I posted this on letty's radio thread yesterday. But it stays with me, like a haunting, and I have to share it with some of the rest of you.
i liked the first ending, too... what i like about the second is the way how people communicate online.... generation Y and all....
have i pulled any wheelies? not sure what that means exactly.... but two weeks ago i did get stuck in a tram track and went flying. is that pulling a wheelie? my shoulder still hurts.
This made me laugh (and regret that I missed it, cause it's just around the corner from my work - and in a broader sense, that I'm no longer 20):
Kids turn up on monumental Budapest square in front of St. Stephen's Basilique, start massive water fight
Also, how did I find this? Well, I was browsing through the forums that turn up to be attached to those geeky xkcd comics. And found this post -- which should add a certain "Aww" factor to the video:
Hello there.
This is Hungary calling.
Nineteen years old, just finished high school. University ahead, maybe, and a boring office job. That's the normal stuff.
As for the not-so-normal stuff... my past few years were really, really kick-arse. It all started with meeting up some silly people whom I played Soldat together with. [S]ome dutch fellows came to the Sziget festival and met us up a few years ago, visited a friend of mine in Germany last year, then an american pal dropped in to check out our west-balkan reality. The internet helped me grow out of being a loser. I found love through I helped organizing a watergun fight day. It was awesome.
Been reading xkcd for a year or so now. My father is a retired math teacher, my mother was a literature and English teacher. Inherited perversions. (:
[..] Márquez' One hundred years of solitude rocks. And so does Melchiades. Or Melquiádes, take your pick.
Lovable teen geek becomes hipster. It's like rags-to-riches for kids.
0 Replies
Sun 7 Dec, 2008 06:26 pm
In 2005, students of Hungarian Schonherz Dormitory turned their building into huge dot matrix display for third time - now with music.
Pretty damn cool. If you're puzzled how they did it, click on "View all X comments" at the bottom, and you'll find a bunch of comments in English explaining it.