Answers to emode.com IQ test ( "the original IQ test" )

Reply Sat 4 Nov, 2006 08:51 am
How do you come up with answer to #26?
Your friend takes his car, you take your car,go out in the country and test the theory!I went 6 miles he went 6 miles,I turned left he turned left both for 8 more miles, at this point, I put 28 miles on my odometer,and so did he! Well to get back to eachother at point of origin, it took each of us 28miles,so how is it not 28? , I think that someone was high when they wrote the test answers and then saw they screwed up and so they applied a quantum theory to it, but didn't count on two rednecks goin out n testin it!
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Reply Sun 12 Nov, 2006 02:53 pm
Yeah.... idk bout that ... that is tru the grape vine ... but i dont think there is an apricot tree... i think the answer is apricot because it is a dried fruit... all the others r regular fruits Confused
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horizon earth
Reply Sat 6 Jan, 2007 06:50 am
well craven, you were wrong m8

to question number 7 you said 900 was correct, but alas, that was/is incorrect.

7. John likes 400 but not 300; he likes 100 but not 99; he likes 3600 but not 3700. Which does he like:

John likes squares of whole numbers. The consistent distinction between the pairs of numbers that John likes or doesn't like is that the one that John likes is a square of a whole number.

but such is life bro, we all can't be enlightened visionaries - can we?

happy new year bro..


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Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 01:46 pm
emode.com's IQ Test
21. Ten people can paint 60 houses in 120 days, so five people can paint 30 houses in:

Answer 120

Can Someone please explain to me mathematically how this is correct. I get it logically but i really can't grasp the mathematically working on this one.

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Reply Mon 26 Feb, 2007 05:10 am
Is this even posting - seems not!
I just wrote out a long note on this and I think it got dumped SO EXCUSE IF THIS IS A REPEAT TO SOME EXTENT.

First, to HAIKU:

The simple answer is it takes 1/2 the number of people the same amount of time to paint 1/2 the number of houses, but here's the more convoluted math explanation of the correct answer - tis merely a 'Track the Units" problem to ensure you got it right.

10 people paint 60 houses in 120 days. This tells us that it takes 10p*120d or 1200 people-days to paint 60 houses, so the house painting rate is 1200pd/60h which simplifies to 20pd/h or 20 person-days per house. Apply 20pd/h to 30 houses and you get 20pd*30h/h or 600pd (h/h cancels) and then ramp your crew up to 5 and you get 600pd/5p and the answer is 120d, or 5 people paint 30 houses in 120 days.

Now that I've given you the math...

If 10 people paint 60 houses in 120 days, how many days would it take:

A) for 1 person to paint 1 house?
B) for 20 people to paint 1 house?
C) for 1 person to paint 18 houses?*
D) for 2000 people to paint 100 houses?

Assume (American Holidays) Christmas, New Years, Thanksgiving, Memorial Day and Independence Day are paid days off.

As for HORIZON EARTH's contention that John does NOT like 900, I have the following observations. You claim 900 is wrong, but do not say why. You claim another answer is correct, but do not give it nor justify it. I side with Craven de Kere as John seems to like numbers that are squares such as 10, 20 and 50 (100, 400 and 2500 respectively) and 900 is the square of 30 so it fits the pattern. The numbers he dislikes are not squares, nor are the other choices given so that is at worst A correct answer. Now if you've found ANOTHER or A BETTER correct answer, we're waiting... but be sure you not only fully justify your answer, but also say why 900 would NOT be correct as we have explained it.

Now, Craven, I need to take up a few issues with you.

#2, Use "Hops on 2 legs for speed and distance, balances on tail to stand upright, the others walk on all 4s and do not balance on tail" I've seen Kangaroos use their smaller front paws to walk briefly when browsing, I believe, haven't you? And some four-legged animals can and do "rear up" briefly on their hind legs and might support themselves in that posture, but using their forelegs not their tails. Elephants naturally walk on all fours too but can be trained to use 3 or even 2 on proper command. Felines can rear up as well though they normally stride as quadrupeds. La llama es un quadrupedo!

#3 You did come up with a decent explanation, but a better one is the fact that these are descending squares of 12, 11, 10, 9 and 8 and so the next would be 7 squared or 49. Your explanation can be simplified to:


where N is the square root of the next term in the series, or 11, then 10, then 9, etc. Indeed the series that generates all positive squares can be described n squared plus 2n plus 1 starting with n=0 and continuing on infinitely, incrementing n by 1 each time. I'd write that in series notation, but I don't know if I can in this venue nor if it would do any good. The reason this term generates that series becomes evident when you study the nature of the square as the Egyptians and others did.

So it's NOT just a test of addition or subtraction, but a test of whether or not you know a series of perfect squares immediately on sight or not and, I would guess, you don't.

#4 there's a negative connotation to all but the right answer, which has a positive, and therefore contrasting, connotation. Unfortunately I think I read somewhere they've managed to breed a beautiful, sweet smelling rose sans thorns so this question is now, alas, worthless as there is no right answer as written.

#5 "COME ON" is not sufficient. This is a "gozeonta" question... and you got lazy like this before. The answer: One goes on to the other (or, if you wish, "gozeinta").

You didn't give a clear explanation to #7 but I did at the start of this reply so, SEE ABOVE, short answer - he likes perfect squares.

#9 I don't know "Beasts of England" but I do know a song that sounds very much like "God Save the Queen"... and then there's "London Calling", "London's Burning" and "Guns of Brixton" perhaps?

#10, lazy. "Necor", from msg 1 and 2, obviously means "danger" even though it's out of sequence from one to the next. Likewise from 1 and 3 you can get that "buldon" means "explosion". So "slock" can only mean "rocket".

#11 This one takes Venn diagrams and set theory to explain so my explanation may be lacking as well. Just because SOME Wicks are Slicks, and SOME Slicks are Snicks, there's no information that suggests ANY Wicks are Snicks - this is a lot like the following height problem where you never got information regarding any relationship between two groups. It's unknown, so you cannot logically support a statement that Wicks are definitely Snicks. Given the information, it could be that some Slicks are Wicks, others are Snicks, but none are both or they in fact could be both BUT you cannot say FOR SURE than any Wicks are Snicks. It's also possible that there are Wicks who are NOT Slicks but are Snicks, but again you don't have ANY information from the statements made that ANY Wicks are Snicks. Yes, the word "DEFINITELY" is the one that made it false, but simply asserting that fact is NOT an explanation of why.

#12 "BECAUSE!?" What a cop-out explanation! As in #11, you are given information relating the heights of Jill and Kelly to Ann. You know they are both shorter than Ann. But you don't know anything about which of the two, Kelly or Jill, is taller or shorter when you only consider them. That information is not given. So the answer is as Craven said, though he failed to explain it adequately.

#13 "Just addition and Multiplication" doesn't cut it. If the boy is 4 and his sister is 3 times his age, that's 3*4=12. If you need to know the sister's age when the boy is 12, well that's 12-4 or 8 years from now, making her 12+8 or 20 years old.

#14 - to be fair, GOOD SHOW on this one, that's what we need, real, concise explanations. Feel free to tighten mine up as they are anything BUT concise.

#15 If Lisa caught 4 times as many as Jen of the 25 frogs, that means the frogs can be divided into 5 lots of 5 of which Lisa caught 4*5 or 20 and Jen caught 1*5 or 5. This is a simple pie-chart problem to see how quickly you can do fractional math of this sort and if you can do it correctly as some might come up with 16 and 4, for instance.

#16 Maybe we come from different cultures or linguistic traditions but I don't see "fit" as "fit" for this question. In any case they may have agreed with you as the version of the test I saw no longer contains the word "fit" but rather had a synonym (healthy) that could NOT be considered a correct answer. Still, even if you accept "fit" as "almost correct" or "sort of correct" or even "possibly correct" I don't see how anyone can argue that INEPT and SKILLFUL are, by nature of their direct antonym status, indicative of the fact SKILLFUL is the best, if not only, answer here.

#17 Close enough - if a car travels X miles in 30 minutes it's speed is 2X MPH since it would go 2X miles in 60 minutes, or one hour since 60 is 2X 30... and yes, 2 times 28 equals 56, the correct answer.

#19 While your explanation may make sense to you, a better one is that since Sue is 50th best and 50th worst she has 49 above and below her. 2*49=98 plus Sue = 99.

#20 QUOTE: "Explanation: jack only catches up at the end "

Your answer to this question was right but your reasoning appears to be backwards as Jack GOES AHEAD in THE BEGINNING and then on the return leg it is Sandy who goes on to catch up, pass him and win. Why? Sandy goes a consistent mile every 3 minutes. Jack, on the other hand, goes a mile in 2 minutes going out but a mile in 6 minutes coming back. He only goes high speed for 1/4 of the race. During that time he's only making 3 miles for every 2 Sandy travels, which is 1/2 again advantage. He quickly reduces his speed to 1/3 his early pace for the return leg and so, for most of the race (3/4 of it to be exact) he's going at 1/2 Sandy's speed.

At this point, I know you're thinking, "Aha, it will always be a tie". Wrong.

For 1/4 of the race Jack has a 1/2 speed advantage (he goes 1/2 again faster than Sandy) that quickly turns into a 1/2 disadvantage (Sandy goes 2 miles for his every 1) for 3/4 of the time going back. To be fair, I did attempt to visualize this quickly and got it wrong initially, thinking there was a magic number at which they would tie and below that Jack would win. Alas for poor Jack the math says otherwise - no matter what the distance, he is destined to lose by over-exerting himself in a vain attempt to impress... who? Sandy? The onlookers? Himself? Who cares, suffice to say he should find his pace and stick to it instead of burning himself up on the outbound leg. Then, and only then, he might just beat Steady Sandy.

#21 DOH! Just math, again. AGAIN!

See my detailed reply and pop quiz to Haiku at the beginning of this rant.

#22 It's clear from the re-use of the first word from the first half of the statement that they intend to re-use, in contradictory statements, both words, or so it seems to me. Yes, none of the others is "fit" nor are they "skillful", yet they are not quite "inept" though you might consider one who chooses any of them to be. Obviously I can't get away from #16.

#23 Funny though your answer and explanation were spot on, I didn't see this that way until you put it that way, err, sort of. First I saw it as a sequence of descending squares of 8, 4, 2, 1, 1/2 and 1/4 respectively - the exponent is always 2 while the base is divided by 2 for each successive result. This, actually, is the answer you gave as dividing the number to be squared by 2 is the equivalent of dividing the resulting square by 4. Then I saw it as a power series, base 2, using 6, 4, 2, 0, -2 and -4 as the exponents. In this series the base is unchanging while the exponent is reduced by 2 for each successive term. Since it's powers of 2 this is the equivalent of division by 4. So in a way I guess I did see your answer, just in different terms, two different ways.

#24 GRRR! JUST MATH? 800/2 is 400, 400/4 is 100, 100/10 is 10. Or, backwards, 800/10 is 80, 80/2 is 40, 40/4 is 10. Or mix them up... 800/2 is 400, 400/4 is 100, 100/10, we already established, is 10.

Or you can recognize that 1/2 times 1/4 times 1/10 is 1/80 and 1/80 times 800, the equivalent of 800/80, is 10.

#25 CYNIC defined: A person who believes that only selfishness motivates human actions and who disbelieves in or minimizes selfless acts or disinterested points of view. A person whose outlook is scornfully and often habitually negative.

That being the case, a cynic could be considered one who doesn't understand the true value of things, one who habitually reduces true value to zero in his mind. While this one requires a cognitive leap some may not achieve, yes, it's clear none of the other choices "fits" so nicely here.

Better than that, things have a "price" and a "value", price being set by market factors and "value" being a subjective concept based on complex interplay of want and need in the individual. A negative person, pretty much by definition, is one who would have trouble setting true value.

#26 If I see "just math" again I can't say as I should be held responsible for my actions. This is so much more than "just math". It is a test of exposure to basic trigonometry and ability to learn and apply basic trigonometric concepts to whit: The 3-4-5 right triangle. The six miles each car goes in opposite directions forms the base of a triangle that is 12 units in length. Each car turns left, now heading again in opposite directions from each other and perpendicular to their original line, for 8 miles for an effective separation, ON THAT AXIS, of 16 miles. When you transpose the lines appropriately to form two sides of a triangle you will see they are 12 miles and 16 miles apart in the two perpendicular directions. Graphing and trig are more complex math and being able to transpose figures in your head without screwing them up is a complex cognitive task. Then you have to recognize that 12/4 is 3 and 16/4 is 4 and know that the other side of the triangle will be 5X4 or 20 miles long - giving the correct answer in the form of a X4 version of the simple 3-4-5 right triangle.

#27 Again, right answer, totally off on the explanation. Here's why:

Grapes are genus Vitis, all others are genus Prunus.
Grapes come from vines, the others from trees
Unless I'm mistaken, all but grapes are originally native to China (Although there is a subgenus or two of cherry that is/are not).
Though there are also seedless grapes, the nature of the seed of the grapes that have them is different and again, if I'm not mistaken, in that the grape has multiple seeds like in the tomato or the bell pepper, while the other choices all have a singular pit similar to the avocado.

You say there are other possible correct answers but you fail to give one or justify it. Hardly genius level work... you can do better.

#28 The most fitting? I don't believe the others fit at all - this one was a gimmie. A wise person knows the correct answer but only a virtuous one will choose it every time.

#29 Obviously we're looking at different versions of the test that are similar enough to cause confusion.
The question was:

It is easier to _______________ than to offer a helping hand.

The answers I see are:

A) Raise a flag
B) Be on the ball
C) Lay down the law
D) Point the finger
E) Sing praises

This one, I suspect, is one of the "multiple correct but only one best answer" questions in the bunch. A, D and E would all work fairly well and I could even make a case for C. So you have to analyze the question. This one involves applying a concept after analyzing the situation. Why does a person need help? They've screwed up? Something's gone wrong? Something is in need of attention/correction/resolution. So you could either raise the flag of alarm rather than help fix it, you could point the finger of blame so as to avoid blame yourself or you could sing the praises of the fixer and in the process perhaps a little of the praise will rub off on you. In this case, I think D, point the finger, is what they want. But there could also be multiple correct answers here. But fixing what's wrong is doing right and doing nothing but blaming is diametrically opposite behavior. Justified or not, you're slamming the person who's fixing it most likely, instead of getting involved in the fix yourself. That's how I explain D as the best answer. I do believe there are versions of this test that pick other answers as correct, for whatever reason. I've seen people who would rather raise the flag (call for help) when something goes wrong so as to have an excuse (I'm going for help) to avoid actually rolling up their sleeves and getting down & dirty fixing the problem. Those who can, do; those who can't, teach; those who can't teach administrate. Get it?

#30 I have to call shenanigans on them for this one. Yeah it's the zen thing to pick "nothing" but who among us REALLY knows nothing. I would agree with other answers such as "how much you have yet to learn" or "how little you truly know" or even "practically nothing" but I have yet to meet anyone who truly knows NOTHING. Well with the exception of the guy who always goes up to the front of the class and writes "just math" as the answer to nearly every question. LOL Reminds me of the scientist who put the observations on the left board, the conclusions on the one on the right and on the one in between he wrote, in bold letters, "and then the magic happens". Kinda like the whole chain of logic the "global warming is caused by man" camp uses. Two things happened at once so let's just look at those two and exclude everything else and say one caused the other. Hey, maybe global warming, caused by the sun, is driving the biosphere to release more greenhouse gasses... YATHINK?

#31 DOH! Obvious... to me & you, but not people who don't get the "gozeinta" concept. We've been over this before - tell them "one goes into the other"; not "obvious".

#32 well you get 1/2 credit for saying, in a roundabout way, this is another "gozeinta". I don't know, maybe I'm being unfair but I don't see it as clearly explained. What if there were a dress shoe and an ice skate? It's more than just hand goes in this, foot goes in that. There's also a sports connection between the two. And there are lots of America haters out there that would have used the foot on the guy holding the American flag...

#33 Acceptable but should point out more clearly that all but one figure uses straight perimeter lines exclusively while the last (answer) figure uses only curves as an outer bound.

#34 1/2 right - yes on one half colors are reversed but as for "and such" you could have easily said, "on other half color substitution to match that in first figures".

#35 Correct but not entirely clear to those who might be struggling. Top right dot moves diagonally down and left one space with each successive frame. Bottom left dot moves directly up one space with each successive frame. Other dots, as you pointed out, remain motionless.

#36 Pithy and absolutely correct. Excellent. Symmetry. I couldn't have put it better.

#37 Your explanation is maybe a bit confusing to those struggling but I'm going to say it's adequate at worst. Hiding the top middle square was a neat twist - you have to go on what you see and hope it's consistent in the top row though you cannot see the whole row. Your logic is impeccable, unless the top row repeats the small shape perhaps! I picked the same shape for the same reasons.

#38 Bravo, although I might have added light changes to dark and vice-versa.

#39 NOT NEEDED? If not, would not be on the test. Believe it or not there will be a fraction of the population that would struggle with this. Pick the same type line (solid goes with solid, dotted with dotted) with the same orientation (vertical). Yeah it seems simple, to all but those who don't understand it!

#40 Nicely done.

Early on I, too, coasted through life oblivious to those struggling to keep up. I wonder, have you noticed them yet? And if so, are you interested in helping them or is your motivation more just presenting your superiority. I cannot find THAT answer from the data provided to date, but then again I've read exactly ONE of your posts so maybe with a bigger dataset and some careful study I can form a good hypothesis.
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Reply Mon 26 Feb, 2007 05:17 am
Re-read the question
6miles over (say for argument one north, one south) then 8 miles perpendicular (say, west and east respectively) then AT THAT POINT, NOT AFTER DRIVING BACK AND BEING TOGETHER WITH ZERO MILES BETWEEN YOU, how far apart in a straight line were you.

Don't contribute to pollution and road congestion, do it on paper. 6+6 is 12 so after the first 6 miles each you are 12 miles apart. Graph this on the X axis. Now go 8 miles, one up, one down. Mark those two points. Draw a line between them and measure it. Now taking the down line, translate it to the top of the up line. See if the new line from the end of this line to the point the other car turned (the one who's line you translated) is the same length as the line between your actual stopping points. You might notice the resulting line is 16 units long and the two sides of a right triangle with dimensions 12 and 16 are formed. You might recognize this as a X4 big brother of the standard 3-4-5 right triangle so the hypotenuse, 20 units long, represents the 20 miles that would be between the two cars at the end of this exercise - when they've both done their 6 and 8 miles perpendicular/opposites and stopped.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Feb, 2007 05:21 am
Come again?
WOWURWIERD, I found many dried fruits just today at a stand up near Descanso, CA. I gave this answer already but here it is again:

Grapes are genus Vitis, all others are genus Prunus.
Grapes come from vines, the others from trees
Unless I'm mistaken, all but grapes are originally native to China (Although there is a subgenus or two of cherry that is/are not).
Though there are also seedless grapes, the nature of the seed of the grapes that have them is different and again, if I'm not mistaken, in that the grape has multiple seeds like in the tomato or the bell pepper, while the other choices all have a singular pit similar to the avocado.

Oh, and grapes, dried, are known as "rasins" so your logic is flawed. Apricots are NOT the only ones that are dried and in fact they can be eaten off the tree as well - the way I like them best.
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Reply Mon 26 Feb, 2007 05:26 am
Answer: Fruits, Nuts and Flakes
Ummm, what is it you find in California?

Seriously, Apricots DO NOT grow on trees? You really think that? Someone better tell that Apricot tree I planted in my back yard to stop producing such tasty fruit! Boy, do you get out much? Name me a fruit that does NOT grow on a tree, besides grapes/rasins. You can do it.

What differentiates a fruit from a vegetable?

What fruit used to be classified as a vegetable (and caused so much flap when one of it's products received the same classification during the 80s in America).
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Reply Mon 26 Feb, 2007 05:49 am
To Lord_fabs
Sorry, wrong. They do NOT tie. Jack, going 30 mph at first, certainly is impressive. He goes so far, so fast, while Sandy plods along. he gets to the turning point after 1/4 of the total time he spends in the race as he's going 3X his base speed of 10 mph. If you can't see this, use a race of 30 miles out and back - it takes him exactlyl 1 hour to go out. But coming back it takes him 3 hours at 10 mph. Use KPH if that suits you, the math is the same. He spends 1/4 of his time going 1/2 again faster than poor plodding Sandy, but then she spends the rest of the race going 2 times his speed! Use any distance you like and do the math - Sandy ALWAYS wins. Always.

As for the moving dots - no, the simple and correct answer is tha the top right one moves down and left one spot each time while the bottom lef tone moves up one spot each time. Part of showing a high IQ is grasping and applying simple concepts quickly without coming up with convoluted, and often wrong, explanations, as you seem to be doing. I know your answer is convoluted. I haven't decided if it's also wrong and doubt I'll take the time to do so as the simple, elegant solution provided previously was clearly correct and adequate.

As for the "full of S**T remark... well it's coming out of YOUR mouth, so exactly who is full of it?
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Reply Mon 26 Feb, 2007 06:00 am
To Riza

If you unscramble the letters of "ANLDEGN," you get the word "ENGLAND." England is a country, therefore answer option B is correct.

Well this is not what I learnt in my geography lessons at school.

England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland makes up what we call the United Kingdom. Ergo, England is a state in the United Kingdom as Texas is a state in the United States.


Well said, yet America has a FEDERAL system where several territories voluntarily came together as STATES to form a COUNTRY whereas, as I understand it, the various component parts of the UK were more or less conquered, never were considered to be anything but countries and certainly do not refer to themselves as "states" in the "country" of the UK. The UK (aka Great Britain, AKA Britain) is a different concept.

I shall not ponder what you might have been doing in Geography class when you were told, "The United Kingdom is made up of four constituent countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.", but whatever it was, the fact you call them "states" suggests you should go back for a refresher. Though odd they are countries within a country, that apparently is exactly what they are. To understand why you have to go back and look at their history and all the warfare that led to the situation we have to day (and to some extent is still simmering in Northern Ireland).
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Reply Mon 26 Feb, 2007 06:03 am
by the way, subbydid
By your reconing, if you both went 28 miles, yeah I guess you're dividing by two then adding to get your 28 mile total? It's just that you screwed the logic and math up on this so much I figured your answer would have to be 56, right? Well see my other posts on this - the answer 20 was correct... you're in dire need of a remedial course in trig obviously, if in fact you ever even heard of a 3-4-5 right triangle. Re-read the question before you attempt an answer - you need the straight line distance between the stopping points, not the total distance driven. Too bad I can't diagram it out for you, eh?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Feb, 2007 06:16 am
the prince wrote:
Heterosexuality is for men who ain't good looking enuff to be gay!

Rather, I suggest HOMOSEXUALITY is for men who are so unable to control their urges that even another man looks good... or... HOMOSEXUALITY is for men who aren't good looking enough to get a good woman.

Seriously, though, ever seen an end-stage HIV/AIDS patient? Not a pretty sight by ANY standards.

They say alcoholism is a disease yet how can this be when all you have to do for a cure is decide not to take that next drink? Same goes for homosexuality - they say it's inherited but at some point in life the guys have to decide NOT to put tab A into slot B as was obviously the real way things were supposed to be. Don't believe it? Well here's a thought experiment for you. Say back in, oh, 1600 one fine day the whole world, ever person in it, woke up and realized, "HEY, I'M GAY, PROUD OF IT, AND I WILL NEVER, EVER GO BACK." If that happened, how many people would be here on earth today?

I have yet to meet a well-adjusted, happy gay person. Most of the ones I've known and cared about either got AIDS and died or were depressed and ended their own lives. Interestingly enough those in column one tended to be guys, although a few of them made it into column two where pretty much all the girls were.

Gays I've talked to online all were angry at the world, angry at anyone who suggested that being gay involved any sort of choice, and, it turned out, pretty much angry at anyone who was straight.
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Reply Mon 26 Feb, 2007 06:25 am
niky wrote:

as for the race... I can't accept it... not elegant from a mathematical viewpoint. if the two of them average the same speed over the same distance, logic dictates that neither should win. And how WOULD you know the distance? No matter what it is, they are averaging the same speed over the same distance... to and fro and fro and to are equal... there should be no discrepancy.

as for the numbers question... 900 1000 1100 1200... John always likes the number that is 100 higher... and the only number that this would hold true for in this case... but it's not a very elegant solution... :p

You're totally off about the race. Look at it from a TIME aspect, not a distance aspect. They do NOT average the same speed, that's the point. Jack spends 1/4 of the race going 30 mph and the other 3/4 going 10 mph so his average speed is NOT 20. It's 15. The math works like this - 1 times 30 plus 3 times 10 equals 60, divided by four equals 15. His average speed is 5 mph less than Sandy's, therefore he will always lose. ALWAYS.

As for the numbers, in one version of the question I saw one of the answers was 99, NOT 100 less than the other choice, so I don't know where you come up with this, "always likes the number that is 100 more". The criteria that fits is that the numbers he likes are ALWAYS a perfect square of a multiple of 10 and 900 fits that bill while none of the other answers do.
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Reply Mon 26 Feb, 2007 06:31 am
Re: race question
cketcham wrote:
But the miles per hour for both Sandy and Jack are equal for an equal distance. They both come out to 40 mph for the overall distance which is the same for both of them. Jack would get to point Y first, but he is slower by 10 mph coming back which gives Sandy a chance to gain 10 mph to catch up. She does and they tie. No?
The question is not who got to point Y last, or who catches up from point Y to point X.

Nice try, but WRONG! As I explained before, you have to look at TIME, not distance, as distance is not given (though yes you can substitute ANY distance, do the math and Sandy will ALWAYS win.)

Jack's average speed is NOT 20 MPH, it's 15. He goes the same distance twice, once at 30 MPH, once at 10 MPH. Travelling at 1/3 the speed takes 3 times as long. So his total time, taking his first leg as ONE unit of time, is FOUR units of time as it takes him three units to come back. He's travelling 1/3 as fast for 3 times as long so you cannot simply add his two speeds and divide by two. the 10 MPH gets a greater weight because he's going that speed three times as long!!!!! Get it now?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Feb, 2007 06:38 am
Niky - THINK!
niky wrote:

false... neither should win, as they average the same speed... all things being equal... and considering they leave the line at the same time, jack is in the lead at point Y and SANDY catches up at the finish line...

If "all things" were "equal" as you suggest, then wouldn't Jack and Sandy go the same speed at the same time for the whole race. Not only is Jack & Sandy's speed NOT equal ever, Jack's speed varies on each leg! So, conclusively, ALL THINGS ARE NOT EQUAL. In fact the only things that are equal are the distance of each leg, the total distance both must travel to finish the race and the speed Sandy goes over both legs (and thus also the time it takes her to go, since the legs are inverses and thus also equal)...

you remind me of the guys who did the car test by going 6 miles, turning left, going 8 miles, returning to the starting point, comparing odometers and stating that the distance between them at the far points must have been 28 miles...

You really don't get this, do you?

Here, pick ANY distance at random, or any number of distances, run the race and see who wins. I bet you ANY AMOUNT OF CASH, under the exact terms of the problem as posed, that Sandy will ALWAYS win, any race of any distance, by going 20 mph constantly while Jack goes out at 30 and back at 10. You're so sure you're right I know you'll put up some money to back it - right? All you have to do is find one distance where they tie or where Jack wins.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Feb, 2007 06:47 am
Craven de Kere wrote:

The "which is the odd one out" questions are some of the least straightforward. I named Kangaroo because of it's posture but maybe they were going for marsupial being the difference, I don;t remember what animals they gave as a choice so I can't confirm this.

The animals, on the version I saw, were:

Do kangaroos "graze" on grass? Yes, silly me, in my dissertation on this test I left out the obvious answer that Kangaroos are marsupials. Also they don't have hooves as I believe all the other choices do. Indeed there may be other criteria I've missed - as one of the questions implied, put another way (thanks to the Beatles):

Ad hoc, ad loc, and quid pro quo. So little time, so much to know.

As for a quote from me - well I stole this one:

87 percent of all statistics quoted are made up on the spot.

(Of course, each time you use that one, be sure and use a different number.)

... so I'll give one I made up that best sums up the current hulabaloo over climate change:

There is a single word that best describes climate change: INEVITABLE.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Feb, 2007 06:49 am
LOL Rufio
rufio wrote:
Actually, I would prefer not to have the last word. I would prefer that some of you people who claim to have differing opinions than me might actually address my posts.

All I can see is people addressing your posts and totally refuting what you say and you obstinately refusing to see the flawless logic and sense in what they say, as opposed to what you said.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Feb, 2007 06:59 am
Ah but I disagree
lilwip wrote:
precision plus wrote:

Thank you for the answer guide. A few of your explanations require amendment:

3. The answer, 49, is derived by recognizing the pattern of numbers as squares. 12 squared is 144, 11 squared is 121 and so on, so the next number after 64, which is 8 squared, is 7 x 7 = 49.

There are multiple ways to get the answer to this question! 144 - 23 = 121, 121 - 21 = 100, 100 - 19 = 81, 81 - 17 = 64, 64 - 15 = 49... Square roots also works. There is no sense in arguing about how to get the answer, the fact is the answer is 49...

One way (simple subtraction) shows a different level of mathematical accomplishment than the other (automatically recognizing the descending squares sequence). As I remarked, another rather sophisticated level of knowlege is revealed when the explanation includes the N squared plus 2N plus 1 nature of the squares series, from which the subtractive method flows, as this indicates an understanding of mathematical series beyond just simple squaring.

Now you might ask, "Since this question can be answered using three different and increasingly difficult paths, how can it be used to accurately measure IQ?" The answer is that alone, it can't, a fact hinted by those who said proper IQ tests have many more and much more varied questions. This question resolves that the correct answer was reached and this indicates knowledge of at least one of the three paths (and I'm not saying there are not more) to it. Another question would help differentiate whether the answer was reached by simple subtraction or by one of the more complex paths. AN example is the one about the numbers the guy liked, where he seemed to only like suqares of multiples of 10 or, at least, that is what all of the ones he liked, and none of the ones he didn't like, were. Plus there was only one of the numbers among the answers that was the square of a multiple of 10.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Feb, 2007 07:01 am
Remedial Math
lilwip wrote:
precision plus wrote:

7. The answer could be 1000, because it is divisible by 4. John does not like numbers divisible by 3, so 900 does not seem to fit.

7. John likes 400 but not 300; he likes 100 but not 99; he likes 2500 but not 2400. Which does he like?

Your explanation doesn't work.. last time I checked, 300 and 2400 were divisible by four as well which are numbers he doesn't like. The only logical explanation here is the square root explanation. sqrt(400)=20, sqrt(100)=10, sqrt(2500)=50, sqrt(900)=30

the square root of the other answers (1200, 1000, etc...) are not even numbers, they all have fractions...

You left out that 900 IS divisible by four, and therefore, under the logic given, despite the claim it wasn't or couldn't be the answer, well under the logic given, it could and may well have been! But the logic failed as you correctly pointed out as several of the answers, if not all (I forget what they all were) were divisible by 4.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Feb, 2007 07:04 am
"defined sides"
lilwip wrote:
precision plus wrote:

33. Why is the circle the correct answer, when the triangle is an asymmetrical shape? See your explanation to 36.

Good night.

The reason that the circle is the correct answer here is that it is the only one that has no straight lines. The triangle, square, pentagon, and rectangle all have defined "sides", unlike the circle.

Excuse me, but a circle also has "defined sides", two in fact.

inSIDE and outSIDE.


Seriously, you're batting about 1000 from where I sit, keep up the good work! I think, though, we should leave "sides" out of it and stick with the fact that all figures but one had straight edges. Again, though, there are multiple versions of this test going around becasue the one I saw had no triangle, only rectangles, squares, an octagon (I believe it was) and a circle. Still only 1 had round edges, or, I guess, a single round edge. Hey, that's it, a circle is the only one with no vertices, with only a single edge that is continuous and has none but a random start/stop point.

How about that?
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