woiyo wrote:Dookiestix wrote:cicerone imposter wrote:woiyo, We have terrorists in this country, born and bred. Ever hear about Oklahoma City or the Unibomber?
We also have Muslims in this country who were recently polled, with a frightening percentage believing that suicide bombings in this country could be justified.
They're already here. The more we bomb the Middle East and meddle in their affairs, the greater the chances are that we could suffer a devestating attack from a DOMESTIC American Muslim.
I guess woiyo forgot about Timothy McVeigh, Fort Dix, and other potential terrorist plots in this country.
From what I recall, McVeigh was a US citizen born and bred. Ft Dix crew were immigrants, some here illegally, all Muslim and hell bent on killing soldiers in the name of their religion.
Thanks for proving my point.
All of whom have lived in this country for YEARS. Most of the Fort Dix suspects were of Albanian origin, one was Turkish, and one was Jordanian-Palestinian. But they have lived most of their lives here in this country. Some were legal residents, some were illegal, and some were citizens. In any event, they are still homegrown terrorists.
But I would guess that to you, even an embryo that made it here illegally would still meet your criteria of NOT being a homegrown terrorist.
Wake up. They're already here.