Ican Re your post of Aug 25, 10:10AM
"There is a problam here--- Naah, No Problem.
First-- "Luck" of the draw.
Second-- Many more decks of cards (genomes) on the table.
Example, to wit.
Before Dinosaurs there were probably no animicules specialized to handle Dinosaur manure. 130 million years later there were.
Lets go play BINGO at the fire hall. On the way I'll tell you a story.
A dirty little story, I believe it to be true and factual. Due to my lifes experiences I think that it is probably true.
A large multi stomached grazing ruminant (Cattle, Elk, Moose,Bison, Buffalo etc. in one year will place cowpies covering an area about equal to the ground that it requires for forage. In Africa and the American West a well developed "eco system" disposes of that manure (recycles it) within twenty minutes to one year thus freeing up the land and nutrients which otherwise would be covered in poop. Since no animal can survive in its own waste (a principle of winemaking with yeasts) this makes the maximum amount of forage availiable for the migratory gnus and caribu.
A non migratory elephants poop disappears in about twenty minutes in their normal environment.
In Australia a cowpie lasts about seven years severely limiting the amount of land availiable for forage. (until humans fairly recently imported a species of bacteria capable of helping with the disposal problem). This bacteria does not live in the cow but it must live with the cow. Thus this bacteria was not availiable till there were cows.
So because there were dinosaurs there were genomes around that were not there before the dinosaurs.
I realize that this is a really shitty arguement.
To your next comment. Maybe cockroaches contain a modicum of the Intelligence that we call "life". Also Prions, viruses and probably others we haven't noticed.
Directed chance, Nope not without a director
Selected chance I could live with. The Selector being the simple life force I mentioned earlier.
Or perhaps its just natural selection.
That would be infinite (if the Cosmos is), Eternal (same reservation)
Supreme ( all encompassing with the same reservation). The prime mover with respect to intelligence.
Whatever we call it IMO it screws up probability theory something awful. Probably past recovery. Just as the realization that "time" must always move faster than light has screwed up my "red shift" calculations. For now
Now lets play Bingo. We are kind of early but the caller is willing to call for just the two of us to warm up. Straight game, no free corners etc.
A rhetorical question----
Now- What are the average number of calls that he must make each game with only our two cards out? With ten cards out? with fifty cards, with a hundred cards, with all possible cards out.
I think that we may have found God but I have always been afraid that neither Moses or Pat Robertson would recognize Him.

He is calling Bingo games.
