They are both great hunters
..... of flies
they spend hours chasing round after insects in the garden
Paddy has come home with 2 birds but he hadn't caught either of them - they were stiff and cold with rigor mortis - himself had a job to remove them from Paddy! I think they were both young ones and had died of natural causes (we've had a some quite cold weather before the current sunny spell)
Rosie (still a coward) is so much braver and enjoys the garden so much more since we had Paddy.
Paddy plays with loads of other cats and though one Tom cat bullies him he doesn't seem over worried - he still won't come in. When we can we turn the hosepipe on the bully which means that a hand on the door and he
A tabby with white paws who lives across the square visits constantly and sits on the doorstep wanting to come in but is quite polite and when she tries edging in a 'no' is enough to make her back out and sit on the doorstep again.
Rosie still has a passion for the cheapo scones that himself buys for the birds - he only needs to hold one out to show her that he's off to feed them and she's after him like a shot! Weird animal.