Render;167571 wrote:It seems to me that people with lower IQ's or less mental capacity, don't spend time over-anlyzing things and can easily be distracted from stressful situations, and without having anxiety about the long term. Things just don't seem to bother them as much and they don't get involved in sophisticated problems. Also, they tend to live more subjectively.
Or you could ask,
are people of high intelligence 'more alive or conscious' than people of low intelligence?
Does anyone else agree and what are your thoughts on this?
Hi Render,
Processing speed is paramount. I work among hundreds of people, most of them at the lower end of the IQ spectrum, a handful - mid range and a couple above. Having these people in-mind, I believe each analyse equally, but with less or more detail, according to relevant IQ. The "slow on the uptake" are easily distracted, because they are always uncertain of what is going on in the here and now, but, in family dilemmas, they become highly anxious. The mids are typically caught up in themselves and listen well but never hear. Those above, think deeply on many things, yet can be easily confounded by simple paradoxicals. Both lower and upper seem to be more prone to biological stress while the mids live in a state of self-imposed mental stress, that appears to make them immune to the effects of physical stress.
I might add that this is a generalism and by no means typifies the whole.
Hope these observations help.
Thank you Render, and journey brilliantly.