The CAT room!

Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 02:42 am
BorisKitten wrote:

.... but a cat's love is sometimes more precious to me than a dog's, since cats are more picky about owners.

I think cats make judgments about people, whether they are good people or not, and if your cat loves you, it's because you love them back, not because you feed them. Dogs are more... slavish? Less judgmental about their owners? Something like that.

Anyway, cat love is great therapy! But you all know that already.

I agree totally

Paddy is himself's cat - he's the first cat we've had who didn't pick me as favourite - so himself is loving it! I'm useful for opening doors and stuff and the occasional bit of fuss but he reckons I'm Rosie's.

I think Rosie's reaction to him was so extreme when he arrived that I didn't get chance to bond with him for constantly having to reassure and rescue her.

They get on so well now it's lovely to see - yesterday she was asleep in the armchair and he sat looking up at her, jumped up, washed the top of her head, which she put up with in a contented sort of way - then couldn't resist starting a playfight and wrestling, she then wrapped her paws around him and washed the top of his head. That was absolutely unimaginable in her hissing, spitting, terrified of this awful-little-thing-we'd-brought-home days. She'd attack my hand just for having touched him if I then went to touch her.
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 03:03 am
Vivien, that's wonderful! Peace in our time! Very Happy
I love the way that animals groom each other & respond affectionately toward each other. Your Paddy & Rosie tales make me sorry that I'm a one critter person these days .... Sad
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 08:06 am
I remember the early Paddy & Rosie stories! So glad to hear they've learned to get along (or even love each other)! Have you any more recent Paddy pictures, or are they posted in another thread?

BK adores our dogs, running up to them and rubbing on them when he hasn't seen them in a bit. He loves to be "trimmed" by our 2 dogs, as all our cats do.

The dogs trim the cats like they're biting fleas from their own fur, so our cats are often covered in dog spit. It's so cute! And our dogs are Pit Bull mixes, 70 and 80 lbs each, not little lap dogs.

In fact, the cats get along better with the dogs than they do with each other. My 2 outdoor cats sometimes slap each other's faces in disgust. They don't fight to injury, just an occasional annoyed smack, like roommates arguing over which way the toilet paper goes.

We often find ourselves saying things parents say, like, "Don't pick on your sister!" or, "I don't care who started it!" But they're so cute when they're all snuggled up together!
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 10:09 am
Misti26 wrote:
Urs, can't wait to hear all about your gathering!

Where is BD these days? Haven't seen him in ages:)

Hi Misti! The gathering was great. It was so good to see Diane and Bob again and to meet Clary, Walter, C.I. and McTag - and of course Mrs. Walter whose name is Ursula :-)

We had some connection problems the last couple of days - but other than that I don't know what BD's up to when I am not home... ;-) Probably cuddling with Nisse and Mysan...
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 01:01 pm
msolga wrote:
Your Paddy & Rosie tales make me sorry that I'm a one critter person these days .... Sad

But MsOlga - I'm sure you can think of some advantages: 1 set of vet's bills, one lot of food; only one critter racing across the bed at 3am, instead of a herde of foraging wildebeest (mind you, even 1 critter at 3.30am is too many - I'm never going to get back to a sensible sleep pattern!)

But - 2 kitties would be great. Wanna nother cat! (Possum-cat knows I'm writing about him - he's just come in and bounced about the keyboard - at 5am, he has far too much energy!)
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 02:56 pm
I love having two cats. What a sight - Nisse climbs up the carpeted wall, Mysan follows and bites his butt :-)

I go to bed, turn out the light, Mysan settles in next to me, Nisse across my feet.

Early morning, BigDice, urs and Mysan are asleep - Nisse throws books out of the book shelves and starts reading - I guess...

And at the moment I don't see either one of them...
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Reply Fri 13 May, 2005 09:31 pm
I wish I could have two cats too! Although, Paddy is a "ONE CAT[/i] household person. He doesn't like competition in any form.

I went to pick up Doug, my grandson, this evening and took Paddy with me ... he yacked all the way and makes it known he does not like the car ride, he's not going to get used to it, so let it go ... leave him home alone, he likes it that way.

I'm the one who feels sorry for him being home alone ... I'm the friggin' nut who wants him with me.

When my grandson got in the car and took over the wheel, Paddy settled down and was quiet all the way home ... the little bugger!
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Reply Sat 14 May, 2005 01:41 am
margo wrote:
msolga wrote:
Your Paddy & Rosie tales make me sorry that I'm a one critter person these days .... Sad

But MsOlga - I'm sure you can think of some advantages: 1 set of vet's bills, one lot of food; only one critter racing across the bed at 3am, instead of a herde of foraging wildebeest (mind you, even 1 critter at 3.30am is too many - I'm never going to get back to a sensible sleep pattern!)

But - 2 kitties would be great. Wanna nother cat! (Possum-cat knows I'm writing about him - he's just come in and bounced about the keyboard - at 5am, he has far too much energy!)

Yes, yes, margo .... It's the crazy hi jinx I miss. Sad Sure, it's chaotic but it's so much fun! Besides, I feel a critter is happiest with a companion of his own ilk, who keeps him happy when the wage slave is out working. (I refer to critters as "he" because I have a he!)
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Reply Sat 14 May, 2005 08:04 am
BorisKitten wrote:
Some cats I've had have really loved me (I kin tell!), and some are more independent.

I know of what you speak, BK! Very Happy

My darling Rats (no longer with us Sad ) was one such critter. I think I've commented before, BK, about your Boris's uncanny resemblance to Rats?
Anyway, Ratcat was MY cat! Actually, my ex was the one who decided to keep him, after Rats was thrown over our fence. (As we already had 3 others, I was less than thrilled at the prospect of another one.) But it was me Rats adopted! He followed me everywhere. From the kitchen, to the lounge, to the bathroom, to the back yard, to putting out the garbage .... wherever I went, he went! All day long. No matter where I was sitting, he'd be right alongside me - my shadow! He was very skittish (having obviously been treated badly by the people who discarded him Evil or Very Mad) & would allow no one but me to pick him up. Sometimes he wouldn't even allow that! One of the things I really loved about him was his playful antics to gain my attention. If I wasn't paying enough attention to him, or was engrossed in something else, he'd think of something to draw my attention back to it's rightful place! ... Like causing me to run to the bathroom after a loud noise there .... only to find Rats sitting innocently next to a pile of shampoo, conditioner & other containers which had all mysteriously fallen off the shelf onto the floor. Or he'd anticipate what I was going to do next, having studied my movements very carefully!: Like, at just the time to wash my face before heading of to bed, I'd discover him sitting in the basin, waiting! Laughing He really sang for his supper, that one! I just adored him!
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Reply Sat 14 May, 2005 04:54 pm
Wonderful stories about Rats!

I share the house with an attention seeking time bomb, too! There's always something happening to get my attention.

I've rearranged my bedroom and study, and there's a bookcase in my bedroom. On it, in front of some books, sit 4 assorted bears. Each morning, at least one of those has hit the dust.

And there's other crashings, the food container, water dish, linen press door (prior to emptying out one of the shelves!), anything on the bedside table. I generally find it easier to get up when I'm told, rather than suffer the consequences (not to mention the bleeding!)

Most mornings, a stuffed cow comes into my bed and tells me to get up. It was Possum's first toy and he carries it around in his mouth still!

Ain't no such thing as sleeping in at casa margo! Even these weeks, when I'm still on sick leave - I have to get up at some unearthly hour Sad
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Reply Sat 14 May, 2005 05:36 pm

But wouldn't life be incredibly boring without these wicked creatures, margo? Very Happy I LOVE wicked critters who do these outrageous things! Worth their weight in gold in entertainment value. Oh, that naughty, naughty Possum cat! Bravo! More, more! Laughing
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Reply Sat 14 May, 2005 06:52 pm
I'd forgotten it was you, Msolga, who had Rats! I can't say enough good things about the (mixed) Russian Blue sorta cat. Boris is more loving than any other cat I've had... when I worked a 12-hour shift today, little guy needed a good 20 minutes of holding/carrying around to recover from the temporary loss of me.

Rats sounds like he was such a little love! Actually, I found Boris by going to the local animal shelter and picking up all the cats/kittens I was interested in.... the most lovey won the prize, little snuggle guy. Sounds as if you are in need of another cat (one just will not do)... what about a visit to your local animal shelter?

Boris just happens to be in whatever room I'm in, maybe licking his butt. He also taught me to throw his little mouse toys, rather than me teaching him to fetch. He's better at fetching (and dropping his mouse when he arrives) than any dog I've ever had. But his favorite activity is being carried about on my shoulder, purring like mad.

Margo, the little stuffed cow is just too cute to even talk about!
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Reply Sat 14 May, 2005 08:33 pm
You know guys, I'm not bragging but just thankful that Paddy, bless his heart, will lay beside me in bed, or at my feet, until I decide to get out of bed.

When I have to go to work, he talks me awake because he knows I'm prone to sleep late, so he keeps yacking until I get out of bed.

He knows all is well when I'm on my feet, open the porch door, open the front door so he can see the birds, get my coffee, and head back to the bedroom to get dressed.

In some ways, he's an angel!
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Reply Sun 15 May, 2005 02:41 am
Aw, Misti! :-)
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Reply Sun 15 May, 2005 02:54 am

I wanted to post a pic of Rats so's you could see the Boris-likeness. But, dammit, the thread is locked & I've forgotten my password, so I can't. I will, one day. You will be astonished! Very Happy
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Reply Sun 15 May, 2005 02:56 am
what lovely vivid stories - lovely image of stuffed cows being brought to bed Very Happy and the phrase about flatmates squabbling about which was to hang the toilet paper was brilliant! and cuddly companionable Boris and Nisse and Mysan and Flattie and Paddy are adorable. Mikey is of course unique!

I haven't got any very recent pictures of Paddy and Rosie - I've been so busy with getting paintings done/framed/labelled/delivered that I haven't had much time. I'll have to try to make time.

All these cats have such strong and different personalities.

Timmy was 'my' cat and knew instinctively when I wasn't well or was really unhappy and would snuggle up to me clearly concerned. He was also very independent and wouldn't tolerate any telling him not to do things - like jump up onto the TV with a heavy thump and lie there with his tails swinging in front of the screen - made him wag his tail to say 'don't tell me what to do'! One flick to begin with and if you had the cheek to keep telling him to get down it speeded up.

All our cats have known what 'what are you wagging that tail at me for?' means and respond by lashing it harder to make their point.

Rosie has been extra loving since my brief holiday - she stayed at home with himself who had to work. When I am out for long hours, like yesterday when I was gone for over 12 hours, she races to meet me and cuddles up happy that I'm home - aaah she's gorgeous! She's got the softest most beautiful fur to stroke and so comforting to hug.

I hope Miranda is still on the mend?
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Reply Sun 15 May, 2005 03:02 am
I was wondering where you were Vivian. As was Rosie, obviously! Very Happy
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Reply Sun 15 May, 2005 03:06 am
Misti26 wrote:
You know guys, I'm not bragging but just thankful that Paddy, bless his heart, will lay beside me in bed, or at my feet, until I decide to get out of bed.

When I have to go to work, he talks me awake because he knows I'm prone to sleep late, so he keeps yacking until I get out of bed.

He knows all is well when I'm on my feet, open the porch door, open the front door so he can see the birds, get my coffee, and head back to the bedroom to get dressed.

In some ways, he's an angel!


What a great team you & Paddy are! Very Happy
And to think, you've only recently discovered the wonderfulness of feline critters! All those wasted, lost cat-less years! What a shame! :wink:
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neko nomad
Reply Sun 15 May, 2005 07:52 pm
Nekochan has her personal space upon the top of a storage shelf in the basement(click the thumbnail):
http://sc.groups.msn.com/tn/9A/10/TheRavensRealm/7d/2039.jpg This spot comes with a view of her domain.

Added by edit May 21 -- Now Nekochan has a favorite personal space in her domain out back, and this morning I couldn't pass this view of her enjoying the shade of her little nook inside the wild rosebushes, away from the heat of blazing sunlight, without snapping a shot:

(click thumbnail)
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Reply Mon 16 May, 2005 01:41 am
Ah, how nice for neko! A room (sort of!) of her own! Very Happy And what a domain! Lucky, lucky critter! Very Happy

I know you'll all think I'm making up stories when I tell you this (having already made a fuss about Boris's remarkable resemblance to Rats) but neko nomad is EXACTLY identical to another of my fairly recently departed critters, Ms Mozzie. I've already commented about this to neko nomad (the person! Laughing ) But it's incredible. Every time I see a picture of neko (the cat) I think: "Ah, there's Mozzie!" Very Happy (Ms Mozzie lived to the grand old age of 18 & became quite cantakerous (sp?) in her old age, poor old possum!)
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