Brandon9000 wrote:Thomas wrote:Just speculating, Brandon, just speculating. Of course that's true for both of us.
Anyone can engage in the wildest unsubstantiated speculations about anyone. This is what now passes on the left for intelligent criticism of Bush.
The Bush opposition is totally convinced that Cheney and Bush conspired to out Plame, and that Fitzgerald's ultimate end game was to get to Cheney. There is evidence for this, and I actually agree that Cheney and Bush were very ticked off at Wilson, and understood that Plame had something to do with Wilson's trip for supposed intelligence in Niger, so therefore they were toying with that knowledge, and were happy that the press had gotten wind of it.
The problem with Fitzgerald's preconceived template is the very troublesome thing in his path in the name of Richard Armitage, who was the first to out Ms. Plame. This essentially voids the whole investigation and supposed crime of Bush Cheney, but the bulldog that Fitzgerald is, he has refused to admit it. If he really cared about the outing, he would have gone after Armitage. Problem there is that for a crime to be committed, intent has to be shown, so the Armitage angle is also voided. Again, Fitzgerald refuses to admit defeat, being the dogged, relentless guy that he has the reputation to be, so he trudges on in his relentless project of getting somebody, and his template is Cheney / Bush.
To repeat my take on this for the umpteenth time, I believe the overlooked issue central to the root of this fiasco, is the utter failure and incompetence of the CIA. Wilson claimed to be the authority on Niger uranium, when in reality he had no qualifications to claim it, and he has no intelligence credentials whatsoever. Thus, the CIA is the organization charged with giving info. to the administation, and instead Wilson somehow becomes the spokesman for intelligence. Good grief, how ridiculous is that, and not only ridiculous, but a very bad strategy for the CIA on top of their own previous incompetence. The CIA should never have allowed Wilson to be involved. His conclusions of what he found are not consistent with other analysts, and so Plame Wilson appears to have been involved in undermining the administration, and I believe Bush / Cheney had every right to be ticked off about it. Although they were not the first to talk to reporters about Plame, and further it is unsubstantiated that they would have known what Plame's status was, so again, Fitzgeralds investigation is rendered null and void in regard to Cheney / Bush. He apparently is not smart enough to figure this out.
The summary of this is the fact that this is a totally political issue, and no crime has ever been substantiated. It was politics. Fitzgerald failed on all counts, went into a forest looking for a tree, got lost, and forgot why he was even there, so he chopped an innocent tree down, thinking the tree he was looking for was somewhere beyond the tree he chopped down, which was the hapless Scooter Libby.