I think that they are going to melodrama this thing to the end. Unless Tony just goes all bananas and shoots everybody, there will be some lingering unresolved T'ingss that will slip past the last episode.
I think that Phil Leotardo will become the last man standing and will, upon Tony's demise , consolidate the two families and finally put to rest that old territorial dispute. Of course blood will be spilled but , since were all NASCAR fans, I think we can handle it.
Tony's rising gambling problem was introduced mildly last year. However, since Hesch is beginning to take offense at Tony's payment stretching of a 100K loan and will, no doubt, blame Tony for the death of his goomar, we have another shooter lining up..
Christopher stone cold sober throws a guy out a window.
Christopher drunk shoots a guy point blank.
What a guy.
I'm impressed with Tony's cure for AJ's depression--get drunk, get stoned, assault somebody, and burn his feet with acid.
What a guy.
Tony's cure was beer and titties.
I missed it last night. Ill have to catch up this Evening.
farmerman wrote:I missed it last night. Ill have to catch up this Evening.
It made me think..."how in the hell are they going to get this wrapped up?"
Things are falling apart though, that's for sure.
You figure, who's the last pewrson that you figure is going to commit a major plot ending murder?--Its Meadow!!
I suspect that AJ is going to take a fall for going along with roughing up a college student. Christopher is obviously beginning to think of flipping on the family, and joining "The Bull" in the witness protection program. Christopher knows so much that he could bring the whole family down. If the Feds move in on info from Christopher, everyone is vulnerable. All the Soprano's real property could be seized. Bobby's Canadian hit could come back to haunt him. On the other hand, Christopher might go fishing and meet up with Puss.
Leotardo is itching to move in on the Sopranos, and might end up killing some of the main Soprano Capos. If Leotardo senses weakness, he'll take advantage of the situation bringing more pressure on the Soprano outfit. Whacking Sil would be devastating to the Soprano organization. Pauli is already an unstable element, he might even go over to Leotardo's outfit and prove his new loyalty by shooting Sil.
I think Tony is likely going to prison for a long time, and he might not survive there very long. Of all the characters, Meadow's fate is the hardest to speculate on. I doubt that she'll go postal, and her criminal involvement is almost nil. Its hard not to have a great deal of sympathy for her character.
The Sopranos has had a very good run. Good writing, casting and acting on top of first rate production values. I've liked the nuances to the series, and hope this series will give rise to more serious adult fare.
Well yikes on last nights show. I knew something exciting was going to happen but that?
Well, either this means Tony won't get pinched (Chris was his biggest threat) or it forshadows him getting pinched because he thinks he won't.
And I didn't get the whole "I get it!" thing at the end.
Was he just higher than a kite or did that have some meaning I missed?
Tony was a completely unlikable character in this episode...are they grooming us to hate him so we won't feel bad when he gets whacked?
did you say somethin' bella? I'm stuck on your beer and titties post....
Bella Dea wrote:And I didn't get the whole "I get it!" thing at the end.
Was he just higher than a kite or did that have some meaning I missed?
He had taken peyote, which is a mind expanding drug Native Americans use during religious ceremonies to raise their consciousness and stuff.
It's like he "got" what the universe is all about.
when tony told carmela about christafa? That gasp she produced, I thought she was gonna swallow her tongue.
Jeez, that Paulie "Sometimes maybe I pushed him to hard, ya know"?
I loved that character "3 to 5 and 7 to 9" She just cruises around to wakes all day. Did you catch her walking in the background at Paulies relative wake? Who the hell was it that died? His mother?
It was his aunt who raised him.
Did anyone else think for a moment that Tony was killing Chrissy out of compassion since he was suffocating anyway? Of course, it became clear afterwards that he felt nothing for doing it. But for a split second there, it looked like maybe he was being compassionate.
I can't believe it.
Do you think Carm will ever figure out what really happened to Chrissy and Adriana? I know she plays dumb when it comes to Tony, trying not to understand and know him for who he really is. But I think she knows more than she lets on. I'd be suprised if she doesn't stand by him til the very end.
And wtf is up with AJ? He spends most of the show as the little brat who is obviously not cut out to take over the family business. Then he starts therapy and antidepressants and torturing guys who don't pay up, turning him into a mini-Tony. Then he winds up crying like a baby in therapy over the injustice of the world. "Why can't we all just get along?" I think he's going to either be dead by the end or leave the family behind and start over.
my first impression was that it wss almost a mercy killing... the death breath... and I don't know who else noticed that Chris let go of his bowels... an almost sure sign he was going to die anyway and I think Tony sort of killed two birds with one stone no pun intended. No death bed ranting or confessions, although he probably in real life wouldn't have lasted until the EMS arrived. I do think Chris' feelings and loyalty to Tony were real but he was too f**ked up to be dependable there at the end... as far as AJ goes... what a pussy.... maybe it'll come out that the fat gay guy had been doing him
Re chrissy and mercy killing...
I don't think so, Chrissy had been a thorn in Tony's side for so long he knew it would come down to him or Chris. I could be wrong, that's just how I saw it.
Also, I think he was really affected by the fact that tree really did go through the babies car seat. I could see where Tony might think "how long until Christopher gets drunk or high and really is driving around with the baby."
As far as AJ, I'd like to think there's some hope for him. I used to absolutely HATE that kid. Now, well, look at him. He's been in a serious relationship, and obviously really loved that child of his ex-gf. Now he's taking classes and is really paying attention. Yeah, he's with those sleazy friends, but when they do bad stuff, AJ there, but it's like he's trying to not take an active role. By the look on his face, for instance, when they were beating up the guy on the bike, he thought it was wrong.
All his life AJ has been a real loser, and it's not like he would even know how to suddenly stand up to someone and say, "that's wrong", but he's getting a glimmer of that in his mind.
If he can make the decision to dump those friends and start hanging out with a better crowd, I think he'd really turn around.
Yeah, that was Pauly's Mom, and he wasn't a happy camper.
With Christopher dead, the organization is getting thin at the top. Pauly isn't likely to flip, but he could easily go over to Phil's organization if anything happened to Tony. All Pauly had in the world was his Mother and his association with the Soprano family. Sil isn't up to being long-term Boss, but he's probably going to remain loyal to the last breath. Bobby, being married to Tony's sister, will probably remain loyal but he's another Capo who can't run the business. The rest of the mob is mostly background scenery.
A.J. looks as if he's entering into a life of crime. He was always a screwed up kid, but this season he finally looks as if his better nature is overwhelmed by his environment and upbringing. If anything happens to Tony and the organization, A.J. will be a fish out of water. Tony has betrayed and killed his closest relatives and associates over the series. Will, he betray A.J. in some way? That would be the cherry on top of his portrait of a monster. If Carmela thought that Tony had betrayed A.J., or even made him part of one of the Family crews, that might lead to a total breakdown of the marriage. Would Carmela flip on Tony if she thought it would "save" A.J.?
Carmela doesn't know anything of Tony's business, but she "knows" everything deep down in her subconscious. I expect that Carmela will end up with none of the material advantages she's become accustomed to. She may find that people who she thought of as friends drop her like a hot potato. No more luxuries, no more deference from old subordinates, no more Tony, A.J. drifting into crime, and a whole lot of negative publicity. It's a good thing she will have Meadow to lean on. I expect Meadow will reunite with her lover once the organization is folded up.
Phil has already been putting pressure on the Sopranos, and moving into New Jersey operations that the Soprano's regarded as their own. Tony can either fight, or give up. Either strategy would be a disaster. Tony hasn't the resources to fight a turf war at the moment, but if he doesn't fight he signals weakness. Either way, can Pauly be depended upon?
Tony is central, he's the protagonist and the conclusion has to some how resolve his "problems" in a final way.
Tony could be killed. I can't see any of the current Soprano associates taking out Tony; he's just too valuable to maintaining the family's power and there isn't anyone available to replace him. Phil could have Tony whacked, but under the "code" he would need permission from the Commission to hit another Boss. The mob doesn't like warfare, its bad for business and in the end that's what they are all about. Death is a pretty final way to resolve the series, but in a way it lets Tony off the hook far too easily. I think the audience wants to see some sort of justice in the end.
Tony could go to jail for a long time, with none of the perks associated with being a Family Boss. Goodness, knows that he's committed enough crimes to justify throwing away the key. On the other hand, getting the evidence to put Tony away might be difficult unless someone flipped. Christopher was the greatest danger, and he's gone with a murder almost impossible to prove. The government's best bet would be a RICO prosecution that would Tony put him in jail and strip of him known wealth and property. The problem with that solution is that it might be hard to cover an extended trial in the remaining episodes. Putting Tony in jail isn't going to be easy, or the Feds would have done it way, way back.
I suppose that Tony could be paralyzed for life by a sloppy assassination attempt. That could remove him from running the organization, and cause the collapse of the Soprano Family. Pauly goes over to Phil's organization and Phil takes over the Soprano's business interests. Sil probably would have to go, and Bobby might take it on the lam. Uncle Junior is already "disposed of", and the Soprano family, both personal and organization would be wrecked. Tony lives out the rest of his life trapped in a wasted body and unable to communicate. All alone for years with the memories of all the people's lives that he's ruined or ended.
These upcoming episodes shouldn't be missed. HBO has set a hight standard with The Sopranos and Rome, I hope they can keep turning out such well-written, acted and produced adult fare.
Unfortunately there are not enough episodes left to really do a good job of developing the end of the Sopranos.
I fear we'll all be left feeling like it ended in an unresoved, no total closure rush job.
You know what would be cool? A dream sequence where Chris is met at the gates of hell by Adriana and she's holding an infinite supply of cocaine cut with drano and is wearing a huge hot brass studded strap on.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:Unfortunately there are not enough episodes left to really do a good job of developing the end of the Sopranos.
I fear we'll all be left feeling like it ended in an unresoved, no total closure rush job.
I think so, too. I don't think we've seen the end of this franchise. I expect that a movie is in the future.
I've been thinking this whole "Season" how the helll are they going to wrap this up??
Bella, if you wouldn't mind would you be kind enough to tell me what you are wearing.
Thank you in advance.
<arranges lotion and tissue>