Phoenix32890 wrote:Legzlover - Once you posted pictures of her on the internet, you have taken your fantasy out of the "thinking" to the "doing" stage. I agree with Jane that you are travelling a rocky road. It does not sound that your wife is too cool with this.....................seems to me that she is indulging you, up to a point. I also get the sense that you are acting in an extremely self centered manner, with little concern about your wife's feelings.
You have been with this woman for 26 years. At fifty two, you are probably going through a bit of a mid-life crisis. If you don't want to screw up what you have, I would suggest that you back off, and keep your fantasies between you and your wife, and in your home. As soon as another person enters the mix, there could be all sorts of ramifications, some that that might cause the death knell of your marriage.
I can honestly understand what you are saying, but believe me (or my wife) I am by no means a self centered person, especially when it comes to my wife. There isn't a thing I wouldn't do for her (even die) so as much as you may think that's the type of person I am, I would have to disagree.
That said however, I can see why you would accuse me of that, so no hard feelings from me.
Let's face it, if I was a self centered person, I wouldn't be trying to understand this problem by going on a public forum such as this and opening myself up for ridicule. Truth is, I care very much about my wife, and her feelings. I would never, and I mean "NEVER" do anything to scar her emotionally and of course physically. She is my very best friend, and I plan on staying with her to my last breath. I agree that she is a bit reluctant about doing this, but all she has to do is give me a definite no, and it will stop there. If the role were reverse, or if she asked me to do something that I found hard to do, I am almost positive I would do it for her if I knew it meant that much to her, regardless of what it was. As long as it's legal and doesn't have anything to do with little kids, I would probably do anything she would ask.
Obviously, from what I've said so far, it seems that I'm more open sexually than my wife, yet, my wife is usually more often than none the aggressor sexually speaking. In fact, when we met all those years ago, it was her that made the play for me, as I was just to damn bashful. Plus I never would have thought such a lovely woman would want to have anything to do with the likes of me, especially back then. Somehow she saw through me and was really the only true person in my life that ever seem to know and understand me.
I guess the best thing to do is to continue speaking openly to my wife about this problem and see what happens. I am a firm believer of couples who can have honest open communication. After that, I'll respect her decision either way. I was just basically curious to see if any other men (or women) had this kind of problem and how they handled it.
Thank you all for your opinions.