Answers to emode.com IQ test ( "the original IQ test" )

Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 10:49 am
I took the test and got 144, is that bad or good?
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Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 02:13 pm
ive got 117
a shame?but iam just in year 9(england)
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Reply Fri 7 Apr, 2006 09:39 am

As to grape I think that is one of the two worst questions on the test. Bannanas don't grow on trees either.

WTF Country do Bananas NOT grow on trees in???? http://www.keralabackwater.com/images/cuisine-of-kerala/banana-plant.jpg
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Reply Fri 7 Apr, 2006 09:44 am
Re: A few comments
precision plus wrote:

Thank you for the answer guide. A few of your explanations require amendment:

3. The answer, 49, is derived by recognizing the pattern of numbers as squares. 12 squared is 144, 11 squared is 121 and so on, so the next number after 64, which is 8 squared, is 7 x 7 = 49.

There are multiple ways to get the answer to this question! 144 - 23 = 121, 121 - 21 = 100, 100 - 19 = 81, 81 - 17 = 64, 64 - 15 = 49... Square roots also works. There is no sense in arguing about how to get the answer, the fact is the answer is 49...
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Reply Fri 7 Apr, 2006 09:54 am
Re: A few comments
precision plus wrote:

7. The answer could be 1000, because it is divisible by 4. John does not like numbers divisible by 3, so 900 does not seem to fit.

7. John likes 400 but not 300; he likes 100 but not 99; he likes 2500 but not 2400. Which does he like?

Your explanation doesn't work.. last time I checked, 300 and 2400 were divisible by four as well which are numbers he doesn't like. The only logical explanation here is the square root explanation. sqrt(400)=20, sqrt(100)=10, sqrt(2500)=50, sqrt(900)=30

the square root of the other answers (1200, 1000, etc...) are not even numbers, they all have fractions...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Apr, 2006 09:56 am
Re: A few comments
precision plus wrote:

33. Why is the circle the correct answer, when the triangle is an asymmetrical shape? See your explanation to 36.

Good night.

The reason that the circle is the correct answer here is that it is the only one that has no straight lines. The triangle, square, pentagon, and rectangle all have defined "sides", unlike the circle.
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Reply Fri 7 Apr, 2006 10:01 am
Gabriel wrote:
gozmo wrote:

Craven de Kere wrote:

4. Even the most ___________ rose has thorns.

Answer: tempting

Explanation: because the other words don't make a sensical contrast

I don't think "withered" has received its fair share of attention as a reasonable answer. It does imply contrast. One might think that anything withered wouldn't put up much of a fight, or retain any defenses.
"Even the most withered rose has thorns."

Don't get me wrong; I chose "tempting". But if "tempting" weren't an option, and "orangutan" were there instead, I would have chosen "withered" without pause or doubt.

The best explanation here comes from the old adage that even the most beautiful rose still has thorns. Implying that just because something is beautiful on the outside does not mean it isn't dangerous. Tempting in this case is the best fit...
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Reply Sat 10 Jun, 2006 12:15 am
i have better explanations for numbers 3 and 7.

for number 3, the sequence follows:
12x12 11x11 10x10 9x9 8x8 then 7x7 = 49

for number 7, the number that John likes is always perfect square.
from the choices 900 is the only perfect square

P.s. thanks for posting the answer key... loved it!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Jun, 2006 12:23 am
Hey, SarahR92
Hey SarahR92, you know what, i tried to answer every question in the iq test while i was looking at the answer key posted here in this forum. it turned out my iq is 144. it means that maybe you got the perfect score. good for you! i here genius people get 160 to 180+ but in the iq test, i think 144 is the maximum... what do you think?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 11:39 am
quiz thing
I'm year 9, and for 136. Was kinda annoyed actually. I'm supposedlyin the top 1% of the country and can't even get 144 XD.

oh well.
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lord fabs
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 08:48 am
Just so you know, 144 is NOT the highest score possible. Basically, you are proving to the more mathematically inclined that you are presenting proven guesswork as reliable explanation.

A couple of examples:


20. In a race from point X to point Y and back, Jack averages 30 miles per hour to point Y and 10 miles per hour back to point X. Sandy averages 20 miles per hour in both directions. Between Jack and Sandy, who finished first?

Answer: sandy

Explanation: jack only catches up at the end

In a mathematically perfect world they do in fact tie. That is simple!



For the picture sequence above, find the picture that follows logically from one of the five below.

Answer: http://i.emode.com/images/tests/iq/35_b.gif

Explanation: Two are still one is moving up the other from top right to bottom left

Although correct, your reasoning proves tat you just guessed and looked at the score. The explanation should've been more like this:

"Assuming that the 16 squares are numbered from 1 to 16 starting with the top left corner, the sum of the positions of the shaded squares can be found for each square as so:


Therefore the number sequence 34, 33, 32 can be established leaving the logical 31 following. As the above answer is the only one who bears the value 31, it is the correct answer."

It is plain for all to see how full of **** you are, and yes, I am an australian 14 year old.
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Craven de Kere
Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2006 12:28 am
lord_fabs wrote:
Just so you know, 144 is NOT the highest score possible.

It is the result of the test when you get all the answers correct. They were not using other metrics in their scoring so it was, in fact, the highest score for that test.

Basically, you are proving to the more mathematically inclined that you are presenting proven guesswork as reliable explanation.

I have no qualm with admitting that a substantial portion of any such test I take involves guesswork on my part.

What that "proves" to you seems only to be limited by the degree to which you are willing to stretch that turn of phrase.


It is plain for all to see how full of **** you are, and yes, I am an australian 14 year old.

You sound 14...


A lot of people have written better explanations for the answers than have I in my first post, I even went on to do so myself a few times. I don't think this means I'm "full of ****".

A lot of people have far more mathematical knowledge than I. You'll have to find someone else to have a pissing contest with today. Stick around and I'm sure to play inflated ego with you some other day on a more interesting subject than my old musings about a silly internet survey.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 09:41 pm



20. In a race from point X to point Y and back, Jack averages 30 miles per hour to point Y and 10 miles per hour back to point X. Sandy averages 20 miles per hour in both directions. Between Jack and Sandy, who finished first?

Answer: sandy

Explanation: jack only catches up at the end

In a mathematically perfect world they do in fact tie. That is simple!

In a mathematically perfect world, you're an idiot. Lets say the distance between X and Y is 60 miles. It would take 6 hours to travel this at 10 mph. Thereforeeeeeeee, the trip back alone for Jack would take 6 hours. It would take only 3 hours to travel 60 miles at 20 mph. This means it would take 6 hours total for the trip there and back for Sandy. Theres no way Jack could finish at the same time.
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Reply Sun 2 Jul, 2006 10:48 pm
#7 = eezie peezie lemon squeezie
John likes 400 but not 300; he likes 100 but not 99; he likes 2500 but not 2400. Which does he like?
um... he likes square numbers. (400 is 20 squared, 100 is 10 squared, 2500 is 5 squared) only square answer is 900
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Jul, 2006 11:23 am
Answers to emode.com IQ test ( "the original IQ test&qu
9. If you rearrange the letters "ANLDEGN," you would have the name of a(n):

If you unscramble the letters of "ANLDEGN," you get the word "ENGLAND." England is a country, therefore answer option B is correct.

Well this is not what I learnt in my geography lessons at school.

England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland makes up what we call the United Kingdom. Ergo, England is a state in the United Kingdom as Texas is a state in the United States.
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Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 01:45 pm
27. Which one of these five things is least like the other four?

answer: grape

I realize I'm years later than earlier postings, but I just stumbled across the 'test' and thought it was the pits !

The answer was in the 'pits'. Grapes have seeds not pits. All the other fruit had pits.
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Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 09:14 am
I am replying to the guy who said quote:"Basically. if you don't get 144 or 152 on the test, then you are a dumbass"
Well that isnt true. My best friend took the test and got 119 and she is the best student in the class and aces every test. and then i took it and got 144 and i am not the best student. so, can i ask, how do iq tests tell you how smart you are when they are just asking you questions that you will never use, and are just plain retarded?
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Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 02:56 pm
I've got 133 points. IQ has a normal distribution with standard deviation equal to 15. So 95.5 per cent of people have IQ beetwen 70 and 130, 97.8% have IQ below 130. So I am smarter than 98% per cent of population Wink

Question nr 20:
Sandy's average speed is 15 miles per hour
This is a harmonic median, not the arithmetic one! Sandy doesn't drive with speed 10 miles per hour and 20 miles per hour for the same time. If he was than we could use arithmetic median (thus his average speed would be 20 miles per hour and he would tie). But he drives 10 miles per hour and 20 miles per hour the same distant, thus he drive with speed 10 miles per hour twice longe than with speed 20 miles per hour. In such cases we must use harmonic median instead of arithmetic [ Harmonic median of a, b is equal to 2*a*b/(a+b) ].

9. If you rearrange the letters "ANLDEGN," you would have the name of a(n):

Acutall wikipedia says it is a country:
England is the largest and most populous constituent country of the United Kingdom. It accounts for more than 83% of the total UK population, occupies most of the southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain ...

BTW I also checked the state.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 07:39 pm
Re: Answers to emode.com IQ test ( "the original IQ tes
Craven de Kere wrote:
I just took emode.com's IQ test.

I have seen many of these questions (with their answers) online, heck people have even come here asking for help with these questions before and we have answered them, so I don't think I'm infringing on any copyright here. If emode asks I will remove it.

In addition I will explain the answers, which is something emode doesn't do. Emode also gives you some other "insight" about your type of intelligence etc so if you were interested in buying their results don't let this stop you (plus if you pay you get a whole ton of other things, this is just the tip of the iceberg).

If anyone at emode thinks this is a breach of their rights just contact Able2Know and they will remove it.


1. Which one of the five choices makes the best comparison? LIVED is to DEVIL as 6323 is to:

Answer: 3236

Explanation: reversed

2. Which one of these five is least like the other four?

Answer: Kangaroo

Explanation: stands upright

3. Which number should come next? 144 121 100 81 64 ?

Answer: 49

Explanation: - 23 - 21 - 19 - 17 the next one is 64 - 15

4. Even the most ___________ rose has thorns.

Answer: tempting

Explanation: because the other words don't make a sensical contrast

5. HAND is to Glove as HEAD is to

Answer: hat

Explanation: come on!

6. http://i.emode.com/images/tests/iq/32_01.gif is to http://i.emode.com/images/tests/iq/32_02.gif as http://i.emode.com/images/tests/iq/32_03.gif is to:

Answer: http://i.emode.com/images/tests/iq/32_d.gif

Explanation: just reverse the first set

7. John likes 400 but not 300; he likes 100 but not 99; he likes 2500 but not 2400. Which does he like?

Answer: 900

Explanation: search this site, Jespah answered this here before. Many of these questions are all over the net, that's why I doubt emode minds if the answers are posted.

8. A fallacious argument is:

Answer: false

Explanation: that's the closest to the definition

9. If you rearrange the letters "ANLDEGN," you would have the name of a(n):

Answer: Country

Explanation: join me in a stirring rendition of "beasts of england"

10. NASA received three messages in a strange language from a distant planet. The scientists studied the messages and found that "Necor Buldon Slock" means "Danger Rocket Explosion" and "Edwan Mynor Necor" means "Danger Spaceship Fire" and "Buldon Gimilzor Gondor" means "Bad Gas Explosion". What does "Slock" mean?

Answer: Rocket

Explanation: just use the process of elimination

11. If some Wicks are Slicks, and some Slicks are Snicks, then some Wicks are definitely Snicks. The statement is:

Answer: false

Explanation: "definitely" seals the deal

12. Ann is taller than Jill, and Kelly is shorter than Ann. Which of the following statements would be most accurate?

Answer: It's impossible to tell

Explanation: because Laughing

13. A boy is 4 years old and his sister is three times as old as he is. When the boy is 12 years old, how old will his sister be?

Answer: 20

Explanation: just addition and multiplication

14. Assume that these two statements are true: All brown-haired men have bad tempers. Larry is a brown-haired man. The statement Larry has a bad temper is:

Answer: true

Explanation: a = b, b = c so a = c

15. Two girls caught 25 frogs. Lisa caught four times as many as Jen did. How many frogs did Jen catch?

Answer: 5

Explanation: just math again

16. Inept is the opposite of:

Answer: Skillful

Explanation: This is a mistake on emode's part they include another word that is correct ("fit").

17. A car traveled 28 miles in 30 minutes. How many miles per hour was it traveling?

Answer: 56

Explanation X2

18. If all Zips are Zoodles, and all Zoodles are Zonkers, then all Zips are definitely Zonkers.
The above sentence is logically:

Answer: true

Explanation: same as the brown hair one above

19. Sue is both the 50th best and the 50th worst student at her school. How many students attend her school?

Answer: 99

Explanation 50 + 49

20. In a race from point X to point Y and back, Jack averages 30 miles per hour to point Y and 10 miles per hour back to point X. Sandy averages 20 miles per hour in both directions. Between Jack and Sandy, who finished first?

Answer: sandy

Explanation: jack only catches up at the end

21. Ten people can paint 60 houses in 120 days, so five people can paint 30 houses in:

Answer 120

Explanation: just math again

22. The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never ________.

Answer: simple

Explanation: it's the obvious choice for the sentence to have a tiny bit of wit. The other words would be awkward.

23. Which number should come next? 64, 16, 4, 1, ΒΌ?

Answer: 1/16

Explanation : divide by 4

24. What number is one half of one quarter of one tenth of 800?

Answert: 10

Explanation: just math

25. A cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the ________ of nothing.

Answer: value

Explanation: it's just the most fitting word, 'tis all

26. Two cars start off at the same point on a straight highway facing opposite directions. Each car drives for 6 miles, takes a left turn, and drives for 8 miles. How far apart are the two cars?

Answer: 20

explanation: just math

27. Which one of these five things is least like the other four?

answer: grape

explanation: this was a horrible question with multiple answers that made sense.

28. Wisdom is knowing what to do next; __________ is doing it.

Answer: virtue

Explanation: simply the most fitting

29. It is easier to _______________ than to offer a helping hand.

Answewr: point a finger

Explanation: cause the others make litttle sense (except the insult one, it just makes less sense).

30. True knowledge exists in knowing that you know ___________.

Answer: nothing

Explanation: I think they were going for philosophical but ended up with common knowledge.

31. Which word best completes the analogy: Water is to glass as letter is to...

answer: envelope

Explanation: obvious

32. http://i.emode.com/images/tests/iq/34_01.gif is to http://i.emode.com/images/tests/iq/34_02.gif as http://i.emode.com/images/tests/iq/34_03.gif is to:

answer: http://i.emode.com/images/tests/iq/34_b.gif

Explanation: lots on this in that questions for such a short test

33. Which one of the designs is least like the other four?

Answer: http://i.emode.com/images/tests/iq/33_b.gif

Explanation: It's round



For the picture sequence above, find the picture that follows logically from one of the six below.

Answer: http://i.emode.com/images/tests/iq/31_c.gif

Explanation: reverse inner and outer colors and suchj



For the picture sequence above, find the picture that follows logically from one of the five below.

Answer: http://i.emode.com/images/tests/iq/35_b.gif

Explanation: Two are still one is moving up the other from top right to bottom left



Fill in the empty box above with the correct picture from below

Answer: http://i.emode.com/images/tests/iq/36_b.gif

Explanation: symmetry

37. http://i.emode.com/images/tests/iq/37.gif

Fill in the white box above with the correct picture from below

Answer: http://i.emode.com/images/tests/iq/37_d.gif

Explanation: there is no repetition of the smaller symbol in the rows, there is repetition of the larger shape and the last criteria is color (there has to be variance across the row). All the criteria together leads to the answer. The dark circle is wrong because then the row would be all dark.


http://i.emode.com/images/tests/iq/38_1.gif is to http://i.emode.com/images/tests/iq/38_2.gif as http://i.emode.com/images/tests/iq/38_3.gif is to:

Answer: http://i.emode.com/images/tests/iq/38_a.gif

Explanation: role reversal...

39. http://i.emode.com/images/tests/iq/39_01.gif is to http://i.emode.com/images/tests/iq/39_02.gif as http://i.emode.com/images/tests/iq/39_03.gif is to:

Answer: http://i.emode.com/images/tests/iq/39_b.gif

Explanation: not needed

40. Which design does not belong in this group?

Answer: http://i.emode.com/images/tests/iq/40_c.gif

Explanation: big/small versus small/small

If you get them all right you will get a 144 score and they'll call you a visionary philosopher or something.

Edits (fixed links 2x)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 04:10 pm
IQ and Inteligence
People actually put way too much stock into Intelligence Quotients

IQ does not measure how book smart you are, but rather your ability to reason. Anyone who would call anyone a dumbass for not getting a "genius" result is in fact a dumbass, you can always tell people with low self esteem by the spouting of such obnoxious trash, clearly that individual must have gotten a decent score and that is about all they have accomplished in their sad little life therefore they have been empowered by passing an internet "IQ test" People who are secure in who they are do not need to wear a t-shirt of shame by bragging about a posthumous IQ score.
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