Visits to the vet!!!

Gulp. Gasp. Thud. I take the case out the night before so that when he sees it, he doesn't panic. Mikey spends the evening, night, and wee hours of the morning pushing the case around the apartment. No matter where he pushes it, it's still there.
Getting him in the case results in my bleeding from somewhere. I use my luggage wheels to move the case. The case and Mikey weigh over 25 pounds! The trip in the cab is mercifully short and NOISY. By the time we get into the vet's office, Mikey is not a happy camper. He has to be muzzled, blindfolded, and wrapped in a blanket. The place I take Mikey has more than one vet. When I first started taking him there, the male vet told me not to bring Mikey when his partner, a woman, was there. Why? He said she's not strong enough to deal with him. Hey, doc. I'm a woman. What am I supposed to do?
Neko: Nekochan is gorgeous.