I love a cat that participates. And you were trying to find new toys to engage him! YOU are the best toy!

I'm pleased that wing chair of your mother's has remained a favourite with Mikey.
I'm relieved today, after yet another vet visit, yesterday. Poor old Flats was totally out of it, his meow had vanished (though he was still going through the motions, poor thing) & he was even less than enthusiastic about food. A very bad sign!

Anyway, it turns out he has a virus - pharyngitis? (like laryngitis.) So, an injection & a new batch of pills .... <sigh> But the good news is that he's perked up a bit this morning. A bit more pep & he even managed to produce a squeak!

This not meowing has seriously cramped Flatty's style. He of the Grand Entrance & the simultaneous grand meow!

Sort of took the wind out of his sails.