Good morning, Ms Margo!
Yes, I'm discovering the sheer ease of one cat households, but rather miss the cacophony! This solo cat thing is quite a strange experience.
But I'm certainly not rushing into anything. (For starters, I'm too busy with work & looking after myself right now. It has been an extremely busy few months.) And I like the idea of acquiring another critter when the weather's warmer & it's comfortable for both cats to live outside, as well as in. Brrrrrrr
And it seems better to do this when I'm on holiday, with lots of time to keep my eye on how a new cat is adapting. One thing that I wonder about - You know how the older cat is a sort of "role model" for the younger one? Well, what if the older one (Flatty) happens to be a wee bit er.. crazy? I wonder if one ends up with TWO crazy cats!
I can see that Possum thoroughly enjoys being THE cat!

But what a beautiful, well looked after specimen! How are you going with the diet regime, by the way? Sleek again?
So yes, as you've suggested margo, this will be Flatty's time to be indulged in with no distractions. He seems to be enjoying all the attention immensely!