BorisKitten wrote:Some cats I've had have really loved me (I kin tell!), and some are more independent.
I know of what you speak, BK!
My darling Rats (no longer with us

) was one such critter. I think I've commented before, BK, about your Boris's uncanny resemblance to Rats?
Anyway, Ratcat was MY cat! Actually, my ex was the one who decided to keep him, after Rats was thrown over our fence. (As we already had 3 others, I was less than thrilled at the prospect of another one.) But it was me Rats adopted! He followed me everywhere. From the kitchen, to the lounge, to the bathroom, to the back yard, to putting out the garbage .... wherever I went, he went! All day long. No matter where I was sitting, he'd be right alongside me - my shadow! He was very skittish (having obviously been treated badly by the people who discarded him

) & would allow no one but me to pick him up. Sometimes he wouldn't even allow that! One of the things I really loved about him was his playful antics to gain my attention. If I wasn't paying enough attention to him, or was engrossed in something else, he'd think of something to draw my attention back to it's rightful place! ... Like causing me to run to the bathroom after a loud noise there .... only to find Rats sitting innocently next to a pile of shampoo, conditioner & other containers which had all mysteriously fallen off the shelf onto the floor. Or he'd anticipate what I was going to do next, having studied my movements very carefully!: Like, at just the time to wash my face before heading of to bed, I'd discover him sitting
in the basin, waiting!

He really sang for his supper, that one! I just adored him!