sozobe wrote:
My main interest is in how fat people are viewed.
Soz! Looking down upon fat people is one of the last things we can do to spill some hate without getting called on.
Well, and smoking.
No, you can't take it away from us!
In all honesty though, is any of this study news to anyone? Are there seriously people walking around thinking all people are born with cookie-cutter-skinny one-size-for-all genes?
Of course not. And if so, the percentage is tiny.
We all know someone who eats like a pig and yet doesn't gain weight. Or someone who eats really well and takes care of themself, yet always stays a bit plumper - and curses that skinny one who dares to talk about diet and exercise. haha.
Here's how I see it: people are growing more and more disguisted with obesity. And they should be! It's a concern.
That doesn't mean go around poking fun at anyone who isn't a certain shape or size.
It just means that we all know that a certain level of obesity is bad, on a level beyond cultural and personal prejudice. Because it cripples and kills.
No more lame excuses for being fat. That isn't the answer.
Like Noddy and others pointed out: various shapes is one thing, obesity is another.
With what is available to today, there are no good excuses to blame anyone or anything for being obese. Genes or whatever, it's your personal responsibility to take care of yourself.
Is it really so wrong to have a certain aversion to those who appear like they do not take care of themselves? Again: I'm not saying acting on it in a shallow jerk fashion.
Simply noting. Hey, he's got gold teeth , she is fat.
I don't want to celebrate Obesity. Is that so wrong?
Middle ground is all I want to see.