Reply Tue 7 Dec, 2004 12:36 pm
I have to disagree
Portal Star wrote:
The shot (I'm assuming you mean depo provera and not the birth control shot) works the second you get it.

i myself was on depro for one month when i got pregnant and i now sit here telling you this entering my second trimester.
depro is not effective immediately, i am assuming due to my experience.
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Reply Wed 8 Dec, 2004 06:46 pm
Deprovera - and it's major hang-ups
Here's my story.... I was on birth control pills to help reduce my heavy monthly flow (8 to 9 days long). I had a laporoscopic procedure done in 1982 after my 3rd child was born which cauterized my fallopian tubes - not your average tubal I'd say. Anyway, I'm now 44 and talked to my doctor last February about my menstrual cycle. She put me through an ultrasound which showed several large fibroids growing around my uterus and one larger one overtaking my entire uterus. To make a long story short, I took the BC pills to try to help the fibroids slow their growth; this didn't help. I had 3 options - one was a total hysterectomy, one was another out-patient surgery and the last was trying Deprovera. My first shot was in Sept 2004 and for the first 2 weeks, I had vaginal pain and breast pain. I started to spot around the 2nd week in October and continued to bleed every day (this stopped December 5th). I did have my 2nd shot at the end of November which I think is responsible for my stopping the bleed. However, I now am concerned about the fact that one of my breasts aches all the time. I don't know if the Deprovera is doing this or if it's just my body adjusting, but I can tell you I am concerned. My next step is going to have my annual mammogram to see if, in fact, I have a lump growing under my arm.
Hope this sheds some light on some of the concerns out there - my advice - don't wait for anything - see your doctor!
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Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2004 03:52 am
I was on the injection from 2001 after my second child was born. I didn't think i had many side afftects, my weight remained stable for about a year and i could lose any that i put on. I didn't get any bleeding which i thought was great at the time. But then I lost my sex drive completely, I thought my hair loss was still due to having a baby (apparantly that can carry on up to 4 years after birth) although i am not balding just shedding a lot and my hair is very dry and coarse (anyone else have that?)
I only came off the injection because i was late for my doctors appointment so they said i would have to wait for a period before my next injection, that nurse did me a huge favour!
I haven't had an injection since February 2004 and i haven't had a period, the last bleed i had was for a day in Feb 2003. I have broken up with my partner and i still feel not desire for sex. I overeat because i feel hungry constantly and i am lethargic, i am depressed, but i have kind of always been that way. I went to my doctors to ask him when he thought my period would come, as i am worried about what kind of effects it must be having on my body if i still haven't had a period even though the injections have stopped. He kind of giggled and said its one of those things that come with time. Helpful!
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Reply Sat 15 Jan, 2005 03:02 pm

okay i have been on the shot for just over a year and 4 months na and have been notcing a change in me like my mood swings are really bad and im gettin very emoitional sometime as well but i only get like that when they shot wears off or i get the signs of being preganate ... has anyone else gone through the same thing and is they did what did they do ... i also hear that the shot can make you depressed and i have never really noticed it with me till now and the stress attacks ... so if anyone else is going through this let me know or have any suggestions cause i cant go back on the pill cause i got cysts

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Reply Thu 17 Feb, 2005 05:28 pm
Depro really is fantastic!
Ive been on depro for 2 years now and it is fantastic! I will rave about it to anyone who will listen! In two years i've had 6 days spotting at most and the only side affect i suffer from is mood swing but that is only in the last 2-3 weeks before my next shot is due. But an easy way to get around that is to bring my next shot date forward.

As for comming off it, at the moment, i can't even imagine going back to having periods. This thing really has made a massive difference in my life.
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nm max
Reply Thu 17 Feb, 2005 09:19 pm
bleeding won't stop!!!
I have been on birth control since i've been 16. i am currently 20 and started with the deprovera shots last may 2004. the whole first month i bled every day. the second month i bled almost every make this quicker...i have bled every sinlge month since ive been on the shot with a few lucky days when there would be no bleeding at all. i've had about 6 shots now and i'm reallly thinking about getting off the shot and using a different form of birth control. i am worried that this is not normal and unhealthy..i've done research on the shot and haven't heard any stories that i can relate to. i would really like to know if any other females are having this same problem! sometimes the blood is thick and brown..i told my doctor this and she said it was because the blood was old...and sometimes i'll go 5 days without bleeding, then i'll have sex and i'll bleed...i am lucky to have a wonderful boyfriend that puts up with it and still is faithful to me...but it is a drag, it really sucks that through half of out relationship i bleed every time we have sex! i have no gained any weight...i actually have lost 10 pounds since i've been on the hair loss....i don't even know when to expect my monthly period anymore...i'm tired all of the time and i'm afraid that i may be anemic. the whold reason i got on the shot was to STOP THE BLEEDING....frustrated and confused...please help me!
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nm max
Reply Thu 17 Feb, 2005 09:31 pm
i agree!
dudek wrote:
Well I just want to say that I had the depo shot after my daughter was born and six months after I was still bleeding so I stopped the shot. So then I was bleeding for six more months once I stopped, so I bled for 1 whole year and it was awful. Also I did want to be intimate with my opinion don't take the shot

i have almost bled for a year straight also! i dont have any kids, and go a few days out of the month when i won't bleed. i haven't heard of anyone experiencing the same symptoms as me
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nm max
Reply Thu 17 Feb, 2005 09:31 pm
i agree!
dudek wrote:
Well I just want to say that I had the depo shot after my daughter was born and six months after I was still bleeding so I stopped the shot. So then I was bleeding for six more months once I stopped, so I bled for 1 whole year and it was awful. Also I did want to be intimate with my opinion don't take the shot

i have almost bled for a year straight also! i dont have any kids, and go a few days out of the month when i won't bleed. i haven't heard of anyone experiencing the same symptoms as me
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Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2005 11:46 am
deprovera yuck..
I was on depo for 9 months..and then I went off of it because I started having really really bad stomach pains -mixture of cramps and upset the time of the month..however without the bleeding. Also, I started having really bad mood swings.. The littles thing would make me cry.. which isn't like me at all..

So, I don't think the shot is good either!
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Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2005 12:34 pm
depo non stop bleeding
nm_max, I have been having the same problem only I have only been on the shot for 6 months. I am due for a 3rd shot this week but I have been bleeding almost the entire month. I have heard from many sources that the 3rd shot is when most women stop bleeding but i don't know if I want to risk it. I really don't want to have my period anymore, that is why i started the shot. if anyone has an opinions on the 3rd shot, I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm trying to decide to go back on the pill or get another shot.
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Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2005 02:26 am
Well i guess the depo is different for everyone and everything but ive been on it since may of 2003 and i love it.. i dont ever get my period, i havnt gained a single pound and no depression or anything.. i havnt had any of the side affects.. and im very happy about this.. but im not saying that i would recomend the shot to anyone it has to be that persons decision.. and it should be based on their own feelings about it.. they shouldnt be scared away from it or have it rammed into their head that its this great thing either.. i just think that because people have had a bad experience with it they need to remember that it is different with everyone just like any other drug thats out there.. Smile
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shorty 49
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2005 12:40 pm
my expirence with depo
my experience has been a great one...i started depo after my first child in may of 1999, took it until march of 2002, then got off of it because we wanted another child. i got pregnant in may of 2003, after having about 4 regular periods. had baby, got back on it march 2004. i've never had hair loss, weight gain, weird symptoms. once in a while i do feel weepy, but i think thats normal just being a woman! i did bleed very lightly for about four months when i was on it in 99 and for about two months when i got back on in 04. in october 2004, i had a period, but i was due to get my shot the next week. in november and december of 2004, i also had a small period that lasted a day each. haven't had any other bleeding besides that.
i got my last injection yesterday and i feel fine. the gyno has waned me a bout the bone density scare though if you are on it for over two years, so i either can stay on it until march 2006 and then try something else, or if i want to stay on it i can but have to take calcuim and fit da supplements. i am thinking about trying the mirena IUD...has anyone here tried it or is there a forum like this one on marina? i am 26 and was figuring if i do want another child by the time i am 30, i should probably try something else and get off the shot since it took me longer last time to get pregnant. then again, i may not want another child! i haven't decided yet, but id like to know how effective marina is and if you can feel it...kinda scares me to get periods back! i do like the shot and i do recommend trying it, if you don't like it, don't take it again, it is different for everyone...the pill is the same way, my sister went thru 5 different types of pills before she found one that didn't make her bleed, and thats scary also!
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Reply Tue 29 Mar, 2005 07:15 am
Deprovera Injection
I have been on the deprovera injections for over 10 years. I went on it straight after I had my first child, came off it after a year, fell pregnant then went back on it straight after the birth.

I have a weight issue but that is due to me eating too much of the wrong foods (CHOCOLATE & takeaways!!) I do not put it down to the injection.

My sex drive is dramtically less (Hubby used to call me a nympho) but until reading the posts about the deprovera I did not associate it with my injection, I tought it was all to do with having two children....

Whilst on the injection I do not get any form of spotting or period, which is a joy as I suffered with very heavy and painful periods.

I have no intention of coming off the injection in the near future as it works 100% for me, I am no good at remembering tablets etc which would probably end up with me expecting an addition to the family..NO THANK YOU!!!!!

You need to weigh up all the pro and cons as it effects everyone differently.

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Reply Tue 12 Apr, 2005 10:56 pm
I haven't had the shot... I heard a very scary story from a co-worker who was taking the shots.... She had been on them for 2 injections and then she passed a massive clot. She took it to the ER and they 'studied' it or whatever they do, and it was a miscarriage... a baby that had been inside of her, dead for quite some time. Because of her injections, her uterus did not get rid of it like a normally menstruating woman would miscarriage... (meaning she had no period for like 6 months) Right there I was scared out of it -- she could have gotten some freaky infection! No thanks!

I know it is different for everyone -- and everyone should make their own choices (and of course your Dr. should be the one to advise you) but hearing stories like that one sure can scare you into just getting a IUD. (Which is what I have, but of course other people have had problems with them too -- my MIL had 2 kids even though she had an IUD -- clearly it didn't work for her! Smile

ANyway, just wanted to share! Smile

Oh yeah, and BTW - I gained about 50 lbs while on the pill... so it definitely isn't just a shot thing --- but lucky for me, since getting my IUD the only thing that isn't cool is the VERY HEAVY (and I mean VERY HEAVY) flow every month -- that is weird for me because growing up I was a 2day/month light flow kinda girl.
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Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2005 07:15 am
My Story: Good and Bad
I have been reading this board since getting off the shot. I had been on it for almost 3 1/2 years and loved every day of it. Until I started to do heavy research on it. In my findings I found out that it can cause many different things and many of which I realized I was suffering from, chronic migraines, depression, extreme weight gain and many more things.
I started the shot when I was 17 because I was told by my doctor that I was unable to function at a normal level when I was on my period (when I would start all I could do was lay in bed a vomit, HORRIBLE cramps, which was caused because each ovary released an egg each period instead of just one) he told me that basically because of my age my only option after trying many different pills was to eliminate the period all together. Being 17 and hearing that was GREAT NEWS! What 17 year old wouldn't love that? So we started, my first year I LOST 35 lbs. it was great, I never felt hungry, never had spotting NOTHING! Well after 1 ½ years my doctor told me that he wanted me to skip a shot and cycle through to make sure everything was still fine so we did, when I got back on, things took a horrible turn for the worst, I bleed for 5 months straight, no matter how much I ate I was ALWAYS hungry, I had horrible mood swings, and migraines. Now 1 ½ years later I made a decision to take myself off of it, I have gained 43 lbs on top of the 35 I gained back. After gaining nearly 78 lbs in 1 ½ years and only being 20 years old I cant look at myself in the mirror any more. I have yet to start my period again and I have been off of it for almost 5 months, hopefully it will come back soon so I can get back to normal! I had my doctor put me back on the pill and hopefully I can loose some of this weight I have gained.
I know that everyone has a different experience on the shot but I hope more girls do their research before starting this medication, it sounds great at first, no period and all but and can cause a lot worse than just bleeding for a couple of days a month. Confused
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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 08:50 pm
im about to start on depo, and now i read this and im scared. Confused

my doctor said i should give it a try. i think i will.
my doctor also said to take a calcium & vitamin D supplement, b/c the shot might dimish the amount of calcium & vit. D. im just letting you guys know that just in case you're going on the shot, too.

as soon as i start i will keep you guys updated about everything.

wish me luck Sad
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Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 08:19 am
i was on depo for a little under a year. during that time i had a constant period. not kidding it was everyday for 9 months. doc told me it would stop after the 2nd shot but it didn't. i also gained 20lbs during that time (amazingly i met my husband when i first started getting the shot and he still married me! must be love). i have also been on the much stronger Depo Lupron, which i don't suggest to anyone unless you medically need it. i had severe endometriosis and lupron puts you in menopause it is so strong. to mbvs8879, i have heard (now this is not a scientific thing) that calcium can reduce the effictiveness of BC (a friend of mine got pregnant on BC and her doctor attributed it to taking calcium supplements). not sure how reliable that is, but if your doc told you to take it, i would assume its ok. i have also heard many great stories about depo provera so good luck to anyone taking it!
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Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 12:21 am
hey everybody
im new to this page i have poly cystic ovarian syndrome im 16 yrs old and sexually active not meaning everyday but at least like once a month or everyother month i dont even know if that is sexually active it's sometimes more it changes ive been with 2 guys im on the lupron injection i use condoms with one of them but tonight i didnt with the other he normally pulls out but this time he did but got a little in my im sure this is an over share but im worried i was told that lupron is a form of bc now i find out that it isnt so im scared ive been on it for like 4 months so it's not like it's my first shot and before that i was on deprovera but like i said im kinda worried and words of encouragement or someone to talk to would be gr8 thanks my name is stephanie by the way
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Reply Sun 15 May, 2005 09:27 pm
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Reply Mon 16 May, 2005 07:54 am
peaches, you are on the lupron shot? if you are, lupron puts you in medical menopause meaning, you should not be able to get pregnant since your body would not be ovulating. lupron is generally used to shut down your reproductive system and it sounds like in your case, your ovaries are producing multiple cysts. i have a problem with cysts but not multiple per ovary. have you gotten a period since you started getting the lupron shot? also important is to take calcium supplements since lupron generally causes medical menopause potentially causing some osteoporosis.

my bigger concern for you is STDs. lupron doesn't protect against that. i would encourage you to use condoms no matter what more to protect you from HIV/HPV/ etc. than pregnancy since being on lupron should prevent the pregnancy. even if he pulls out you can still be subjected to many STDs.
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