sniff! that's lovely and he's absolutely beautiful.
I remember a programme on elephants and as they migrated to new pastures in the dry season they would pass the bones of a deceased member of the group - they would stop and stand rocking and turning the bones gently in their trunks - I'm sure animals can grieve and remember.
I finally got a good shot of Louis and my daughter erased the memory card.

So, this isn't him either (but you'd never know unless you were his mother).
neko nomad wrote:When our late Poindexter was around, I would let him out the front door whenever it was raining in order to keep him from wandering out toward the street, as the rain would keep him along the side of the house, under the eaves. In good weather he'd be let out the back door.
After awhile he figured the back door was the way to good weather, and so he'd becomed really cheesed when he found foul weather outside both doors. He'd mutter things he wouldn't say in polite company. And hiss, too.
While Poindexter was around, he and Nekochan were an item, and though he's been gone over six years, Nekochan will pause by his favorite shady spot by the driveway, seemingly in contemplation, to this day.
Oh, hissing at the weather! I haven't seen that in action yet, for all the (many) cats I've been lucky enough to live with. Come to think of it, the only time I've seen a cat of mine hiss at all was at a strange dog.
I have seen them look at bad weather and then look at me, as if I can fix it. This is a real heart-string tugger, for me, as if they're thinking "Mom can do anything!"
Our pets' attachment to one another (2 dogs & 3 cats) is also very dear to me. I've had several cats die of old age in the past 6 years, and it hurts me and the other pets, too. But I'm so glad to have had those cats in my life. I'll never forget them. I love them still <sniff>.
Gosh, Louis looks like Boris Kitten (as a kitten) but with little white feet! I love white feet, the critters always look Dressed Up, maybe wearing spats.
neko nomad wrote:...While Poindexter was around, he and Nekochan were an item, and though he's been gone over six years, Nekochan will pause by his favorite shady spot by the driveway, seemingly in contemplation, to this day.

Yes, that is exactly what cats are about, neko nomad. They are remarkably intelligent & sensitive. I know, I know....
Ah, yes, they are, msolga! Well, most of the time...
Ask me after a sleepless night during which Nisse yelled at me for - seemingly - hours without end... ;-) I love him - and little Mysan, of course!
I read these cat threads now and then, sometimes comment. Enjoy you cat loving people.
Well, my rescued kitty, a cute calico with all white chest, tummy & legs, is better. When we brought her home she was so skinny, just a backbone and scared to death. When I picked her up she'd grab me with all four and climb around to back of my neck. Ouch! Once she tangled herself in my necklace and when I pulled her off her knee was dislocated. What a pathetic little thing when I took her to the vet, even with upper respiratory and eye infection. Poor little thing.
Now, she's fine, finally eating meat and milk by herself and finally ceased the loud meowing about everything, her knee OK.
BUT, she gave everything in the house fleas. Gads, I think I've covered everything but for about a week all 3 cats and the dog were scratching, as well as the humans. When I put the Frontline on their necks those horrible little critters would all jump off. Then it was the spray, on all, spray on the entire house. We just moved here and some of our furnishings are new. So, everybody survived the spray. The kitty is OK, and the other two accepted her, stopped hissing at her.
Holy cow, now we must find her a new home as we're pushing it here now with four pets when we're allowed only two. Really attached to this brave little thing. She's all relaxed and lays on her back, let's us rub her tummy. Cute. I call her McCushla, you know, that old Gaelic term that means "my darlin'". How DO you spell that?
Have a good day, all.-
You have an EXTREMELY lucky little cat at your place!

It cheers me enormously each time I hear another tale of rescue, adoption, loving care, then critter contentment! So much cruelty & neglect out there, far too little kindness & compassion.
I'm so glad that you rescued McCushla and gave her a loving home. One more saved!
The little girl i'm carrying here asked me to bring her by this thread for a moment. OK, Miss Cleo, take it away ! ! !
arf, arfarf, arfarfarf
Just helpin' a little dog out, Boss . . .
Possum has deigned to tolerate a photographer!
OOoooooooo . . . smoothity ! ! !
... & and angry possum sighting, too! Look at those ears!
Setanta wrote:OOoooooooo . . . smoothity ! ! !
She's so doggone perdy!
(Gotta give her another smooch!)
I was just going to comment on those ears too and you beat me msolga!
any minute now and Possum is going to stop deigning!
gorgeous and beautifully marked.
new digital camera? will there be more?
Yes, Vivien, Possum is looking rather stunning in her special winter coat.
HIS Olga,
A slightly more tolerant Poss-cat!
Aren't these thumb-nails from Image Shack great - quick to load, and you can go and see more detail!