A person who asserts that no matter how one defines God, GOD, god, gods, that person will not know if they exist or not, is implying the following:
A person who asserts that no matter how one defines anything, that person will not know if that thing exists or not, is implying that they probably cannot know anything for certain.
That's ok by me. I think I don't know anything for certain. I simply gamble on my judgment of the probability that some things are true and some other things are not true.
There are more than a moogol things one can, if one chooses, define as God, GOD, god, gods (e.g., quarks to queens, golfballs to galaxies, ureters to universes, keys to keyboards, pencils to pontificators).
There is a doctrine called animism.
Merriam Webster
Main Entry: an·i·mism
Pronunciation: 'a-n&-"mi-z&m
Function: noun
Etymology: German Animismus, from Latin anima soul
Date: 1832
1 : a doctrine that the vital principle of organic development is immaterial spirit
2 : attribution of conscious life to objects in and phenomena of nature or to inanimate objects
3 : belief in the existence of spirits separable from bodies
- an·i·mist /-mist/ noun
- an·i·mis·tic /"a-n&-'mis-tik/ adjective
There are some animists for which things of various kinds are gods, god, GOD, or God.
So, do I know for certain that a keyboard is or is not god, gods, GOD, or God? Nope!
Does anyone here think a keyboard is god, gods, GOD, or God?
Does anyone here think a keyboard is not god, gods, GOD, or God?
Does anyone else here think they have insufficient valid data to warrant a guess one way or the other?