Answers to emode.com IQ test ( "the original IQ test" )

Reply Mon 26 Feb, 2007 07:11 am
Ponder THIS
lilwip wrote:
Gabriel wrote:
gozmo wrote:

Craven de Kere wrote:

4. Even the most ___________ rose has thorns.

Answer: tempting

Explanation: because the other words don't make a sensical contrast

I don't think "withered" has received its fair share of attention as a reasonable answer. It does imply contrast. One might think that anything withered wouldn't put up much of a fight, or retain any defenses.
"Even the most withered rose has thorns."

Don't get me wrong; I chose "tempting". But if "tempting" weren't an option, and "orangutan" were there instead, I would have chosen "withered" without pause or doubt.

The best explanation here comes from the old adage that even the most beautiful rose still has thorns. Implying that just because something is beautiful on the outside does not mean it isn't dangerous. Tempting in this case is the best fit...

I agree with several of the answers, even differing ones, for different reasons. It may well be that each answer is correct for a different reason and, in conjunction with other questions, the goal is to see if the thinking is CONSISTENT rather than just if you happen to have heard some arcane saying. Indeed many are direct quotes and so would seem to be a measure of one's worldliness. But at the same time I really like the flavor of different words than the one I picked as best in the rose question, for the same reason given. I like the idea that the most withered rose still has a last line of defense. I like the idea that a noxious rose would have thorns to keep away those with no sense of smell. SO though I picked tempting, I like other words there. Sadly it seems one of the cool choices was NOT given in the version of the test I saw or I may well have picked it. But I'm past my bedtime as I write this so, sadly, I forget what that other great word was. It was the one some called "ironic". Man, I'm so tired I'm babbling. Bedways is rightways.
Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 09:49 pm
Wow gregor

Why did you post all those different posts, you could've made them all the same post, are you just trying to rack up posts?

Also about England being a Country, a state is considered a country, as by definition any of the countries even the United States or Russia can be considered a state. England should never be considered England if it weren't an independent place. Just because many countries are in the UN they don't lose their status as a country.

Here's a quote off of a separate page


London is capital of the country England

Wait what was that? England mentioned as a country. As you can see I totally disagree about you not calling England a country. Also i do not live in England so its nothing personal.
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Reply Sun 11 Mar, 2007 12:28 pm
The Race - Sandy wins with a 75% faster time
I got this one wrong and would have argued it was a tie until I used an easy example to show it was not...

Assume the half way point (Y) is 30 miles from the start/finish (X). This makes the entire race distance 60 Miles ("x" to "Y" and then "Y" to "X").

If Jack drives 30 miles ("X" to "Y") @ 30 MPH it was take 1 Hour.
If Jack then drive the other 30 miles ("Y" back to "X") at 10 MPH, it will take another 3 hours. This is a total of 4 Hours { (1 hour (X to Y) + 3 hours (Y to X) }.

Sandy on the other hand will drive the entire 60 miles at 20 MPH which takes just 3 Hours. (each 20 miles takes 1 hour so, 60 / 20=3)

So, to say they catch up at the end is not true. Sandy simply wins the race by an entire hour using this example. In any example Sandy should win by being 75% faster in time.
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Craven de Kere
Reply Thu 15 Mar, 2007 10:04 pm
Re: The Race - Sandy wins with a 75% faster time
johndrewpoole wrote:

So, to say they catch up at the end is not true. Sandy simply wins the race by an entire hour using this example. In any example Sandy should win by being 75% faster in time.

Twas a perverse joke. Unless she keeps running it's true.
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Reply Fri 16 Mar, 2007 08:13 pm
Answers to emode.com IQ test ( "the original IQ test&qu
Hey! I just thought to mention that, for question 37, there actually is a connexion to the small shapes. The +, triangle, square.
If you repeat the pattern right next to the origional one, and the symbols repeat diagonally across. They repeat into the square to the right and down. Smile
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Reply Tue 1 May, 2007 07:15 pm
could you please post the explanation for question seven or give me the link to the jespah site because i couldnt find it. thank you
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Craven de Kere
Reply Wed 2 May, 2007 03:08 am
Here ya go: http://www.able2know.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=8009
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Reply Thu 10 May, 2007 05:06 am
Wow, thanks for this!
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Reply Sun 8 Jul, 2007 03:05 pm
niky wrote:
sorry... it appears a lot of people answered the question i edited out...

I just realized I was wrong... i read it as 1/2 of 1/4 OR 1/10 of 800...

my bad... either I need to get glasses, or I need to lower my screen resolution from 1600x1200 to something approaching readable. Sad

and contextually, lonely/thorns makes sense...

*Even lonely people have their defenses..., or even lonely people are defensive? - more allegorical than folksy... oh well...

I understand WHY the answer should be "tempting", but IMHO, from a poetic point of view, it's cool.

I know I'm wrong there. :p

as for the race... I can't accept it... not elegant from a mathematical viewpoint. if the two of them average the same speed over the same distance, logic dictates that neither should win. And how WOULD you know the distance? No matter what it is, they are averaging the same speed over the same distance... to and fro and fro and to are equal... there should be no discrepancy.

as for the numbers question... 900 1000 1100 1200... John always likes the number that is 100 higher... and the only number that this would hold true for in this case... but it's not a very elegant solution... :p

I can accept you got a higher score, after the first run, I realized I was a bit careless/err... blurry eyed (damn screen...) but you've made mistakes, too... Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

I wonder if it's possible to get a higher score?

For the numbers one, I chose 900 because it was a perfect square. 10x10=100, 50x50=2500, 30x30=900, etc.
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Reply Wed 18 Jul, 2007 09:38 am
they do make these tests easy on purpose.
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Reply Thu 19 Jul, 2007 04:26 am
20. In a race from point X to point Y and back, Jack averages 30 miles per hour to point Y and 10 miles per hour back to point X. Sandy averages 20 miles per hour in both directions. Between Jack and Sandy, who finished first?

Answer: sandy

Explanation: jack only catches up at the end

false... neither should win, as they average the same speed... all things being equal... and considering they leave the line at the same time, jack is in the lead at point Y and SANDY catches up at the finish line...

I've noticed only ONE question he got right that I didn't... what's up with this? why did I get 133?[/quote][/quote]

Regarding this question, let's assume that distance XY (and YX...) is 60 miles (this is valid for all distances, but let's assume it to be 60 miles).

X-Y Average Speed = 30 mph time = 2hours
Y-X Average Speed = 10 mph time = 6hours
total time = 8hours
Average Speed for the entire distance = 120miles / 8hours = 15mph

X-Y Average Speed = 20mph time = 3hours
Y-X Average Speed = 20mph time = 3hours
total time = 6 hours
Average Speed for the entire distance = 20mph (obviously)

Sandy get's there first because his average speed is greater than Jack's.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2007 05:31 pm
Re: Answers to emode.com IQ test ( "the original IQ tes
Craven de Kere wrote:

11. If some Wicks are Slicks, and some Slicks are Snicks, then some Wicks are definitely Snicks. The statement is:

Answer: false

Explanation: "definitely" seals the deal

Edits (fixed links 2x)

I don't know if someone said but there is another explanation.
According to Aristotle's concept of logic there are 8 rules that can make a Syllogism (usually the categorical syllogism), an argument, invalid. In this case the syllogism is invalid due to the called "undistributed middle".
The middle term (the one that doesn't appears in the conclusion) is not distributed in any of the premises, which make the syllogism invalid.

Fore a better explanation checkhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syllogism#Everyday_syllogistic_mistakes

And sorry for my bad english Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2007 02:22 pm
True- false argument
As per my undersatanding SOME means least of ONE and DEFINITELY means like CASE ( Exactly) .

1. some Wicks are Slicks
2. some Slicks are Snicks
So some Wicks are NOT definitely Snicks, then it is TRUE, But argument is Some Wicks are definitely Snicks : means it is false.


-Sujit Smile
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Reply Fri 17 Aug, 2007 09:06 am
I see you didn't understand...
And your explanation is not very accurate...
I'dd say false is the best option but not the correct one, because the true and the false apply to the content of the syllogism and not to it's "form".
By form i mean understanding that when it's said SOME and ARE this premise is particular and affirmative, and so on with negative and universal...

Also try checking in the internet for information about Aristotle's logic...
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Reply Fri 17 Aug, 2007 01:46 pm
True- false argument
Thanks for the opinion.
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Reply Sun 26 Aug, 2007 09:28 pm
Hi guys,

I just took tickle classic IQ test and scored 142. I was of course, curious where did I go wrong, so I did a little googling to find the test results. and stumbled upon this thread/forum.


question #20 was definitely one of the trick questions, just like the one with Snicks (hint, hint) and Wicks (a-hem).

Why Sandy will always come first? Jack needs as much time for his run back as Sandy needs for her run fort and back, no matter what the distance is. He would need to travel from X to Y at the speed of thought to break even with her.

As to Snicks and Wicks, I always make it simple for myself:
Some pilots are men,
Some men are gay,
some pilots are DEFINITELY gay.

Are they? Not necessarily. They might be, but we don't know. The statement is false, but not definitely. Laughing

the one I got wrong was #35. I assumed that all of the dark squares where moving to a definite position one field at the time, save for the one that was already in the position. Two still, two moving - makes more sense.

brgds, V.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 01:00 am
Math, apparently simple math?
Okay, I really don't know math can someone explain;
What number is one half of one quarter of one tenth of 800, I guessed 10 only cause it says 10th?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 12:56 am
High Score?
I took this test a long while back and got something like 164. I had a discussion with a friend this evening about IQ's, and this test came up, so I decided to try it again, and I only got 144. So, either they re-normed it (which seems unlikely, because I doubt they bothered to norm it to begin with), or the difference is that they removed the time element from it. Anyway, I tend to think that 144 is now the ceiling for this test. I believe the answers given by the OP are correct, although I don't agree with the reasoning given for some of them.
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Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 01:07 am
Re: Math, apparently simple math?
ladygargoyle wrote:
Okay, I really don't know math can someone explain;
What number is one half of one quarter of one tenth of 800, I guessed 10 only cause it says 10th?

The way they taught us in grade school, when you see "of" in a word problem, it means multiply. This should make sense. "Half of a dozen" equals 1/2 times 12, or 6, right?

So, the problem is 1/2 x 1/4 x 1/10 x 800. The thing about multiplication is that it doesn't matter what order you multiply them in. When I did this problem in my head, I started at the end. One tenth of 800 is 80. One fourth of 80 is 20. One half of 20 is 10.

Another way to look at it is that when you multiply fractions, you multiply all the numerators (the top numbers) together, then multiply all the denominators (the bottom numbers), and your answer is the first number divided by the second number. In this case, the numerators are 1, 1, 1, and 800. Multiply them together, and you get 800. The denominators are 2, 4, 10, and 1. (The last number is 1 because 800 equals 800/1.) The product of 2, 4, 10, and 1 is 80. So the answer is 800 divided by 80, which is 10.

I hope this helps?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Sep, 2007 12:22 pm
Vesna wrote:
the one I got wrong was #35. I assumed that all of the dark squares where moving to a definite position one field at the time, save for the one that was already in the position. Two still, two moving - makes more sense.

brgds, V.

This isn't just about moving and still dots, there's a pattern.

The dot that starts in the top right moves forward 3 spaces each time and the one that starts in the bottom left move backwards 4 times.
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