Hello margo, Roger & Deb,
It's good of you to respond in such awful circumstances. And yes, it absolutely ISN'T fair!
The problem is now even more complicated than it was yesterday. Last night he had a recurrence of the constant sneezing that my vet has had to treat twice in a short period (probably because of immunity problems.) .... the idea being that anaesthetic was not advisable while he has this condition. I'm fretting & have done what any other person would do in the circumstances: sat myself & had a bloody good howl!
It isn't looking good, is it?
I'll see how things develope over the weekend.
Flatcat was one of a number of cats that my ex-partner "rescued" over the many years we lived together. He was the last one, acquired just a couple of months before we went our separate ways & I was left with the 3 I shifted into this house with. (My ex-partner wasn't able to take him, or the other 2, because he was living in a flat at the time.)
BUT the end result is that most of the rescued males have had health problems - most likely as a result of their lives of neglect prior to living with us. The number of times we experienced the "life or death" scenario (or serious chronic ailments) has been truly awful. These "lost cats" can just break your heart. Only the 2 female tabbies have had trouble-free lives. One was Mozz, who died a few months ago at 18 years of age & the other was Polly, who died at 23 .... I'm not sure why I'm writing all this. Maybe to tell myself NEVER to take on another abandoned cat in need of special care. This is just so sad .... I'm contemplating the thought of the last of my 3 not being here & it's a very strange idea. I can't imagine it.