The topology of the Universe (versus the visible "Hubble sphere") can't be known by our science.
If the entire Universe was created by a Big Bang, inflation is necessary and inflation means you can never find a centre, because inflation split spacetime into many, many components where each is casually dis-connected from all the others.
By very limited analogy, imagine the big bang like a grenade going off - where the explosion fragments the shell casing into only four equal pieces radiating outwards. Now each piece has a discrete velocity, but more importantly this object is being carried away by spacetime which during inlation is unfolding 50,000 times faster than lightspeed itself. This momentary kick start means that after inflation finishes none of the four pieces can ever see, or in any ways experience each other. Light can never travel through spacetime fast enough to catch up with the initial jet boost that was inflation.
Now scale that up to a big bang - and instead of 4 pieces imagine trillions of components broke off and seperated from each other. Each component is expanding in its own island reality. Lets say you live in component number 12,365,693: what is the shape of the universe and where was the original epicentre of the explosion?
No one could ever know under the physics of relativity.