MP, I think you're right to an extent. Some associations make people avoid certain foods. (Chai with the association between lobsters and cockroaches--can't get that out of my head.)
Hey, cyphercat. Is that you?

Too bad about the broccoli. I didn't like broccoli when I was a kid. Now I like it a lot.
ragman, Trying to remember what cilantro smells like. It's not coming to me. Speaking of soap, walnuts taste like soap to me. How do I know what soap tastes like? I'm sure I must have given it a try when I was a kid. Didn't want lettuce, but soap was worth checking out.
osso, I'm with you. A gassy indigestion or even a mild case of the runs won't deter me if I really like something. Problem is, if I keep eating something that does this to me, the problems escalate. Sigh. I also grew up with lots of boiled veggies. Strangely, they were more palatable to me than raw ones. And I also drink a lot of milk. I used to have a glass or two every night. I've now switched to egg creams. Mmmmm. Less milk.