Oh Goody
I just came off a marathon coding session and decided to click on the emode banner ad and take the test with brain-fry
I got two wrong,
After spending entirely too long reading this thread, I now know which two
(and since I've come to this forum on another google search in the past, I decided to register

, so now I'm posting)
one was the definitely false question and the other was john and sandy
Its funny actually, I did the scenario... twice to be sure... but I screwed up the math on the second test and sandy lost... so obviously it was impossible to tell (brainfry at its best

The definitely false question i'm still not happy with but I can almost convince myself its right...
Its definitely not true, ergo its false...
A kangaroo is also not a hooved animal, has a pounch, travels by bounding, uses its arms to grasp, is a marsupial (pouch) and a myriad of other reasons
everyone has already said that 900 is a perfect square
A circle is round... it has no points, its not a polygon... which in my opinion means its a better fit than something being only partially symetrical
a coconut would've made the fruit question more interesting for sure, but it would still grow on trees, and the coconut nut is really just the stone, just like all the other fruits have stones, cept the grape, which has seeds/pips or none (depending on variety

I liked the question with the 2 stationary points and the 2 moving points and the similar question with the covered square and the white square
I guess because I got a 'logic' question and a 'math' question wrong that makes me a "Visionary Philosopher" heh
Do I/we get extra bonus points for *not* paying for the answers