McGentrix wrote:HokieBird wrote:A great Tom Wolfe quote for those Euroweenies that have the vapors about the US, "... the dark night of fascism is always descending on the US, but always seems to land in Europe".
Good and accurate quote.
No, actually not.
Perhaps you two boys could enlighten us on the fascist histories of Switzerland, Finland, Norway, Portugal, Lithuania, Belgium, etc etc? Or perhaps your geography teacher suggested that Europe is one country. Perhaps you could tell us what was going on in Britain and Holland contemporaneously with the McCarthy period here?
But I do like the term 'euroweenie'. America, in the way of contrast, is most clearly identifiable as vagina, or the feminine, large and warmly receiving of the manly european thrust of vigorous populations. Over and over again, America receives. It's why she's there. Statue of Liberty as clitoris. And yes, you needed the French for help with that too.