The CAT room!

Reply Wed 16 Feb, 2005 07:33 pm
Hi Nancy and welcome. Mikey has always been a big cat. Now he's a big, fat cat. He nearly killed me when I put him on a diet. You might want to check with the vet. There are some catfoods that have noncaloric filler. The cat eats plenty, but doesn't gain weight. Sorry, but I don't know how much such a diet costs.

msolga, Don't know which made me laugh more. The strange cat in the house or the Flat cat sitting idly by while the interloper interloped.

Mikey and I spent the last two nights watching the Westminster Kennel Club dog show. Mikey loves watching animals on TV and isn't fussy about species. I love watching the dogs. I'll take one of each. Sigh.
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Reply Wed 16 Feb, 2005 07:48 pm
If this was posted before, sorry Smile


1. Grasp cat firmly in your arms. Cradle its head on your elbow, just as if you were giving a baby a bottle. Coo confidently, "That's a nice kitty." Drop pill into its mouth.

2. Retrieve cat from top of lamp and pill from under sofa.

3. Follow same procedure as in #1, but hold cat's front paws down with left hand and back paws down with elbow of right arm. Poke pill into its mouth with right forefinger.

4. Retrieve cat from under bed. Get new pill from bottle. (Resist impulse to get new cat.)

5. Again proceed as in #1, except when you have cat firmly cradled in bottle-feeding position, sit down on edge of chair, fold your torso over cat, bring your right hand over your left elbow, open cat's mouth by lifting the upper jaw and pop the pill in quickly. Since your head is down by your knees, you won't be able to see what you're doing. That's just as well.

6. Leave cat hanging on drapes. Leave pill in your hair.

7. If you're a woman, have a good cry. If you're a man, have a good cry.

8. Now pull yourself together. Who's the boss here anyway? Retrieve cat and pill. Assuming position #1, say sternly, "Who's the boss here, anyway?" Open cat's mouth, take pill and...Oooops!

9. This isn't working, is it? Collapse and think. Aha! Those flashing claws are causing the chaos.

10. Crawl to linen closet. Drag back large beach towel. Spread towel on floor.

11. Retrieve cat from kitchen counter and pill from potted plant.

12. Spread cat on towel near one end with its head over long edge.

13. Flatten cat's front and back legs over its stomach. (Resist impulse to flatten cat.)

14. Roll cat in towel. Work fast; time and tabbies wait for no man or woman.

15. Resume position #1. Rotate your left hand to cat's head. Press its mouth at the jaw hinges like opening the petals of a snapdragon.

16. Drop pill into cat's mouth and poke gently. Voila! It's done.

17. Vacuum up loose fur (cat's). Apply bandages to wounds (yours).

18. Take two aspirins and lie down.
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Reply Thu 17 Feb, 2005 02:27 am
msolga wrote:

Yep, Vivian! Chicken cat! Evil or Very Mad

Paddy sounds delightful! What a find! Aren't you glad you adopted him now? Very Happy

oh yes! even though I'm second best to his Daddy! Himself is thoroughly enjoying that, as all previous cats had me as number one! Paddy is a real character - I went to call him in when he'd been out a while yesterday and he was on top of a the tangle of clematis and climbing roses on top of a metal railing fence that is about 8 foot high - he decided to come down and it's a sort of controlled fall, through spindly clematis stems, tumbling and catching hold as he comes down - it was the first time I'd seen how he makes it down so I was saying 'you are a clever boy' in amazement - instant arrival of Rosie - tail up - waiting to be told how clever She is too - so I had to say how Clever She Was to have trotted across the lawn!

It's funny with how he adores himself but Paddy never ever comes to greet us when we come home - Rosie usually does or sits waiting for us to greet her if she's comfortable and nearby. Paddy often doesn't appear for an hour or more - if he's sleeping then he doesn not move!

colorbook Laughing that's hilarious

Rosie is quite good but got more cross with each day - I usually lay out the pills, have a dessert spoon of water ready and then grab cat - tip head back (no holding paws as they'll struggle frantically at that), press on sides of mouth so it opens and drop tablets as far down throat as possible and then tip down the spoonful of water, which triggers the swallowing impulse. Tell cat how good they are and give treat.

Yesterday when I was giving her the last tablets she turned her head quickly and sliced me with one of her canines Crying or Very sad not deliberately, just in turning her head - blood dripping - she was quite interested in that Evil or Very Mad her teeth are like razors

She looks ok today but maybe not 100% so I'll see how she goes over the next 24 hours as she finished her antibiotics yesterday. Pleeeeease no more trips to the vet.
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Reply Thu 17 Feb, 2005 04:01 am
Roberta wrote:
..Mikey and I spent the last two nights watching the Westminster Kennel Club dog show. Mikey loves watching animals on TV and isn't fussy about species. I love watching the dogs. I'll take one of each. Sigh.

Aw, how nice, Boida. I can just picture the scene. Very Happy
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Reply Thu 17 Feb, 2005 04:12 am
Very funny colorbook! Laughing And just in time (or maybe a bit late, actually) for poor Vivien!

Hey, Vivien, ask your vet if you can buy one of those pill applicator thingies from her/him. They don't cost much & they make the job so much easier! It's just a thin plastic holder with a little grip thing at the end which holds the pill. It's a relatively easy process to get the pill down the critter's throat. I'd be lost without it, what with all the Flatty medicating I have to do.

It's great to hear that Rosie is getting there, but this has been quite an episode, hasn't it? Did the vet say what causes the eye to do that?
Paddy sounds like a boy cat of my heart! Laughing (I've had quite a few of those! Very Happy ) I'll bet he's looking beautiful, too. Photos soon?
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Reply Thu 17 Feb, 2005 04:17 am
Now I know what all that Flatty yowelling in the dark is all about! It's to call me outside, so I'll chase away our unwelcome fluffy tabby visitor (while he watches, of course! Rolling Eyes ) Actually the tabby critter is quite pretty & has a delicate little tinkly bell, but she's (I think it's a she) is too forward by far!
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Reply Thu 17 Feb, 2005 06:26 am
That pill thingy sounds good - next vets trip I'll ask about one.

Mikey watching the dogs on TV is a lovely image!

Rosie seems ok so far - she's been flying up and down stairs with Paddy so fingers crossed - kids and pets always wait until Friday night to go down with something anyway - after the doctors and vets close
Rolling Eyes

recent images:

Paddy on top of the fence - all you can see are the ears so I've done a fluorescent arrow to show where he is Very Happy it unfortunately gives away the tangled, scruffy, winter grottiness of the garden :wink:


Paddy and Rosie taking a rest from chasing up and downstairs:



I'm afraid Rosie only stayed for a few minutes after Paddy settled down with her - but this sort of friendliness was unthinkable in the early days of growling and nagging and sulking. Paddy's friendly sociable little soul won the day!

You can see that he's catching up on her size wise - she lost a bit of weight when she felt poorly and he is getting to be a teenager.
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Reply Thu 17 Feb, 2005 02:48 pm
I'm always reporting on how aggressive Mikey is. It occurs to me that I've rarely if ever reported on thesweet, gentle, loving side to his nature. When we watch television together, he usually puts his paw in my hand or rests his head on my knee. Yes, this is the same Mikey who attacks me in my sleep.

Mikey loves the Discovery Channel and other stations that feature nature shows. He watches intently, but he becomes active only if birds are on the screen. He hops over and tries to get them. Somewhere early on this thread I reported on what happened when he was watching his Catnip video--he attacked the screen and nearly knocked himself out.

I have a photo of him in the early stages of watching the video--his thumbed paw on the tv screen. I can't figure out how to post it.

msolga, So Flattie expects you to come to the rescue. Get the intruder off his turf. Hop to it, girl.

Vivien, Thanks for the photos. I love seeing them. Glad to hear that Rosie is doing better.
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Reply Thu 17 Feb, 2005 08:34 pm
Msolga, you're right, Paddy loves just being here alone and being King!

Vivien, I love the photos, they are both beautiful cats, the picture of health. Speaking of, hope Rosie is better by now and back in the swing of things.

Roberta, how big IS Mikey? Paddy is huge too, he must weigh about 20 lbs, I will measure him as soon as he lays low long enough!

Also, you mentioned about Mikey watching TV. Is it true that cats don't see TV like we do, they see a series of lines? Something to do with the brain being slower/faster than humans I believe.
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Reply Thu 17 Feb, 2005 11:18 pm
Misti, When Mikey was thin, he was 20 pounds. Now I'm guessing that he's anywhere from 23-25 pounds.
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Reply Fri 18 Feb, 2005 03:37 am
Roberta wrote:

I have a photo of him in the early stages of watching the video--his thumbed paw on the tv screen. I can't figure out how to post it.

oh we'd love to see it! have you got a scanner? because if the only problem is getting it onto the net I can either explain how to use photobucket or do it for you if you email it to me - whichever. I can pm you my email address.

Well ..... reading between the lines and seeing how much you adore Mikey we knew there must be another side! but watching TV with his paw held is lovely Very Happy

Yes, cats do definitely see the TV - the only thing is they usually get laughed at when kittens for chasing birds or something onscreen and learn huh! this isn't real and then ignore it - a bit like the way they refuse to look in a mirror.

Casey charmed her way into David's heart as a stray kitten (quote 'we aren't keeping it' oh really?) when she ran up to the screen when he was watching snooker and tried to get the ball out of the pocket Very Happy - she stayed Very Happy

Timmy ignored the TV mostly after the kitten stage but woke up once from a very deep sleep to see a flock of birds taking off on TV - and did a Mikey Laughing (looked very sheepish afterwards).

Rosie is looking fine - yesterday she was like her old self, playing bushy whiskered, batting me throught he banisters and galloping around with Paddy. She's sleeping on a cushion now and he's out - no doubt on top of the fence somewhere or playing with another cat - there's a tabby that he plays with a lot - I think Rosie gets a bit jealous because she's too scared to mix with the other cats.
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Reply Fri 18 Feb, 2005 05:30 am
That's very good news about Rosie, Vivien! Very Happy Back to her normal self! Hooray!

Oh, that black-as-black Paddy has won my heart! He's going to be a really stunning creature when he hits his prime! Not that he isn't a delightful looking critter right now .... I have this HUGE weakness for slinky black cats! Very Happy I'm not sure why, Vivien, but that picture of Paddy's ears popping out of the climbing plant makes me laugh. Maybe it's my absolute delight in pussy cat high jinx. Even his ears look naughty! Laughing


Speak of the devil! Ms Tinkerbell, my intrusive tabby guest, just made an appearance! How did I know? The Flatty yowl at the back door cat-flap. I didn't see her when I went out to investigate ... just heard the tinkling bell as she bolted to the side fence & her get-away! It was probably the aroma of Flatty's roast chicken that drew her to the house. Hmmm Evil or Very Mad
You're going to have to get a recent photograph of Mikey taken (while in one of his sweet moods! Laughing ) so that we can all see him in his full splendor, Boida!


Isn't it strange that Paddy doesn't appear to miss Lacey? Maybe all the time they shared the same house he was just longing to be the ONLY cat! My Mozzie was just like that. She simply wanted to be IT & used to sit and glower at (my then) other 2 when they got attention instead of her! She was a princess, that one! Very Happy
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Reply Fri 18 Feb, 2005 11:25 am
Good kitty...

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Reply Fri 18 Feb, 2005 11:00 pm
Right on msolga ... Paddy is definitely a one on one kitty. For instance, Lacey came to visit for the weekend and he's acting like there's a plague in the house! He's being really selfish and Lacey is her usual independent self and has taken up residence on the end of my bed. She's sniffed around the house for a couple of hours now, has decided it's okay and it seems familiar, so she's comfy.

Paddy is big and mean, when he wants to be!
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Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2005 12:38 am
cjhsa wrote:
Good kitty...


One of your better posts, cjhsa! Nice kitty! Very Happy
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Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2005 12:39 am

I think you've got a one woman cat there in Paddy! :wink:
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Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2005 03:38 am
Here is Roberta's Mikey watching TV - I hope it works ok Roberta!



isn't he gorgeous? and that thumb - aaaaah! lovely - he's got beautiful markings hasn't he?

Roberta you must get your camera out! and get the images put onto dvd when you have the film developed? I'll put them online anytime for you.
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Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2005 06:32 am
Thanks for that, Vivien! That Mikey sure takes his TV watching seriously! Razz
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Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2005 11:22 am
Vivien, Thanks. All cropped and neat--thumb in the foreground. I don't have a camera, so the photos here are it. Yes, I love Mikey's markings. A tabby saddle. And bits and pieces of tabby elsewhere.

msolga, Mikey is this serious about his tv viewing only when there are birds on the screen.

Misti, I'm not surprised that Paddy is enjoying his "oneness." In addition to being king of the castle, he got to keep the castle. Lacey had to adjust to new digs. I'm glad they're both doing well.
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Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2005 03:22 pm
Roberta does he almost walk on tiptoe with his front paws? Paddy seems to - his little sticky out thumb much in evidence. Mikey's huge paw shows up well in this photo
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