Sat 14 Apr, 2007 10:51 pm
If there is any posts about this extremely important controversy, I did not see them. how deos everybody feel on this issue?
May the bird of paradise solve your question.
I couldn't care less about Imus. I have never listened to him, and don't think he was worth listening to.
It is my theory that this is trumped up by the watchdog group in an attempt to work the public into a frenzy, or serve as a primer for the public, to do something they are really interested in more than Imus, and that is to put out of business the people they truly don't like, such as Limbaugh and the many other conservative commentators. Democrats are totally frustrated that they cannot find a liberal to be successful on Talk Radio, and so their idea now is to squash the competition. They are all trying to figure out how this might be done, and this little episode might be one of the things they intend to use. That would explain why somebody so unimportant as Imus, and an incident so insignificant compared to other abuses, is now being publicized every hour on the hour, day after day.
How can you dismiss a sociel controversy, involving racism, sexism, and censorship?
That it's neither important nor a controversy. It's not a controversy because pretty much everyone agrees that his comments were stupid (I have yet to hear anyone agree with Imus's observation that these athletes are "nappy headed hoes"). It's not important because Imus is a shaggy old fart of limited popularity, not a social or political leader who actually has the potential to really impact society. This story is just another distraction.
george35 wrote:How can you dismiss a sociel controversy, involving racism, sexism, and censorship?
I did not dismiss it, but just point out it is routine behavior for shock jocks. Nothing new for Imus, apparently, from what people say, so I think there must be a different reason for the press to publicize this now.
To create a sociaty of raciel equality ,speech must be acceptable or not.
If something can be said. It can be said or to or by a cocation , african american asian, indian,eskimo, or any other race creed or religion. that is a sociaty free of racial bias!
okie I think there must be a different reason for the press to publicize this now.
Various African American organizations and leaders, in what arguably amounts to attempts to be relevant in contemporary society, raised a stink about Imus's comments, thus making it news. The news media, at a loss for ratings-garnering product (dead soldiers just don't plant Americans in front of the TV like they use to), are simply milking this for all it's worth.
Okie , the dissmiss remark was for the first Quote only post.
george35 wrote:To create a sociaty of raciel equality ,speech must be acceptable or not.
If something can be said. It can be said or to or by a cocation , african american asian, indian,eskimo, or any other race creed or religion. that is a sociaty free of racial bias!
By this criterion, Imus said nothing racist. Many African Americans use the terms "nappy headed" and "hoes" in reference to other African Americans they don't like. By your criterion, that means it's permissable for people of all races to use those terms.
correct , mills75 that is just how I feel! If you can say it ,I can say it!................and if we cant I wont! will everybody else?
The term is said by other blacks in mostly those rap songs (however you term it)and maybe stand up comedy. Those rap songs are a disgrace anyway in general in my opinion. I know because my girls listen to them to my shame. (they are white but have black friends and have had black boy friends in the past) I don't think they do any good for blacks to be demeaning other blacks. For Imus to join in was stupid, but not I think worthy of his being fired. He does a lot of good with his charities for both sick children and vets returning from Iraq who can't get decent care from this government who claims to care about them. It is a shame that all that good is in danger of being cut off because of his stupid remarks which I believe he just meant to be funny.
This has been talked (wrote about) on a few other threads and snood has a thread about this topic.
Should Don Imus be strung up by the balls?
This is only one of several threads here. You must not have looked very hard if you didn't find any threads on this topic.
I was thinking the same thing, Bear, but didn't have such a photo at my disposal.
Thanks for doing my work for me.
Re: Why are there no posts, for or agianst Don Imus?
george35 wrote:If there is any posts about this extremely important controversy, I did not see them. how deos everybody feel on this issue?
A2K search : Imus : as posts
Quote:Forum Index » Search » Search found 422 matches
subtract the 5 or 6 references after your question - still plenty of yakking on the old man
gustavratzenhofer wrote:I was thinking the same thing, Bear, but didn't have such a photo at my disposal.
Thanks for doing my work for me.
we've been through this Gus.... I'm always here for you.
gustavratzenhofer wrote:I was thinking the same thing, Bear, but didn't have such a photo at my disposal.
Thanks for doing my work for me.
If you and Bi-Polar don't think there aren't discussions going on about this in Washington, you are wrong. Your friends on the left are most definitely looking for ways to hush up the opposition. This has already been discussed in the media, as it relates to Imus. It will likely be intertwined with the Fairness Doctrine. If they think they can do it, they will try.
If you live in a cave, maybe you haven't heard of this, but otherwise you should have by now.
Sorry I was rude, but I was astounded - we've been talking for days about all this on many threads.
On the other hand, george, you might check out the search function.