ican711nm wrote:Frank Apisa wrote:
Actually, I think anything is possible whether the universe is finite or infinite.
Ok! But you are not certain!
Me certain!!! You haven't had a go at the sacramental wine, have you? :wink:
Quote:Frank Apisa wrote: However, in this particular instance, I would have thought you would realize I was specifically meaning, "anything is possible" with regard to your contentions about getting from point "a" to "where we are now" without INTELLIGENT guidance -- which is why the paragraph refers to that issue.
Ok! But again you are not certain!
Me certain twice??? Jeez. I hope that was rhetorical.
Quote:Frank Apisa wrote: However, if it is important to where you are going with this Ican, I am certainly willing to add wording to the effect..."it is my impression or my guess that..." or "I think that" – if it is important. I feel, though, that my wording of "...is almost a dead certainty" pretty much establishes that sense of things.
"almost a dead certainty"

Ok! But again you are not certain!
This is getting boring!
Quote:Frank Apisa wrote: I don't need any data. It definitely is my guess – my sense – my thinking.
I disagree!

Surely you recognize that data can enhance or detract from the probability that what you think is actually true or false.
Read the reply again. You are wrong. I am commenting on what I am thinking. I need no data other than thinking it. It has absolutely nothing to do with whether what I am thinking is true or false. It is what I am thinking.
Quote:Frank Apisa wrote: Not at all! You are not really thinking here, Ican. Your logic is sloppy. That is not like you.
We are talking about what it "possibly" could be.
What specifically are you saying that it cannot possibly be?
My logic is probably impecable.
If the truth (albeit, not known for certain to us) were that A is true in OOU, then it is not possible for NOT A to be true in OOU.
IF Queen Elizabeth had balls, she'd be King of England! My guess is your logic IS impeccable - but not impeccable. :wink:
In any case, I figured you would go to one of those "Can God make a rock so large he can't lift it" kinds of things.
Don't you ever wise up?
Obviously there is an Ultimate Reality -- and that is the only thing that IS and the only thing that CAN BE.
But in a discussion of this kind, if I have to go through all that in order to clarify a statement like "Anything is possible" it is because the person I am debating is "content free."
This is like the nonsense that suggests I do not know what name is on my driver's license.
What do you get out of this kind of stuff, Ican?
Quote:In summary, to say that anything is possible, because WE cannot know for certain what is or is not possible...
That statement makes no sense. Bake it a bit more and then serve it. I'll deal with it then.
Quote:... is a content free statement. It provides zero guidance for us with regard to what is probably true.
I am sure you will serve up plenty of what you consider to be "probably true" -- and I can PROBABLY write the stuff for you since I've heard it so many times. I can PROBABLY even make the subtle changes that are sure to be there. And since you will serve up so much, my lack of contribution in that department will not be a serious problem.
Quote: It serves only to deny that we are capable of judging correctly what criteria shall more effectively guide our thinking, our aspirations, and our actions. It serves only to stifle individual effort to know and do the right thing.
Well it also serves to tell the truth about the situation -- without all the guesses that sometimes get pulled out of the air -- or are manufactured in tortured reasoning and misuse of probability.
I think that's important. Don't you?
Quote:After all, application of your point of view makes it seem possible that anything we choose to do is the right thing! That approach to life on this planet is probably unproductive. Check the data!
I don't really think so, Ican. I think you are simply bothered by people who do not know the answers to certain questions - and who just acknowledge that they do not know. You would prefer, or so it seems, that they do the kind of thing you do.
I will not do that. I consider it illogical and unethical.