aaaaaaaah a contented loving face
- winter coat - yes I tend to forget you are now going into winter.
We are roasting in temperatures of 90F at times which is altogether tooo much for me and the cats are spread out in the shade trying to keep cool. The car is air conditioned but our homes aren't so the fan is working overtime.
(thunderstorm building up now - great it should freshen the air)
Our visitor White Paws ( a tabby with white tummy and paws, I think female as she's so polite!) is building up a routine and arrives at about 6pm for the dregs of the cats dinner that they won't touch. I'm sure she has a home but don't know wher and she spends a lot of time in our garden. She's not so well padded as ours! a bit thin. She visits a lot and constantly tries - politely - to come in but I just say NO and she steps backwards and sits neatly on the step.
msolga how could you! her indeed! Possum is quite obviously a gentleman, one look at those autocratic annoyed ears ......
Not my cat but I feel this is a funny image.

For a moment there, margo, I thought you we hissing at me!
Humblest apologies to
MRPossum cat! I can only put my confusion down to tiredness. (Last day of school term today! Hooray!

That's a wonderful photo, satt!
Uh oh, Vivien. You've already given her a name! As you'd know, naming a cat (whose possibly looking for a home) is the first step toward the critter taking up residency! :wink: Anyway, White Paws sounds delightful!
Keep us posted.
I have been reading here once in a while, and always looked forward to look at the pictures of all the cats. You all have real beauties.
My- our- beauty is just a normal house tiger, adopted some 8 years ago by my son- and dearly loved by all of us.
And now I fear I am allergic to him.
Any tips?
An allergy after 8 years, ul?
Seems weird to me, too.
But sneezing, itchy, tearing eyes, I only have when I am home- if I go out things improve.
So my doc told me it might be Kiki- I will have a test next week.
I do hope it's not the family tabby, ul!
That's what I hope- for now I am telling myself I am allergic to school books! Kiki sits here and smiles.
Hey, got a photo of Kiki, ul? I'm a sucker for tabbies!
Here he looks so calm- you should see him play Hide and Seek with us, or jumping for ballons.
Ah, he's beautiful, ul!
And those fantastic "whisker dots" that all tabbies have!
Nah, he couldn't possibly be the cause of your allergy!
I can never see this thread without thinking of an old country boy expression: "They warn't enough room to swing a cat!"
Ul, your Kiki is beautiful, soooooo peaceful and soooooooooo comfy looking!
Kiki is beautiful and what a contented face. I do hope you aren't allergic to him
Thanks- we think he is the most beautiful carpet tiger.
I don't want to be allergic- so I will not be allergic.
a new idiom- thanks.
Carpet tiger, I like that!
Kiki has that adorable pinkish-grey nose and sort-of "M" on the forehead that's, well, SO CUTE!
I had a grey tabby once with these same features on his face. Does Kiki have those cute brownish-grey paw pads? Boris Kitten has them just like my grey tabby did.