 16 Jul, 2007 10:09 pm
No need to get annoyed, Roberta ~ the "sausage" in question has gone from the literal to the figurative ~ or maybe I should say Freudian :wink:
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Reply Mon 16 Jul, 2007 10:26 pm
tico, In the woids of Siggie himself, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." The same might apply to sausages. However, if you wanna view the sausage as symbolic, I'm game.
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Reply Mon 16 Jul, 2007 10:45 pm
ahem, 'twas but a selfish joke. targeting myself rather than you... thus not to be taken personally.
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Reply Mon 16 Jul, 2007 11:07 pm
dagmaraka wrote:
ahem, 'twas but a selfish joke. targeting myself rather than you... thus not to be taken personally.

Okey dokey.
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Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 07:31 am
Corn on the cob is vastly over rated as far as I'm concerned.
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Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 07:41 am
I don't like raw tomatoes, not even just off the vine, yet I grow tons of them every year. I like 'em cooked.

Won't eat sushi, but only because the nori makes me puke.

Won't eat caviar or any variant thereof, nor escargot. Eggplant, okra, and brussel sprouts are gross. So are fava beans.
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Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 08:25 am
eoe wrote:
Watermelon? Sausage. Two of my favorite things.
What kind of sausage. All kinds?

All kinds of sausage. I've tried it lots of times but I just do not like it. It seems like a few others are with me on the sausage. As for watermelon, I want to like it! I try it each summer but there is just something about it that I do not like. I think it might be the texture but I do love all other fruits!
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Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 02:08 pm
Noddy, No corn on the cob? Is it the cob or the corn?

cj, Another raw tomato aversion. I've known lots of people who don't like them. I'm with you on the sushi and eggplant. Don't think I've ever tried fava beans.

YellowRosebud, Since we both keep trying them and we both still don't like them, I think it's safe to say that we're not gonna be sausage lovers. You're the first person I've encountered who doesn't like watermelon. Texture is an important factor for me too.
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Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2007 03:41 pm
I'm not enthusiastic about corn off the cob, but I'll eat it. Corn on the cob is messy and unaesthetic and too much work for too little flavor.
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Reply Thu 19 Jul, 2007 02:35 am
Drunk i love!!!!!!! crab legs i could live on them yummmmmmmy
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Reply Thu 19 Jul, 2007 05:50 am
offal or any bits of animal that still looks like bits of animal

any cheese or fruit that smells like vomit

tinned meat or anything in brine or jelly that could be mistaken for pet food

any kind of insect

I'm sure there's more
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