All of what you said is based upon the assumption that modern dating science is accurate. There are LOTS of documents which refute modern dating methods, and prove it's inaccuracy.
Personally, I don't have enough "faith" to believe in modern science's dating methods. If anything, science has the worst track record in regards to accuracy and it's ability to produce truth.
As little as 100 years ago, scientists believed they were accurate, and they put their faith in their scientific analysis and theories. Obviously, science has changed a lot since then, and a lot of what they accepted as "fact" then, is now considered nothing but myth and old dis-proven theory.
For thousands of years scientists believed they had the facts. And time and time and time again they are proven wrong by subsequent generations.
How are you so sure we are any different?
Today, modern scientists continue to preach "fact", and portray their theories and methods as "fact". And they have a very convincing set of "facts" to prove their theories.
But what makes you think that today's scientists have reached perfect knowledge?
What makes you think that today's science is not just another link in the history of science that will never be proven wrong?
How do you know that one day, science will discover a new dating method that will disprove all the preceded it?
What makes you think that modern science will not one day be viewed as ancient mythological dis-proven science?
How do you know that one day people won't look back to our day and ask, "Did they really believe that?"
"How could they believe that in the face of ancient documents that plainly said otherwise?"
Just as people were convinced that the world was flat, we are convinced that the world is 6 billion years old. How do you know that one day modern-day science won't be viewed as ancient, long-gone crazy beliefs?