Re: Mobile phone transmitter health fears
Walter Hinteler wrote:I'm just wondering why those previously quite often articulated fears seem to have diminished now?
Because these fears have been tested in several rigorous clinical studies, and none of them supported the hypothesis that these installations actually pose health risk. (There have been non-rigorous studies that did find harm -- studies with small sample sizes, insufficient control for other factors, etc. But the alleged problem disappeared as soon as they were re-examined with proper studies.
Walter Hinteler wrote:]Did we get used to the "new" technology that we don't question it anymore?
No. It's just that the answer to the repeated questioning is that no harm could be demonstrated.
Walter Hinteler wrote:Were the results sufficient enough that we really don't have to fear anything?
Depends on what you call sufficient. Since you can never prove a negative, sufficiently paranoid, er, cautious people will never be satisfied with the available evidence.
Walter Hinteler wrote:What are your ideas about that ... and how is/was the discussion going on where you live?
Basically, there is no discussion going on anymore here in Munich -- fortunately, given the quality of the discussions in the past.