dadpad, So you're a human garbage disposal. Handy to have around.
tico, Basil?! Never heard of this. Interesting. You mention tapioca. It occurred to me that I've never had it. Guess I'm not missing much. Thanks for the cumin suggestion. You might be onto something.
msolga, No brains or tripe. I'll make a note. Your comment about having to eat everything you were served reminded me of the battle of the titans--me (picky eater extraordinaire) and my grandmother (you'll eat what I give you). It was summer. My cousin and I were staying at his parents' summer house with my grandparents. I didn't like some fresh vegetables (now I eat them, no problem). My grandmother served a giant plate of fresh veggies. My cousin, the human vacuum cleaner (why bother chewing, just inhale the food) was done and out in a few minutes. I couldn't get through that plate of greenery. It was a combination of couldn't and wouldn't. Grandma told me I'd sit there until I finished. After the first hour, I thought I might spend the rest of my life in front of that plate. My cousin would come in, check on my progress (none) and run out to report to the kids. Two hours. Stalemate. Three hours. Did I nod off? About midway through the fourth hour, my grandfather returned from one of his mountain hikes. Saw and assessed the situation. Said to my grandmother, Gunug (enough). I went out to play. Thanks, grandpa.
phoenix, Halvah I can relate to. Like black olives though. I recently acquired a taste for the greenies. Bummer about the chocolate.
eoe, glad to find another beet-averse person. As for liver, I used to hate it. Then I tried cooking it myself (my mother wasn't one of the better cooks). It wasn't half bad. And I always loved chopped liver.
Ragman, Yes, sometimes it's a food allergy. And sometimes I just don't like something. Interesting about how subtle food allergies can be. If I like something, I'm inclined to eat it even if it doesn't agree with me, unless things get out of hand.
Joe, Glad you came over to the other side on carrots. Love them. One of the few things my grandmother put on that plate that I ate. Jello?? Go figure.
Drewdad, Had my first encounter with grits on a business trip to Tennessee. Not great. Not bad. But not with everything!!!
chai, No milk or mangos. Love lobster and crab. Never thought about them resembling cockroaches. I must erase that image from my brain somehow. Maybe hypnosis?

Ov vey.