It's quite variable by location.
I used to work in one of the suburbs just north of the city. The standard work wardrobe was what I'd call traditional/conservative - with men's business casual being much like what Bella posted ^^^
Now that I'm back downtown, it's a whole new ballgame. The short pant/high red heel/fishnet stockings thing is not an uncommon look these days - men and women are generally trendier than they were in the 'burbs. Trendy without heading into sleaze-land. Until about a year ago, men's business casual was all about the striped/untucked/seamed shirts with pants that seemed just a bit too long to me. This year, there's more layering going on in men's business casual.
It gets tricky once you get more mmmmmm mature. No sliding back to traditional/conservative wardrobes - but I don't want to dress up like a kid either.
(someone told me today that fishnet's woulda worked with my outfit

no thanks)