Oh, I think you did, Roberta!
Intense, was it? :wink:
Not intending any offense, but how about intensely intent? The pics show an intent cat trainee learning its little world on its own.
Ms. O: I visited your room once before, and had commented on something about the Asian Leopard Cat with a little anecdote. Thanks for the welcome, though.
Cat = Intensely intent, intensely intense
Fish = tense
Sorry margo, I do get you and msolga mixed up!
Ah, Paddy is VERY intense, but he's not really evil, only when he's scared.
I allow him a lot of slack, because I think he was abused or else orphaned very, very young, so nobody showed him how to be "HUMAN" ... however, he has come a long way since then, so there's lots of hope.
neko nomad wrote:.. Ms. O: I visited your room once before, and had commented on something about the Asian Leopard Cat with a little anecdote. Thanks for the welcome, though.
Well, glad you came back for seconds, neko!

I always associate you with the brilliant gardening threads!
I'd rename him CBS (cute but stupid)
Cat Survives 10-Mile Trip on Top of Car
Mar 4, 7:29 AM (ET)
INKOM, Idaho (AP) - Torri Hutchinson's cat might just have one less life to live. Hutchison was driving along Interstate 15 one day recently when a motorist kept trying to get her attention and pointing to the roof of her car.
She said she was wary of the man, but wondered if perhaps her ski rack might have come loose.
She pulled over to the side, but kept her doors locked and the motor running.
The man pulled up behind her. Hutchinson rolled down her window to hear the man frantically shouting, "Your cat! Your cat!"
He reached for the roof of her car and handed the shocked Hutchinson her orange tabby.
She had driven about 10 miles with the cat on top of the car, and didn't even notice the feline when she stopped for gas.
Hutchinson said Cuddle Bug, or C.B. for short, had climbed into the back of her car as she was getting ready to leave. She put him out, but he must have jumped on the roof while she wasn't looking, she said.
I can imagine leaving your drink on top of your car, but your cat, wow!!
Cuddle Bug is lucky to be alive. The owner ought to be most grateful to the motorist who got her to pull over in order to save the cat's life. Wow.
Paddy and I took our second trip to visit Rae and Lacey this evening.
When I picked Paddy up to leave for the journey there, he fought tooth and nail to get down, but he was going in the car, come hell or high water. He yacked all the way, cussing and yelping, and finally decided to give in by laying down in the front seat and letting me pet him.
Remember, this is a huge cat ... he's not easy to fight off!
We arrived at Rae's, and he refused to get out of the car. Finally, I picked him up and got him to the apartment, just when he decided to try to get down. Thank God I had a jacket on and he wasn't able to bite through it.
He was more curious this time than last time, sniffing and searching throughout the entire apartment. He checked it all over, then when he was satisfied he settled on Rae's bed.
Finally, it was time to leave, he came when I called him, and we set out for the trip home even tho' Rae wanted me to leave him for the weekend ........{I DON'T THINK SO!}
I got Paddy into the drivers seat for the trip home, which is where he decided to stay ... ok man, I'm too tired to fight with you, so I'll sit on you. I got almost to where I thought he was going to allow this to happen, when he decided to move. He was better on the trip home by taking a tour of the car, even stood on his hind legs to check out the rear deck. He then settled behind me and cussed some more.
We just about made it inside my front door when he leapt from my arms and dashed for the porch. He stayed there for at least an hour and then decided to forgive me.
I had a friend who took her cat everywhere with her, including cross-country!
I'm determined to do the same!
Hold on to your heart strings
All together now: AWWWWWWWW!
OMG Panzade .. how cute is that? Are they up for adoption?
I just love kittens, they are so adorable and so entertaining, who couldn't love them?
Do you still have them Panzade?
Good luck with it, Misti! Looks like it's going to take Paddy some getting used to this new idea of being a travelling cat!
They are just beautiful! What a photograph! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
Panzade that is a
lovely photo
Misti - lovely story of Paddy! He sounds more confident (even if annoyed!) - let's hope he gets used to the idea
Right Vivien, little bugger that he is! Oh, and ornery too!
Misti, I have to come and watch you and Paddy travelling! That sounds like fun! I don't even want to think about taking Nisse out to the car without him being in his box. I think he would kill me.
My 24 year old nephew just bought his own house. And guess what - the price obviously included a black cat. There was a cat flap in the door that Daniel opened so now the cat moved in. My sister had to bring a litter box and cat food the next day... Lucky Daniel!
Misti, Good luck with getting Lacey used to traveling.
Panzade, Big awwwwww. Reminds me of the time I was at a membership meeting of the NY Zoological Society held annually at Lincoln Center. At one point in the proceedings, young women walked down the aisles of the theater, each carrying a diapered gorilla. Big awwwwwwww. Tres cute.