Mon 21 May, 2007 01:35 pm
Don't you just hate it when that happens?
You want smoking guns? You want WMD's? Well, here ya' go. Bwahahahahahaha!
Do Republicans usually talk to themselves and laugh?
Very good video. Hard to fight against your own words.
Who has to fight?
They were wrong, simple as that. There's a lot of different reasons for it, but it doesn't matter what the reasons are.
Zippo wrote:Do Republicans usually talk to themselves and laugh?
To be honest, it's kind of hard not to in this case.
cjhsa wrote:Zippo wrote:Do Republicans usually talk to themselves and laugh?
To be honest, it's kind of hard not to in this case.
Not that you have much to laugh about these days, what with your party going down in flames.
Zippo wrote:Do Republicans usually talk to themselves and laugh?
Judging by this thread, yes.
I think it's becoming more and more clear the complexities of who knew what leading up to the Bush's Iraq clusterfvck. 9/11 enabled Bush and his crime family to scare the American people, as well as the whole of Congress, to just lay down and allow him to run roughshod over our Consitution. And for that, I say to the Dems I say "how dare you." But that was then, and this is now. Senator Durbin has already said on the Senate floor that the few Senators who were privy to most of the intel were under federal authority not to reveal classified information, even when the Administration was cherry-picking the intel in order to justify their invasion and subsequent occupation. The rest of the Congressmen/women were only allowed to see a limited amount of that intel.
It's no mystery now that the CIA had doubts regarding Saddam's WMD capabilities, and both the Dems and Bush should have paid heed to their warnings. But Bush wanted to go to war even BEFORE 9/11 happened. It helped justify their powergrab for the oil in the region, where we are now building multiple military bases and an American embassy close to the size of the Vatican. We obviously have no plans on leaving, and never did even when Bush was considering attacking Iraq years ago.
I don't give a sh!t what the Dems were saying. It was Bush who took us into war. He stopped way short of exhausting every avenue in affirming Saddam's TRUE WMD capabilites, and the war authorization signed by Congress was NOT a declaration of war. Which makes our occupation of Iraq illegal.
Plain and simple.
And now the sands of Iraq are smothered in Iraqi and U.S. blood, no thanx to Bush destabilizing the region for his corporate buddies.
Dookie, go play in the Bay. Barry is getting close.
cjhsa wrote:Dookie, go play in the Bay. Barry is getting close.
How sad that you can't even offer up a substantive commentary in your own thread.
Keep up the good work.
Those boobs on that video were just preparing the American public for what was to come, while protecting their own legacy. They knew as did anyone with half a brain that there was work to do in the middle east, they just didnt' have the guts and political power to do it. It wouldn't have mattered who got elected, McBore or at the time unknown Republican or other, it was gonna happen.
Dooks, I was just being nice. You really might wanna go for a kayak ride.
cjhsa wrote:Dooks, I was just being nice. You really might wanna go for a kayak ride.
Actually, I am this weekend up at the Russian River.
If that's nice, then I'd hate to see you when you're mean.
Every A2K supporter of Nancy Pansy needs to see this.
cj is attempting to remind us of the well used GOP ploy of "spreading the blame when the plans go all to ****"
That is , of course, unless hes part of the 24% that still supports whats-is-name.
The DEMS are biting the bullet and have admitted error, so they want to end it. The GOP is still delusional
A Dem trying to label anyone "delusional" is just the pot calling the kettle black.
Ill buy that. However we dont compound OUR delusion by continually announcing that the Iraq Escapade was worth the blood and capital. How bout you? Still delusional?
cjhsa wrote:A Dem trying to label anyone "delusional" is just the pot calling the kettle black.
And vice a versa, right?
Trying to blame those in a party who actually didn't vote for this stupid war is pretty fvcking delusional, IMHO. In case you were acting too, well, delusional, some Dems voted "no" on Bush's war authorization.
Look it up.
Do you think the "Iraq Escapade was worth the blood and capital?"
Do tell...
Well lookie here, the conservative Brainiacs are once again acting like King Canute trying to hold back the tides, but this time of history.
Not content with setting vermin traps in their parents musty basement they chortle like babies when someone fashions a weapon for their war on liberals and attempt to wield it, unfortunately for them the axe they use shatters upon the surface of reality.
While these conservatives attempt to quote from a fraction of Democrats and caste them too culpable for the disaster in Iraq either they are too stupid to remember the past or are too clueless to look up the facts and draw rational context to their exclamations.
As the US suffers from the ill-conceived, poorly planned, directionless War in Iraq that has killed over 2,700 US soldiers and wounded 25,000 more, is bankrupting our country, and has ruined our country's reputation around the world, the right wing who fully supported the war strategy, those paragons of personal responsibility are craning their necks looking to find a fall guy to blame for the results.
The typical right wing idiot, whose brittle psychological make up is too defensive to recognize personal failure (like their Great Leader) now blames Democrats for the Iraq War. However and as usual as the sunrise, they are hopeless wrong in drawing their assumption which looks so stupid as to call into question how an average adult could presume to convince other adults of it validity.
I don't mind you right wingers acting and looking so stupid because it makes it easier to show you as besodden fools but also it is downright funny watching you trying to stuff ten pounds of $hit into a five pound bag. Yet it is your blatant attempt to deceive others that is so repugnant, akin to stealing money from the cup of a blind man selling pencils. Sure, it can be done well if no one watches, but what type of degenerate would do such a thing?
Obviously a right wing Republican might, if he thought he could get away with it.
The vote giving Bush the power to go to war was Joint Resolution 114, taken on October 11, 2002. It passed the Senate by a vote of 77 to 23 and the House of Representatives by a vote of 296 to 133. In the end, 156 members of Congress had enough information and personal wisdom to make the correct decision for our nation and the world community. In the US Senate, the 21 Democrats, one Republican and one Independent voted their consciences against it. 126 House Democrats who voted against the unprovoked use of force against Iraq were joined by 6 Republican Congressmen and one Independent member of the House:
So let us be honest for a second here; your attempting to cast the war in Iraq as one which Democrats supported, but that is a false statement, it is a lie, and simply another attempt at the intellectual raping of reality for purely political purpose by conservatives, again.
Its about the most repugnant attempt you have made to defend yourselves against the realities of this debacle.
Have you no shame, at all?
Or are you folks just too fu*king stupid to count?
Quote:I don't give a sh!t what the Dems were saying.
We are on the same side then. I don't give a **** what they are saying NOW.