Diane wrote:Sweet Misti, it must seem lonely around there.
{{{{{ Misti }}}}}
As some of you know, I read the cat posts occassionally because you all write the best stories of your cats and because I miss having a cat. The other night I found this funky and funny site called My Cat Hates You. Here is a link:
I've been thinking of getting a kitten, but I'm not sure about traveling in the camper with a cat. Fred, our parrot and Sally, our dog, are fine with it; but a cat, Hmmm...I don't know. Has anyone had any experience camping with a cat? This is an RV so we don't actually camp outside. I also know that some cats enjoy riding in a car. One of my cats loved it and would jump in just like a dog. Anyway, suggestions?
Hmmm - I have found that cats reared to become used to car travel - and accustomed to going many places with their owners - can adjust.
Kay Cottee took her cat with her on a solo voyage around the world (though sadly he was washed overboard during the voyage -

I think you would want to start very young.
We had a lovely cat - raised by us on a bottle from a few days old - who frequently went for drives, and also for walks, with us. When she had kittens, the kittens naturally came too. I can recall us all filing into the local library to pick up books - my father, me, Candy, and four kittens in single file.
I have known cats who rode pillion on motor cycles.