Wow, just re-read my posts from last night and seen all the spelling errors. Was late when I posted. I guess you all deciphered through it.
Thanks TTH and Red. I am not looking for anyone from a particular site. I am not a member of Butterfly. I run another proboard forum. Have not checked Red and I do not have access to my site from work, they blocked it, I guess I was getting on it too much

But aren't you still a member on my site? Have not seen you for awhile, but I think your account is still available there.
Anyways I am just tracking down some of the other finalist. We had five teams make it from my site and I have been contacting other finalist from other sites to give them some info on something we have been planning and would like them to be a part of if they are interested.
I was told about MissKitty from your site and she is the only one I have come across so far that I have not been able to contact.
You guys are a talkative bunch. A lot more fast paced here than other boards I have seen. You have done a great job here. Hopefully if you guys stick together and they have an OWTW4 you will be off to a great start.
Well I have to get back to work, before they block this site from me too.

So if you can, give MK my email and I will fill her in.
[email protected]
Edit [Moderator]: Website removed