Noddy24 wrote:Justagirly--
You have to exercise all month, not just when the Red Tide flows--but you're still welcome on A2K.
The sundays during my period week has become the most painful day.
The last few days Ive been trying to eat mor healthily and sunday morning I did about 5 minutes exercise.I had only a tiny bit of pain.
Still got hot flushes tho.
ok so the bc is really makes a difference.. even though the first 24 hours or so is painful, it kinda tapers off and isnt so bad. i still have to take ibuprofen, but not as much.. also been walking alot. an hour every day. we'll see how it goes next month! hopefully barely any pain!!
Ringing in with Noddy in saying "Good luck"! I'm so glad to hear that you found at least a little relief.
Exercise helped me a lot as well and am hoping it'll do the same for you.
It's a great thread here and we have lots of advice. I always get severe cramps during my periods. I think that now i will be able to avoid these severe cramps...
Good luck to you, bibliona and welcome to A2K :-D
Urm, I'd just like to say that taking ibuprofen frequently is NOT safe.
Even if you stick to the recommended quantities. Overdosing is not the only danger with those little pills... Ibuprofen effectively burns your stomach lining away, it can effect your digestive system and even increase the risk of heart attacks. (This coming from a Pharmacy Technician in training)
I really would recommend not taking ibuprofen all that much. My bf has been taking it due to a broken arm and he keeps getting chest pains etc... I'm not worried about him overdosing, I'm worried about him having a heart attack or getting a stomach ulcer.
Herbal remedies have helped me in the past. Now I'm on a lower dose contraceptive pill, seen as the first one made me depressed... They take a couple of months for your body to get used to.
Anyway, hope you're on the track to being pain free during zee flood. :wink: