msolga wrote:
Yep, Vivian! Chicken cat!
Paddy sounds delightful! What a find! Aren't you glad you adopted him now?

oh yes! even though I'm second best to his Daddy! Himself is
thoroughly enjoying that, as all previous cats had
me as number one! Paddy is a real character - I went to call him in when he'd been out a while yesterday and he was on top of a the tangle of clematis and climbing roses on top of a metal railing fence that is about 8 foot high - he decided to come down and it's a sort of controlled fall, through spindly clematis stems, tumbling and catching hold as he comes down - it was the first time I'd seen how he makes it down so I was saying 'you are a clever boy' in amazement - instant arrival of Rosie - tail up - waiting to be told how clever
She is too - so I had to say how Clever She Was to have trotted across the lawn!
It's funny with how he adores himself but Paddy never ever comes to greet us when we come home - Rosie usually does or sits waiting for us to greet her if she's comfortable and nearby. Paddy often doesn't appear for an hour or more - if he's sleeping then he doesn
not move!

that's hilarious
Rosie is quite good but got more cross with each day - I usually lay out the pills, have a dessert spoon of water ready and then grab cat - tip head back (no holding paws as they'll struggle frantically at that), press on sides of mouth so it opens and drop tablets as far down throat as possible and then tip down the spoonful of water, which triggers the swallowing impulse. Tell cat how good they are and give treat.
Yesterday when I was giving her the last tablets she turned her head quickly and sliced me with one of her canines

not deliberately, just in turning her head - blood dripping - she was quite interested in that

her teeth are like razors
She looks ok today but maybe not 100% so I'll see how she goes over the next 24 hours as she finished her antibiotics yesterday. Pleeeeease no more trips to the vet.