I have a sad post.... I am moving out and I don't get to keep my two kittens... I am soo sad and I am going to miss them so much... they are both indoor cats and my boyfriend will be taking them back home with him and his family where they will become outdoor cats... And I am worried about cinder because he has been indoors his whole life and he is almost a year now... will this affect him at all?
The markings on Lacey's face are similar to one of Louis' feral siblings. We call that one "quarternote".
After some Japanese and Aussie request, one more cat:
I found a cat hair in my chinese barbecued "chicken" today at lunch.
Oh CL, my heart breaks for you ... is there no way your boyfriend would let you keep your babies?
If not, then I suggest you go to the nearest Humane Society and get yourself another pet, it will be the cure of all cures. Not that you won't miss your babies, of course you will, but it will help you heal.
Prayers are with you:)
cjhsa, that's a sign ... there's a cat stalking you, he's gonna get you, you DO NOT [/i]want to make an enemy of a cat, they do not forget and they do reciprocate in kind, so be afraid, be very afraid!
well, Francis - a Catholic cat!
Probably aiming for pope!
wow those eyes! what a beautiful cat Francis
And he has a so sweet character!
Francis, he looks just like my sister's cat, Obie! I'd never seen a Siamese-tabby mixture like that before. They're beautiful.
What do you think of the last born cat?
Great cats!
Cat - alina is sure a cutie! (but then, aren't they all?)
But then, here's someone with a different opinion, from the Heckler section of yesterday's Sydney Morning Herald, a back page rant:
Enough of the pets that are pests
The Sydney Morning Herald - August 2, 2005
Here's a thought ... let's scratch the cat, suggests Glenn Fowler.
When I am prime minister, the charmed run of domestic cats is over. There is only one reason why the salad days for these pests have gone on for so long, and that is that some warped, twisted people seem to find them cute.
How can politicians be trusted to take responsible action regarding cats if they go home for an evening cuddling up to Tiddles on the sofa? No, we need a cold, hard, rational, callous bastard to take control of the situation. Me.
My objections to cats are personal and practical. On the personal side, I remember having my sand pit taken away as a child because some cat kept climbing the fence and pooping in it. I also remember the allergic reactions cats triggered, and the odd scratch. Cats do pretty much whatever they please (it usually isn't much) and make people work for any hint of affection. I just don't think they are very nice, but I suppose that's beside the point.
On the practical side, I don't think people should be allowed to own a pet if they are incapable of keeping it on their property. Why should the neighbours have to put up with the things walking around their yards, mercilessly "laying cable"? Cat owners, at the very least, should keep their pets in at night. When they are out at night, most domestic cats hunt; and, bell or no bell, they are successful.
Statistics vary on anything to do with cats, but I believe the average domestic cat kills more than a dozen native animals a year. That's more than a hundred over the course of its life. What would happen to a human if he or she killed that many native animals? The big house, that's what. What happens to a cat? A nice bowl of Whiskas.
Cats are known to kill more than 350 species of native Australian vertebrates - mainly birds but also scores of species of mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Of course, when cats don't return to the family home they often become feral. These little darlings grow to huge sizes and become extraordinarily vicious, killing all manner of things, from rosellas and skinks to bilbies and baby koalas.
Conservative estimates suggest that there are more than 5 million feral cats in Australia, breeding like crazy and killing millions of native animals that do not have the natural defences to escape them. If we as a nation decide to keep cats at the expense of the rapidly vanishing koala, then that will be a sad indictment on us. It's time for drastic change.
Here's the plan: let present pusses live out their lives, but owners will be directed to keep them on their properties and inside at night. Pests Under Surveillance Squads (or PUSS) will police cat movements, and offending owners will have their cats eliminated. No more cats will be bred or sold. All feral cats will be hunted down.
Cat lovers, I'm afraid, will just have to get used to life without Tiddles and friends, but can console themselves with the thought that they can tell stories to their grandchildren about this mystical, magical, highly repulsive creature.
What happens here to people who kill lots of native animals is that they have freezers full of venison and elk backstraps. Yum.
Aside from barn cats that earn their keep on farms, cats should not be roaming in rural areas. In metropolitan areas sure, but not where wildlife needs to reproduce generations. Many hunters shoot cats, feral or not, that wander onto their land.
Almost no venison and elk in Australia!
(they take a very dim view of shooting their animals in zoos and farms!)
That wouldn't be very sporting now would it?