akaMechsmith wrote:Ican, re "for the porposes of this post"
Game's on again? Sheeezzz!
games on
We are playing the game of
possibility and not the game of
probability. Consequently, the only test any of my assertions have to meet is that it be
possible. Show me they are
certainly not possible.
0. "Nope, not shown" You're correct, but it is nevertheless
possibly true.
1. "Nope, ... not shown". You're correct, but it is nevertheless
possibly true.
2. Not shown, but it is nevertheless
possibly true.
You should have quit when you were ahead. :wink:
akaMechsmith wrote:It just can't help it- nor does it have any intelligence with which to wish to do those things. (Dumb ol'e God, any ways)
(Now it's my turn)
Nope, not shown.
3. Not shown, but it is nevertheless
possibly true.
akaMechsmith wrote:Some rocks go to the ocean and make sand, some rocks stay home and make mountains. Nor do they seem to have any particular desires as to their future employment. Extrapolate to galaxies- Minipolate (like that

to quarks. Works about the same way.
Nope, not shown.
4. Not shown, but it is nevertheless
possibly true.
akaMechsmith wrote:Counsels" those it has evolved". Implies a goal. No goal can be shown, present company excepted of course, and that shows a lack of imagination on Gods part.
Nope, not shown.
5. Not shown, but it is nevertheless
possibly true.
akaMechsmith wrote: Welcome to infinity
Nope, not shown.
I didn't say how long it will persist. I figure a finite number of years greater than 10 billion is enough to warrant
akaMechsmith wrote: Unnumbered statements in order.
We don't know this but I'll settle for probably, perhaps.
Game off, Nope Everything is to it.

Nope, not shown, but as you imply (
possibly), it's all
possibly probable or
probably possible.
akaMechsmith wrote: Frankly I prefer the Greek word "Cosmos". If we use the word "God" as a synonym for Cosmos we get into all sorts of religious difficulties. That word has been pretty well pre-empted by those who prefer not to observe.
You see, God is usually thought of trancending the Cosmos, making "Choices" and thinking dirty thoughts. Somehow I don't think the circumcision of random interactions is of much concern to a rock. But thats only my opinion. If you think the Cosmos cares if we lop the foreskin off of a Jewish baby boy then we can debate it on another thread.
So now back to the definitions hallowed by use and outlined in my "Websters Third New International Dictionary.
I hope that restrictions will not be too onerous.

I prefer
www.m-w.com It is more easily accessed.
Main Entry: 1god
Pronunciation: 'gäd also 'god
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German got god
Date: before 12th century
1 capitalized : the supreme or ultimate reality: as a : the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshiped as creator and ruler of the universe b Christian Science : the incorporeal divine Principle ruling over all as eternal Spirit : infinite Mind
2 : a being or object believed to have more than natural attributes and powers and to require human worship; specifically : one controlling a particular aspect or part of reality
3 : a person or thing of supreme value
4 : a powerful ruler
Nope not shown.
Possibly these definitions are
probably true! :wink:
Main Entry: cos·mos
Pronunciation: 'käz-m&s, 1 and 2 also -"mOs, -"mäs
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek kosmos
Date: 1650
1 a (1) : an orderly harmonious systematic universe -- compare CHAOS (2) : ORDER, HARMONY b : UNIVERSE 1
2 : a complex orderly self-inclusive system
3 plural cosmos /-m&s, -m&z/ also cosmoses /-m&-s&z/ [New Latin, genus name, fr Greek kosmos] : any of a genus (Cosmos) of tropical American composite herbs; especially : a widely cultivated tall annual (C. bipinnatus) with yellow or red disks and showy ray flowers
Nope, not shown.
Possibly these definitions are
probably true!
Main Entry: cir·cum·ci·sion
Pronunciation: "s&r-k&m-'si-zh&n, 's&r-k&m-"
Function: noun
Date: 12th century
1 a : the act of circumcising; especially : a Jewish rite performed on male infants as a sign of inclusion in the Jewish religious community b : the condition of being circumcised
2 capitalized : January 1 observed as a church festival in commemoration of the circumcision of Jesus
Main Entry: cir·cum·cise
Pronunciation: 's&r-k&m-"sIz
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -cised; -cis·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin circumcisus, past participle of circumcidere, from circum- + caedere to cut
Date: 13th century
: to cut off the prepuce of (a male) or the clitoris of (a female)
- cir·cum·cis·er noun
Main Entry: pre·puce
Pronunciation: 'prE-"pyüs
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin praeputium
Date: 15th century
: FORESKIN; also : a similar fold investing the clitoris
- pre·pu·tial /prE-'pyü-sh&l/ adjective
Main Entry: cli·to·ris
Pronunciation: 'kli-t&-r&s, kli-'tor-&s
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural cli·to·ris·es also cli·to·ri·des /kli-'tor-&-"dEz/
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek kleitoris
Date: 1615
: a small erectile organ at the anterior or ventral part of the vulva homologous to the penis
- cli·to·ral /'kli-t&-r&l/ or cli·tor·ic /kli-'tor-ik, -'tär-/ adjective
T' hell with it! I ain't goin' to show nuttin' to nobody no way -- exceptin'
possibly my wife
game's off possibly.