DestinysDad wrote: However, the "assume nothing" stance gives temporary relief, but i think it's also a form of "ignorance is bliss". But, i think i'll probably listen since i'm not as rational as those of you posting here, nor my counselor at the moment.
Based on what you say, I do think you are right here. Of course, I may be prejudiced as the victim of a husband who cheated, twice, but the distance is what I first picked up on both times. I think your instincts are pretty good, but I don't think it will help to confront your wife about it. You can't accuse her of cheating without proof, but it just sounds like the same story.
Is it possible for you guys to get away for a weekend and just have fun? (You would have to be DETERMINED to play the clueless but happy husband.) Getting away was the best thing my husband and I did....until the witch started begging and begging and begging him to "just be friends" again.....and he got suckered in. Now it's over, but I know how badly that hurts...I'm still going through it. I wish you better luck than I had.