.... because he's telling you he's the "top cat", Misti!

:wink: (Bad boy, Paddy!) He's acting like he's the boss, not you. Little devil! You've got to show him that this is not remotely true! Do not tolerate this behaviour, tell him firmly "NO!" Don't be nice to him till he's good! ....
(Where did I gain these pearls of wisdom from, you ask? From Dr Hugh Worth, Oz president of the RSPCA on his regular session on ABC radio.... HE will breach
no such nonsense! from cats & dogs, particularly those who think they have more authority than their owners! I wouldn't
dare ring him for advice, myself! He's too scary! Actually he's hugely devoted to animals & their welfare, just big on not letting them rule the roost. "YOU are the top cat/dog, Madam!", he bellows.)
So, does that help, or do you feel as pathetic & intimidated as I do when faced with this sort of advice from Dr Hugh?